Im Sorry You Guys Have To Witness This

As you all know about 2 months ago I recieved a bad review,well since that review I have been being harassed by this gentleman.I left the site for almost a month thinking if I removed myself for a little while it would die down and he would go away.Well he hasnt.He has made it clear that he isnt going anywhere anytime soon.I am dealing with the situation the best I can and apologize that you guys have to witness his craziness.
trojantide's Avatar
Jen, I don't know you but I've seen your posts and reviews enough to know you are a quality consistent provider who is doing this to make a fair income. You also seem to enjoy it and the work suites you (pretty rare so we don't want you going UTR). A guy has a right to leave his opinion for others and then move on. But that is it. This harassment is complete bullshit.
This story is all the more reason for legalization. You should have the right to go to LE (as last resort of course) for protection against this scum without the concern of repercussion.
Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas on how to deal with this lo life. He gives all men a bad rep and the guys on here that participate for the right reasons and treat providers like you with respect (even when you're not their cup of tea) want to help. Any ideas guys?
Jen- keep your head up. No need to apologize. We're all intelligent enough to take the ramblings of someone with 1 review and 5 posts with a grain of salt.

I don't understand why anyone would do and say such things?

They significantly diminish any hope of being a respected contributor to this board and make themselves a target for all the other ladies. Is it worth it? Not to mention, why mess with someone's livelihood?

It appears that all his posts under that handle have been regarding you. Seriously, it makes me think what's his other handle(s) and has he done this to other women before?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm waiting for the day you can flirt online again
justin2659's Avatar
You should visit Albany more often!
yeah more often and longer than a day lol ..about that guy just ignore him hes a just upset unfortunately in this hobby we `clients and poviders ` we have to deal with bs all the times but the only things that prove who u re and how ur service is ..YOUR REVIEWS the say everything we need to know ..keep ur head up.. ..good luck !!
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 06-12-2012, 10:09 AM
I'm really sorry to hear that this is happening to you, Jen.

The guy sounds like a real asshole and his handle should be banned if it hasn't been already.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 06-12-2012, 10:17 AM
YOUR REVIEWS the say everything we need to know Originally Posted by hagen kanon
Agreed. Jen, your reputation is golden.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ban mmmm not yet. maybe soon. He needs to move on to other providers. or drop out of this. If he wants to stay review others and post about others.

There is two on the board mmmmm maybe only one now. I try to stay out of her way. Hay it did not work. I reviewed long time ago she had her say done and over with. I do my thing on the board she/they do there thing.
taggert's Avatar
Good luck and stay safe Jen!
tatung's Avatar
Sorry you're going thru this Jen. I agree with everyone above. Your reviews and previous posts say it all. I am ignoring him, hope most of the ranks are as well. Here's a cheers to you, kind of like the 'high 5!"
One bad apple ruins it for all, I do believe if this guy is sending you mail send it to a Mod he should be able to ban him?

Keep ur chin up he sounds like a major dickwad best way to describe him. We can see from your reviews that what he says is totaly not the truth.

Goog luck!
justin2659's Avatar
Jen, I would watch my step in buffalo just in case that homo did try to inform the cops.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Jen...First I will say, FUCK THE HATERS!!! You have some truly stellar reviews...Don't give this asshole the time of day. I know it can be hard to do but ignore him and his poison. Even the best of us doing what we do will have a negetive experience somewhere somehow...just the nature of our lives.

If he is harrassing you in the 'real world' the police or get a lawyer and have him squashed like a bug. uncle Vito or cousin Dominick and have them "leave the gun...take the cannoli's" . Capiche?

The more attention trolls get...the more they need. Try not to worry about it. It seems obvious to me there are A LOT more positive fans for you than enemies...look to the sun, not the darkness.

Finally, i think your biggest problem is the whole "Jen of Syracuse" moniker...It would be WAY better if it was "Jen of ALBANY". REALLY...I'm telling you!!

I lived in Syracuse for 4yrs in the 80's and have been in Albany ever since...WAAAYYY better. If you moved over here it may better for you as well ...Maybe not for my bank account...but definately for me . I'd be a frequent flyer for you I'm pretty positive about that
Don't sweat the small shit...or the small minded
Jenn We all know your reviews are good ones no need to apologize..I did read that scumbag alert.He need to get a life...Maybe he should be banned ,if hes not already..and you be careful