Ann Coulter says 'the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot'

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Ann Coulter is a loud mouthed asshole and obnoxious RWW. However, to her credit, she is true to her principles.

Even she knows what kind of dipshittery is afoot with DOTUS, and unlike her co-author of the last shutdown (Sean Hannity), she's got the ganas to say it.

Do you agree with her?

Ann Coulter says 'the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot'

Ann Coulter is taking her criticism of President Trump to the next level following his national emergency declaration, with the conservative commentator declaring Friday, "the country is over."

Coulter hammered Trump in a Friday interview with KABC after he announced he would sign Congress' funding deal and declare a national emergency. "The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot," she said, per Mediaite. She also fumed that Trump is just "fooling the rubes" with this national emergency declaration.

The root of Coulter's criticism isn't that Trump is bypassing Congress, as she argued that Trump never needed Congress to build the wall at all. Instead, she suggested the president is actually "hoping" the national emergency declaration will just be blocked by the courts "because for some reason, he really doesn't want to build the wall."

On Twitter, Coulter said that responsibility for the border wall deal, which the president has said he is unhappy with, is "100% his," and she responded to Trump saying in his press conference that he barely knows Coulter by writing, "THANK YOU, Mr. President for admitting that your total capitulation on campaign promises has nothing to do with me."

Don't expect this criticism from Coulter to slow down anytime soon, considering she told KABC that she is "going to spend the rest of my columns denouncing the president, for the rest of my life."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Those of you praising Trump's balls ought to pull your heads out and look at the bigger picture.

Coulter's criticism of Big Balls DOTUS has said what most of us on ECCIE can't really say without insulting other members.

"Will somebody please primary this guy?"

This is a developing story. Please stay tuned!


Conservative political commentator and author Ann Coulter railed against President Trump on Thursday night as he prepared to declare a national emergency to build his border wall, tweeting that such a move was intended to “scam the stupidest people in his base.”

Coulter, a confidant of Trump who turned against him last month after his surprising move to reopen government without any border funds, quote-tweeted Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz’s post that “the goal of a national emergency is to end illegal immigration and cartel smuggling.”

Horowitz wrote that 100 to 200 miles of fencing “will not do” and that unaccompanied minors “will come anywhere including points of entry and not only get amnesty for themselves but for those here.”

Coulter disagreed.

“No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years,” she tweeted.

The goal of a national emergency is to end illegal immigration and cartel smuggling. Building 100-200 miles of fencing gradually will not do it. With this new amnesty,they UACs will come anywhere including points of entry and not only get amnesty for themselves but for those here.

In a separate tweet, she added, “The goal is to get Trump's stupidest voters to say ‘HE'S FIGHTING!’ No he's not. If he signs this bill, it's over.”

Trump was set to declare a national emergency mid-afternoon Friday, aimed at securing about $6.5 billion to build the border wall, his biggest campaign promise. He planned to sign spending legislation averting another government shutdown during the same event, slated to take place in the White House Rose Garden.

Hours before Trump’s planned announcement, Coulter reiterated her stance that he should not declare a national emergency.

“There ARE no emergency powers to build the wall if Trump signs this bill,” she tweeted. “It's like signing a confession - then immediately appealing it.”

She added, “Throw a rock and you'll hit someone with more common sense than the people Trump has surrounded himself with.”

Throughout the recent negotiations with Democrats about border security, Trump has continued to appeal to his base. He held a rally for his supporters in El Paso, Texas on Monday, during which he falsely stated that the border city went from being one of the most dangerous to safest municipalities in the country after a barrier was built at the border.

But Trump’s plan did not surprise Coulter. In an interview on the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery early this month, she predicted that Trump would go ahead with the declaration.

“I think he’s finally going to pull that pocket Constitution out of his lapel pocket and, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m the president. This is great,’” she said at the time.

Coulter voiced disapproval for the bipartisan deal that Trump agreed to, that provides $1.375 billion for 55 miles of wall, because it falls short of his original demand.

