Food For Thought

January Maye's Avatar
Due to a recent post session, I noticed something quite amazing. Some discussions may not be deemed appropriate in this forum. They may have another forum under which guidelines are more strongly adhered to......BUT I just observed a thread that had lots of input from both Providers and Hobbyists.

I personally do see need for closed women’s and men’s groups in certain areas. But the previous thread had some real comradery and seemed to tighten and nurture what should be healthy relationships between all fellows. Male and female alike.

This is strictly an opinion.....but I quite enjoyed the brotherhood/ support feeling of the thread. One day I hope we can have more conversations of this nature as a testament to there being one common ground. As well one sentiment - neither Providers or Hobbyists are better than one another. Symbiosis is the foundation. We here are PEERS. NOT SUPERIORS AND UNDERLINGS.

- January Maye
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Well said.
Celestedoll915's Avatar
We most definetly are peers. Its nice to see one another's point of views.
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 09-05-2018, 09:49 AM
Hi there Miss Maye
I believe in what you say
It just makes me want to play
Maybe you are free on a Saturday
For a little romp in the hay
I promise not to disobey
Oh and by the way.....

I don't mind being your underling(us)
January Maye's Avatar
There once was a girl who had time
To respond to the poem by rhyme
Her calendar read, “YES”
Said date will progress
For now she fantasizes the grime.
Thickwhitegirl's Avatar
I don't feel like we are peers. I feel very much pressured into doing things I don't want to or risk a bad review. I stood up for myself and said no to certain things and now I get this horrible rep and people who I don't even know talk bad about me. TBH I can't stand the "hobbyist" on eccie because of the way they think they are so above you.
Wolfy58's Avatar
I don't feel like we are peers. I feel very much pressured into doing things I don't want to or risk a bad review. I stood up for myself and said no to certain things and now I get this horrible rep and people who I don't even know talk bad about me. TBH I can't stand the "hobbyist" on eccie because of the way they think they are so above you. Originally Posted by Thickwhitegirl
Some times you just need to say go away
This hobbyist never pushes for anything the lady is not up for after all it’s a hobby and it’s supposed to be fun
When the guns over I will go away
john_deere's Avatar
I don't feel like we are peers. I feel very much pressured into doing things I don't want to or risk a bad review. I stood up for myself and said no to certain things and now I get this horrible rep and people who I don't even know talk bad about me. TBH I can't stand the "hobbyist" on eccie because of the way they think they are so above you. Originally Posted by Thickwhitegirl
everything you've said here suggests you're not cut out for this game.
everything you've said here suggests you're not cut out for this game. Originally Posted by john_deere

Exactly my thoughts as i was reading her response
Celestedoll915's Avatar
You should never feel pressured into doing something just because you dont wanna risk getting a bad review. Not everyone is gonna like you and its ok. But stay true to yourself. I know what you mean to read not so nice remarks but you should not let it make or break you. But for real if your not liking what you do maybe you should explore other options. I know I love what I do.
Some hobbyists are Ds. Some providers are Cs. Avoid such.