The continent.

Went to the continent yesterday for a good run down and saw a beauty walking out. Must have been end of her shift. 30-40’s maybe 5’5” ish long dark hair and a nice plump ass. Anyone know what her name is? I’d like to see her next time.
RaulPenwa's Avatar
Just had a delightful visit here. Nice, beautiful, shapely young woman. Would not give a name. I asked for Ashley. She told me she was Ashley but then later, told me she wasn’t. At that point I did not care who she was. She was great.
They do have multiple attractive gals there.
Is Continent still providing the same business standard with rest of Omaha still or are they offering more these days?
61corv's Avatar
Fight club rules apply.
Can anybody help a brother out on this and pm me? I have been there before previously
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tmnb26's Avatar
I was in last month and it is under new management and I believe they have changed their name.