“Will someone please primary this guy?” she tweeted late
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Only 3 in 10 Americans think Trump should have called a national emergency in order to fund his wall.

"CNN's poll isn't the only one to reflect an opposition to the president's use of a national emergency. Five other polls taken in January showed around one-third support and two-thirds opposition for executive action, including two from Quinnipiac University, one from Monmouth University, one from Fox News, and one from ABC/Washington Post. Some of these polls are conducted among registered voters, not just all American adults, but results remain relatively consistent."

As I said elsewhere, the only people who support the use of a national emergency are those in Trump's base. Overall, this will hurt him. Let's watch the Trump approval ratings over the next week. After the SOTU they were trending up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2019, 03:20 PM
People that actually understand and believe in checks and balances between the three branches of government will not like this Eo.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-15-2019, 07:18 PM
It was a dumb as shit move, and a true sign of failure of his core promise. He already failed with the whole Mexico paying for it. But trumpers said whatever we all can pay. But still this guy waits for dems to control the house to fight for the wall. Dumb ass. Now this.

Republican fucks can't even support this shit. They will have votes in the house on it and say no. Then the senate will say no too. That will blow up in teumps face. But if they do, lol, man I can't wait till the next president thats all we need is the president. Trump is now dictator trump if this works. Ahh dictator Bernie, Warren, maybe beto. Lol yall really want that wall?
Dickey9090's Avatar
It was a dumb as shit move, and a true sign of failure of his core promise. He already failed with the whole Mexico paying for it. But trumpers said whatever we all can pay. But still this guy waits for dems to control the house to fight for the wall. Dumb ass. Now this.

Republican fucks can't even support this shit. They will have votes in the house on it and say no. Then the senate will say no too. That will blow up in teumps face. But if they do, lol, man I can't wait till the next president thats all we need is the president. Trump is now dictator trump if this works. Ahh dictator Bernie, Warren, maybe beto. Lol yall really want that wall? Originally Posted by Trey
Beto ??? Dafuq
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-15-2019, 08:04 PM
Yeah I don't think so either for him. But thats not the point. Point is can you take a dem president doing this same thing?
Ann who????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
themystic's Avatar
Ann who????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yeah screw her right. And Hannity. Rush gave Trump his blessing so everything is good. Ann is off the reservation. What a pathetic group of losers. She called Trump a liar because he is a liar
I don't think anyone here is being realistic - you cannot get everything you want in politics, and it reflects a lack of sophistication to fail to understand that.

If your definition of success is for the President to actually fully achieve every campaign promise then they will all disappoint you eventually.

Trump compromising is not a failure but shows he understands nuance and give and take during negotiations.

Any of you people who don't want a wall should buy real estate on the US side of the Mexican border then insist the wall be taken down and live there.
adav8s28's Avatar
Ann Coulter is bashing Trump worse than she bashed Obama. What is up with that?
Funny. 9 out 10 said hillary would be president.
That's why Trump played "you can't always get what you want - but you get what you need" at his inaugural ball.
Totally agree Fred.

I don't think anyone here is being realistic - you cannot get everything you want in politics, and it reflects a lack of sophistication to fail to understand that.

If your definition of success is for the President to actually fully achieve every campaign promise then they will all disappoint you eventually.

Trump compromising is not a failure but shows he understands nuance and give and take during negotiations.

Any of you people who don't want a wall should buy real estate on the US side of the Mexican border then insist the wall be taken down and live there. Originally Posted by friendly fred
That's why Trump played "you can't always get what you want - but you get what you need" at his inaugural ball.
Totally agree Fred. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I hate to say this out loud and educate the liberals on negotiating strategy, but sometimes you pretend to want more so you can offer the other side enough for them to save face and feel victorious.

They seem to be unaware of that even though we try to help them out on this board with a little good advice from time to time.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah Ann who still trying to stay in the spotlight,,,,,
The Hypocrisy continues : Odumboo used Executive orders all the time ( more then any other potus) and the MSM didn't say a word and the dims were all for it but now <<<<<<<<<<