Trump Cancels $929 Million Grant for California Bullet Train

  • oeb11
  • 05-16-2019, 04:47 PM
(Bloomberg) -- The Trump administration officially canceled $929 million in federal grants earmarked for California’s ambitious high-speed rail project, escalating tensions between the federal government and the most-populous U.S. state.

Federal Railroad Administrator Ronald Batory said in a letter Thursday to Brian Kelly, the chief executive officer of the state agency running the project, that California has failed to show progress and meet requirements under the agreements for the funds. Governor Gavin Newsom, through a spokesman, vowed a court fight.
"It is now clear that California has no foreseeable plans, nor the capability, to pursue that statewide HSR System as originally proposed," Batory wrote.
Initially conceived as connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles with a high-speed train that would slash travel times and transform the state’s economy, the project has been beset by cost overruns and delays, causing its estimated price to balloon to $79 billion. Newsom, a Democrat who took office this year, said in February that the train as planned “would cost too much and take too long,” and he would focus on finishing roughly 170 miles of track already under construction in the Central Valley.
The announcement from Washington came the same day that a top California environmental regulator threatened to enact tougher pollution rules that could include a ban on vehicles that burn petroleum-based fuels in retaliation against a federal plan to relax vehicle emission standards. California’s leaders and Trump, who often criticizes the state’s policies in tweets, have fought over issues in court dozens of times.
Related: California Regulator Threatens Trump With ‘Extreme’ Auto Rule
"The Trump administration’s action is illegal and a direct assault on California, our green infrastructure, and the thousands of Central Valley workers who are building this project," Nathan Click, a spokesman for Newsom, said by email. "Just as we have seen from the Trump administration’s attacks on our clean air standards, our immigrant communities and in countless other areas, the Trump administration is trying to exact political retribution on our state."
Newsom’s comments on the train in February were initially interpreted as walking away from the project that has been in the works for more than a decade, and the Trump administration subsequently seized on them to announce its intent to cancel the grant and claw back dollars already spent. The Federal Railroad Administration “continues to consider all options” regarding the return of $2.5 billion in federal funds already awarded to the project, the agency said in a statement Thursday.
Kelly argued in a March letter to the federal administration that Newsom’s proposal wasn’t a "fundamental change" and that it’s a "pragmatic approach" to ultimately connect the line to Silicon Valley and southern California.

Kalifornia is out of compliance with the contract for the money, and faces contractual restitution. The project is a boondoggle and can never succeed in the morass of Kalifornia regulators. Let it go to court - the 9th circuit will find in favor of Kalifornia, and the SC will reverse them. Meanwhile the nut-case regulators threaten to outlaw internal combustion engines in Kalifornia - let them do that- and see what backlash against over-regulatory control artists. Politically likely to shift out the DPST's. Go ahead - out law Cars in Kalifornia. See what happens!!!!

DPDT idiots. Chicken Littles - the Sky is falling - with no Science behind it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar will they get to Barstow? That's right, by electric car.
LexusLover's Avatar

(Bloomberg) -- The Trump administration officially canceled $929 million in federal grants earmarked for California’s ambitious high-speed rail project, escalating tensions between the federal government and the most-populous U.S. state.

.....Governor Gavin Newsom, through a spokesman, vowed a court fight.

"It is now clear .... the project has been beset by cost overruns and delays, ....

.... Newsom, a Democrat who took office this year, said in February that the train as planned “would cost too much and take too long,” and he would focus on finishing roughly 170 miles of track already under construction in the Central Valley.
Originally Posted by oeb11
The Solyndra of Mass Transportation, and the Illegals don't need it.
I'm betting the weasels running this state do not pay back the money owed to the Feds.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This jumped out at me so ,,,, GOOD in this country the trains go to places that well no body goes to much? Liberals pissin away money. ( well to pay there friends family)
  • oeb11
  • 05-17-2019, 07:51 AM
That money has been wasted and embezzled by the Kalifornia powers that be. The State is broke due to their idiot legislature. No chance of recovering any money - yet they keep braying for more,more!!
Hell NO!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
That money has been wasted and embezzled by the Kalifornia powers that be. The State is broke due to their idiot legislature. No chance of recovering any money - yet they keep braying for more,more!!
Hell NO!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
you guys attack Democrats/Liberals for excess spending, while Republicans talk the talk about limited Government and spending, yet every Republican (Reagan, Bush jr., Trump) spends considerably more than the Democrat he replaced. you are not honest in your rhetoric. why do you keep this charade going for decades?
you guys attack Democrats/Liberals for excess spending, while Republicans talk the talk about limited Government and spending, yet every Republican (Reagan, Bush jr., Trump) spends considerably more than the Democrat he replaced. you are not honest in your rhetoric. why do you keep this charade going for decades? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Hmm, I still though Congress controlled spending and particularly spending bills initiate in the HOUSE.

