A question about mail-order brides, etc.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was watching an old episode of "The Big Valley" and it concerned a mail order bride. I've also read "A Reliable Wife" which probably wasn't very realistic and was certainly an interesting novel, but there did seem to be a correlation between the ideology of being (or buying/having) a mail order bride and a prostitute.

So do any of you know someone who has actually DONE this? Or researched it? I wonder if it's a viable way for a woman to find a husband?

The few sites that I just googled seemed to feature beautiful women from Russia but I'm sure that there are plenty of other nationalities.

I would love to hear from some of the members here about their thoughts on this topic. And if any of the men here have actually contacted some of these services, I would appreciate hearing of your experiences!

Yes, My wifes old boss ordered one from Russia. He narrowed it down to 3 women then went to Russsa to meet them. After meeting, he had one shipped over to him. She lived with him a few months, then they got married, That was 10 years ago. She is SMOKING hot
timothe's Avatar
I went to Russia a few times to find a wife, but I didn't use a marriage agency. Most guys that are serious do it because they want to find a woman who is willing to take the more traditional role in the family.

The success rate of marriages between Russian Women and Western Men is actually slightly better than the success rate between Americans. (and the results are the same for Western Men/Filipino women) I think many who enter into this type of relationship are more willing to sacrifice their wants to maintain the relationship. They aren't going to bolt at the first bump in the road.

I also met my fair share of scammers..from both sides. I met a few guys that were just trying to get laid and more often than not, they ended up paying more than if they would have stayed home. And I met some women who were simply willing to do anything to get out of the country.

And there were only a few people who tried to take advantage of me for being an American. For the most part, the Russian (and Ukrainian) people were exceptionally nice to me and would go out of their way to be hospitable. It just goes to show that most people are decent...even when they are impoverished.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Many years ago I knew a guy with one. IMHO, he was somewhat of a jerk to her. He was proud to point out that he ended every argument with a reminder that the checking account always had enough in it for one way tickets back to Indonesia for her and theri son. . . though he'd miss his son.

This is an interesting blog that is somewhat related. I don't remember how or when I stumbled onto it. Probably when the SO was having one of her neurotic breaks from reality.


I think the bigger question is why men or women for that matter, past the age of true maturity would consider marriage at all (other than for procreation).
My uncle did this. She's from China. He went over to meet (pay off) her family for 2 weeks and came back with her. She didn't speak a lick of English. She's alot better now (after 7years), and he is putting her through medical school (go figure). I hope she doesn't end up like his last one, (some Honduran girl) and divorce his ass at the ten year and 1 day mark...(in Oklahoma, after 10yrs you get half of everything - and she took him to the cleaners). Both women are model types, but gheesh, is it worth it when they bleed you dry?
Sad to say, but I believe my uncle thinks with his 'southern' head. Poor guy.

texasjohn1965's Avatar
To bring someone over legally is not quick, cheap, or easy. The government makes you go through a ton of red tape and forms. Then there are all the government fees.

It ain't like going to the corner market for a loaf of bread.
I joined a few dating sites after divorce some years back. A Russian young lady somehow got my email info and started communicating with me though contact wasn't directly through the website. She was a typical, working girl with her own shop so she said. In a couple of months I guess things progressed through a practiced formula: letters, photos - none raunchy, more letters saying how much she loves you, got papers prepared to exit the country, and then uh oh.... "need $1500-2000 as something unexpected came up with the paperwork". ???? I had no answer and never heard another word. Actually something like this happened twice with the other girl being an African/Eurasian babe. Seems the best guys to con are the older ones, out of a relationship or marriage, lonely, and hopefully with some money. It's a lucky man who gets that rare one who honestly wants a real marriage AND a way out of probably a bad life.

Sad to say, but I believe my uncle thinks with his 'southern' head. Poor guy.
Yes Princess... You know given the right temptation say one look too many at that avatar of yours and that little head sometimes gains a very high IQ.
Give me an American woman anytime.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I have two ex-wife's in DFW, please take them.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
...And there were only a few people who tried to take advantage of me for being an American. For the most part, the Russian (and Ukrainian) people were exceptionally nice to me and would go out of their way to be hospitable. It just goes to show that most people are decent...even when they are impoverished. Originally Posted by timothe
I agree. Most people ARE decent. It's just the bad ones that get the press.

Thank you for sharing your interesting experiences!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Many years ago I knew a guy with one. IMHO, he was somewhat of a jerk to her. He was proud to point out that he ended every argument with a reminder that the checking account always had enough in it for one way tickets back to Indonesia for her and theri son. . . though he'd miss his son.

This is an interesting blog that is somewhat related. I don't remember how or when I stumbled onto it. Probably when the SO was having one of her neurotic breaks from reality.


I think the bigger question is why men or women for that matter, past the age of true maturity would consider marriage at all (other than for procreation). Originally Posted by Iaintliein
That guy was mean and cruel to say those things. I'll have to read your blog link!

But first, I'll answer the marriage question from at least my standpoint.

