Shorted by... 👿😠pussypounder1819.. Opinions ?

Secret Encounters's Avatar

So pusspounder1819 had been requesting for maybe 2 months for an outcall & I had his refrence clear him & she had no issues. She did tell me the lady who he saw before he shorted her & it was $15. So not a huge loss but still.

I knew he was verified & i had just gotten back in town & posted so he reached out. He gave me a general area & i was familiar (15min out of town). My signature has my hhr /hr. & outcall fee. I asked what time & for how long. We agreed & i headed out. Once near his house i lost signal which my map stopped work8ng. I even screen shot him i was lost & even called him from a personal number as i drove towards where i had signal. So over all 25 min late & no street lights to see the address. So finally arriving he's a cool younger guy & I asked him if i could change & he said hell yea.. So i did. He walked me over to a room & we began to play. I saw his money clip & didnt ask up front. So once done i excused myself & changed bk & ect. He walked me out & handed me a benji.
Well hhr is 150 +50 outcall.
So i pull up to him because he was gonna close the gate & said ur short my hhr is 150 & outcall fee is 50 but ill just call it even with 150 bc i was late bc i was lost which was beyond my control.
He said i dnt have it & send him cash ap info but then he said well how about i get you next time , come on u know where i live!! i said no. I need that money. So now i told him he owes me the 100 bc i was being patient with him & still has yet to pay the 50 but since he couldnt be honest & send it right away.. He owes me the 100.

I held up my end & now .. Am i wrong for asking for the 100 or should i just wait at his house.. Lmfao (i would never ) but still.

So ladies beware of this one!!
Fyi no he was not violent or aggressive but is a dick!!


Doglegg's Avatar
He owes you the $100.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
He owes you the $100. Originally Posted by Doglegg


Your offer to drop the OC surcharge was the right thing to do and he should have paid you the hhr amount. So, yes, he now owes the donation plus surcharge. The real question is did he knowingly have you out with only a benji in his pocket?
stanggt's Avatar
That sucks! He’ owes you the $100! Most guys on here do the research and know exactly what someone’s rates are.
He cannot view your signature line because he doesn't have PA.
Drtry1's Avatar
He owes you $100, plus a public apology imho.
$100. If you play, you pay.
pickupkid's Avatar
Don t see him again.Always get your money up front,SWEETE.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Thank you for the feedback. I did try to avoid the public forum & asked him to make right.

Just needed opinions bc i felt like a total b*tch asking for the 100 but ty for confirming that im not wrong.

Ty everyone ..lots of love !!

Danielle Jacks's Avatar
I had a very similar experience with this guy. I specifically texted him the amount and asked if that was okay so we were both on the same page as far as donation. He then tried to short me by 100. He found a little more cash in his wallet but i left with him still owing me money and saying he would take care of it next time. Not too surprising i have not heard from him since, which is a shame because he seemed to be a super nice guy aside from his not completely taking care of agreed upon donations.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
So are you riding with me or am i riding with you.. Time to collect. Jk jk.
So awful bc he was a cool cat but you dont pull this on not just one lady but now 3... Wow!!!
He def owes you the full amount, NOW. Seems like he owes MANY others. Guess he won’t be pounding anything for a while. Thank goodness for the these boards and sharing.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
He attempted to send $ & tip of 30 but nothing has yet to post to my pay pal acct.. ?Hmmm?
Fingers crossed but nvr had a delay on my end before but it could be the bank and all.

Hmm i will keep you all posted.

Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Always, always, AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLWWWWWAAAAAA YYYYYSSSS get the money upfront. They do this to girls because they CAN. They get away with it a couple times and then it becomes their MO. He’s done it to multiple girls and y’all were informed in your screening that he shorts girls, and still saw him. Sorry this happened, it’s shitty, but come on!!!!!

He def owes you the difference, but don’t make a habit of letting them swindle you. If he didn’t pay you then and still hasn’t payed you, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it.

PS: I still owe you a strip club date!!!