Flush State

Iaintliein's Avatar
The State Department has largely been a nest of anti-American bastards since at least FDR's days. First last week they stop the pipeline and an estimated 20,000 jobs.

Now this.


Let's not forget it was the state department, under comrade Clinton's hubby, who allowed super computer and satelite technology to be sold to the PRC, thus advancing their ICBM and anti-satellite weapons by decades.

Each and every employee in this department needs to be replaced when and if we have a conservative in the white house, every damned one of them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2011, 09:53 AM
Why don't we just get rid of all of them and replace none.

All you want is to change the captain of a sinking ship. Politics as usual.

Not a very conservative view point.
The article states:

"The U.S. Department of State, not BAE Systems, makes the decision on what defense-related products can be exported. In recent years, the U.S. Government has approved the export of defense-related goods from numerous defense companies to Pakistan as part of the United States' bilateral relationship with that country," said Brian J. Roehrkasse, the vice president of public relations at BAE, in a statement.

To me that says the State Department has approved the sale of such technologies, but it up to the individual company to sell or not sell the technology. I agree, leading edge technology, or any technology, shouldn’t be approved by our government to be sold to our enemies, but companies should sell it in the name of making a buck either. I have no idea what kind of high-minded ideals get into peoples’ heads. It only makes sense to keep our enemies from getting our technology. And Pakistan is our enemy.
the pipeline was slowed by more States like Nebraska than the state dept
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't we just get rid of all of them and replace none.

All you want is to change the captain of a sinking ship. Politics as usual.

Not a very conservative view point. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, the Captain, First Mate, and most of the crew, and replace them with some people who know how to run a damn boat.