I have never been married. Ever. And well, it's something that I would like to experience. I want to spoil and truly love a man completely. I would like to actually SLEEP with a man (the snoring part I could do without!) and be held by him at night.

This may sound overly romantic and/or hopeful, but I feel that I have something good and true to offer a potential mate. Of course, though, I never look for it but I do think about it some.

I'm past the age of having children. I have a parrot that I've had for over 25 years who will be in my care for the rest of my life and so with her ... and a few other pets, I have those to care for. And a child who is my number one priority.

But for someone who hasn't had a long term relationship, well ... it is an enticing thought. I know that marriage isn't always a wonderful thing for people. Heck, I hear about it all of the time.

I don't know. It's something that I would consider, even though I'm certainly past a certain age, if the opportunity presented itself. And if it were to happen, I would cherish that person completely.

Maybe I just need a lover! With the idea of the mail order bride, I'm sure that there are men who really wish to find someone to love them as well. I'm sure that it's all very complicated for the two people involved. Or maybe not. That's why I wrote this topic!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My uncle did this. She's from China. He went over to meet (pay off) her family for 2 weeks and came back with her. She didn't speak a lick of English. She's alot better now (after 7years), and he is putting her through medical school (go figure). I hope she doesn't end up like his last one, (some Honduran girl) and divorce his ass at the ten year and 1 day mark...(in Oklahoma, after 10yrs you get half of everything - and she took him to the cleaners). Both women are model types, but gheesh, is it worth it when they bleed you dry?
Sad to say, but I believe my uncle thinks with his 'southern' head. Poor guy.
Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Wow. He sounds like a nice man but it's horrible to see the reverse side of things. Someone has to be pretty vicious to be married to someone for ten years and one day ... and then "take him to the cleaners".

Not honorable at all. Of course, some would suggest that me being an escort isn't honorable, either. But I feel what many of us do is fair and balanced. And rather fun!

I have a few theories, because of things that I've seen in the past, of Asian women who will live with a man while trying to reach some financial (or educational) goals and then dump them when those goals are achieved. I always am bothered by these situations when I hear of them.

It's ugly.

Thanks for your response!!!

Wow. He sounds like a nice man but it's horrible to see the reverse side of things. Someone has to be pretty vicious to be

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
You racist little bitch. So you think it's only ASIAN women that do this to me? Sounds to me like you are just jealous of asian women, because asian women actually act like REAL WOMEN, whereas the typical white woman acts like a masculinized lesbian.

It is WHITE AMERICAN WOMEN who use men and then cheat on them for no reason, divorce them, steal half of their money in the divorce courts, keep their children away from their father, etc.

You have merely proven the points of MY Boycott American Women blog, that white American women are racist, disgusting subhumans who no men want anymore.

Poor wittle baby is upset because American men are rejecting her and going for asian women instead.

Still, there's hope for you, Elisabeth. You can eithfor, rude, behavior. Hopefully a few days off will help him fix his issues Bubba3453
er become a lesbian, or get used to living alone with your 10 cats. THOSE ARE YOUR TWO OPTIONS, YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SLIME OF A HUMAN BEING!

Totally uncalled for. A few dyas will hopefull help him fix his issues Bubba3452
Iaintliein's Avatar
That guy was mean and cruel to say those things. I'll have to read your blog link!

But first, I'll answer the marriage question from at least my standpoint.

I have never been married. Ever. And well, it's something that I would like to experience. I want to spoil and truly love a man completely. I would like to actually SLEEP with a man (the snoring part I could do without!) and be held by him at night.

This may sound overly romantic and/or hopeful, but I feel that I have something good and true to offer a potential mate. Of course, though, I never look for it but I do think about it some.

I'm past the age of having children. I have a parrot that I've had for over 25 years who will be in my care for the rest of my life and so with her ... and a few other pets, I have those to care for. And a child who is my number one priority.

But for someone who hasn't had a long term relationship, well ... it is an enticing thought. I know that marriage isn't always a wonderful thing for people. Heck, I hear about it all of the time.

I don't know. It's something that I would consider, even though I'm certainly past a certain age, if the opportunity presented itself. And if it were to happen, I would cherish that person completely.

Maybe I just need a lover! With the idea of the mail order bride, I'm sure that there are men who really wish to find someone to love them as well. I'm sure that it's all very complicated for the two people involved. Or maybe not. That's why I wrote this topic!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

I understand completely, having only been single for a few months in my adult life, experiencing the alternative is something to wonder about.

And, considering the rude little spammer that either followed the link back or just thought it was "cute", I'm really sorry I linked to that blog. There are some really strange people in the world.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You racist little bitch. So you think it's only ASIAN women that do this to me? Sounds to me like you are just jealous of asian women, because asian women actually act like REAL WOMEN, whereas the typical white woman acts like a masculinized lesbian.
..... Originally Posted by JohnRambo111
I could have probably phrased my response a lot better and included ALL women who do not behave in a decent fashion to men who have been nice to them. So to not be more inflammatory, I'll not go further with that thought.

Good luck with everything.