If The Plot Against The Emperor Fails……….

You better have a plan “B”.
Just a few days ago, many of the major News Outlets, and a growing number of Democrats, were clamoring for Biden to get out.

But, a few behind the scenes meetings.and it seems many have been reminded that if the plot against the emperor fails, the repercussions are horrendous.

Biden is staying. This is great news.He can only get worse as November approaches, I doubt the Dems will let him participate in the next debate. The odds are too great against him.

The sad thing is, Biden probably doesn’t even realize how bad off he is. Not that I feel sorry for him.

To me, he is just a Democrat Turd that needs to be flushed.
It should be obvious that Democrats don't believe in Democracy or giving people a choice to vote. It should be obvious that the Marxist Totalitarians are in charge of the Democrats in Washington DC.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Can't quite put my finger on it yet. I'm beginning to think there is some unintended consequence at play here. Behold! The King of Plan Bs!

I mean, it seems as though team Demonicrat has unleashed unbounded lawfare against President Trump, aka GEPOTUS, in NY, Georgia, DC and Florida. Yet we are now seeing:
  • NY is becoming "in play" for Trump
  • Team Demonicrat has given up on Florida altogether
  • Not counting all the swing states swinging towards Trump
  • Georgia tighten up their election rules, which seem to favor Trump
Not sure how this ends for them, but uhhmmm... I imagine they be like...

Seems a bit late to be thinking about a Plan B, unless it's WWW III.
George Clooney issued a rather damning statement in an open letter asking Biden to step down. He even admitted in the letter that at the big fund raiser just last week, Biden was all zobbied out.


We will see if Clooney sticks to his guns, or if he might get invited to a private meeting, reminding him of how many famous Hollywood Celebrities have “died young”.

As I said before. There are multitudes of Foreign Entities that through the Biden influence peddling scheme that have a lot invested in keeping Biden in power.