Who again controlled Congress during out largest periods of excess spending. I'll give you time to look it up.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hmm, I still though Congress controlled spending and particularly spending bills initiate in the HOUSE.

Who again controlled Congress during out largest periods of excess spending. I'll give you time to look it up. Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't need to look it up.. total red herring. Congress doesn't control the amount of currency in circulation, the Federal Reserve does.. the Fed that Trump controls, and who has created more money under Trump than any other President. Trump signs spending bills, the deficit is the largest in history. and all spending bills do not start in the House, despite the Constitution saying they must. if you haven't noticed, the last 40 years has seen a great shift from Congressional power to the Executive Branch.. abdication of responsibility, yes. that is why Congress rings its hands at the notion that Executive branch employees are refusing to appear before them.. Congress is so weakened, vis-à-vis the Executive branch, they don't know how to react.
  • oeb11
  • 05-17-2019, 09:05 AM
CT - the House is weakening itself with the DPST false narratrive of russian collusion they will not give up.

Mueller and Barr were DPST heroes until the pelosi House realized they could not deliver the wanted "Facts"
Now the house is running inquisitions - and setting perjury traps for people called to testify.
The House is setting the Constitutional Crisis strictly due to the Fact the Hillary Lost!
See Schiff and Nadler pulling the McCarthy act of "evidence of obstruction in my hand" - yet refuse to put forth that evidence or act on it.

They want to impeach Trump because he is in office - and Poor Dependent Pelosi is so afraid he won't leave at the end of his Term(s). Idiot-Ideology!

Get real!
  • oeb11
  • 05-17-2019, 09:07 AM
BTW - off topic - it is Kalifornia and the waste/embezzlement of the previously granted billions of dollars for a boondoggle that can never be created in the Socialist State of Kalifornia.

Let em secede or give them back to Mexico. I doubt the mexicans would take 'Em
I don't need to look it up.. total red herring. Congress doesn't control the amount of currency in circulation, the Federal Reserve does.. the Fed that Trump controls, and who has created more money under Trump than any other President. Trump signs spending bills, the deficit is the largest in history. and all spending bills do not start in the House, despite the Constitution saying they must. if you haven't noticed, the last 40 years has seen a great shift from Congressional power to the Executive Branch.. abdication of responsibility, yes. that is why Congress rings its hands at the notion that Executive branch employees are refusing to appear before them.. Congress is so weakened, vis-à-vis the Executive branch, they don't know how to react. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
How about some honest statistics to back up your statements.

Particularly where the deficit is largest in history. I'm still relatively sure the Dem congress during the 2006-2010 timeframe still have that record.

And please, show me the spending Bills that Trump has signed that haven't come from Congress. You do know how a bill moves through the system right.

And Obama if I remember correctly took great strides with his "Pen and Phone" to do Executive branch expansion and bypass Congress.

But continue your trek to pretend it's all Trump's fault.
Chung Tran's Avatar
And Obama if I remember correctly took great strides with his "Pen and Phone" to do Executive branch expansion and bypass Congress.

But continue your trek to pretend it's all Trump's fault. Originally Posted by eccielover
I know Obama did that, because the Republicans blocked everything he tried to do.. Trump is following Obama's lead. it's about getting even. I don't say it's all Trump's fault, I say it's both parties.. but you guys here won't criticize Trump for any reason.
but you guys here won't criticize Trump for any reason. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
There is more than enough criticism of Trump all around us. Most places ignore his good points and successes to focus on negatives. We gloss over the negatives to focus on positives. Plus, we're still too busy being grateful that Hillary isn't president to have time to criticize Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I know Obama did that, because the Republicans blocked everything he tried to do.. Trump is following Obama's lead. it's about getting even. I don't say it's all Trump's fault, I say it's both parties.. but you guys here won't criticize Trump for any reason. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Like the Democrats are doing to Trump now or is that a different because it's Trump?

i'll criticize Trump when he does something i don't agree with. that hasn't happened yet.

so tell me your list of things you think Trump should be criticized for?