Older Hobby Gents

I always make sure I tell the ladies on contact that I am a more mature Gent. Some will tell you that's not there thing and I am fine with that. Some will say that is fine...and it is.

But.........several have said it was fine, but their actions didn't bear that out. You can tell....just not into it. I know we all have our bad days. If older guys are not your thing, just tell us..Please!

Anyone else have this issue??
Did you take your teeth out and put them in a glass of water before starting?

Kidding. In my late 40's and already seem ancient.
Older guys, unwittingly, can incite too much Dad/Grampa baggage in the provider just by showing up, so don't take it personally. Age happens.

You eat pussy like a world champeen, make sure they get theirs and pick your under 30's carefully, pay your bill, bring your sense of humor, you'll be OK.

And if you get that no-go vibe, tip them, be polite but honest, and leave. No reason to drag out a bummer. Don't rail on them in COED for not clicking, just let it go and try elsewhere. You could even send them a communication saying "sorry it didn't work out, are we cool?". No harm no foul.

If it will make you feel any better, remember...everybody gets old sometime!

I could still get a hard on in my forties, so Fuck you SD, you're a mere child!

Don't RTM that, that was bro to bro not a blow to bro insult!!!
Ha! No offense taken. I'm not one of those RTMer types. Just not my style (as if I had any style. lol).
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Just this week I was wanting to bring something more to a session so I text a provider " bringing some humor ? " and she said " OK "............ I showed up with paper bag over my head wearing a college sweatshirt !
I've been told I'm a double bagger....
EROS725's Avatar
I like to show up with my walker and oxygen tank, that gets them really hot.

I have never had a problem with me being older, but I am sure that it is just a matter of time before it is an issue.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Well, how old is "older"?
tortpicker's Avatar
I'm 40 something and I try to stay with the little bit more mature providers and it has been good so far. I figure we are more experienced and none of them have complained about my daty skills! And I may not be as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was!
daty/o's Avatar
Sorry, I'm with Phildo; you 40something fuckers are still adolescents. I got socks older than you; you still have 10 or 15 years before you get to worry about age. And I will bet most providers know exactly what I mean.

As to the original post; I think the age issue is mostly a young provider (under 25) problem.
pyramider's Avatar
I like to show up with my walker and oxygen tank, that gets them really hot.

I have never had a problem with me being older, but I am sure that it is just a matter of time before it is an issue. Originally Posted by EROS725

My oxygen tanck has racing stripes.
It's all a matter of mind and connection. I agree that humor ( not childish or crude humor), focusing on mutual respect and exploration breaks down most of the age barriers. I have gone the range from 18 to 50 and the only time I have had a bad session regardless of age is with a provider who just wants a guy today, shoot and go. That has not been age related. I have sometimes sensed a younger woman thinking " geez this will take forever and I will be raw meat before this old fart cums". That goes away with a nice massage, slow sensual touch and working down for DATY paying attention to how she likes it and to delivering a few big Os. When they grab two hand fluids of my gray hair know they don't care about my age. And if they seem worried they may have to call 911 if they take me to the top I Just show them the card that came with my cardiac stents! It's like a guarantee , LOL
somebody 69's Avatar
OldGrump's Avatar
I have a grocery bag full of sex toys hanging from my walker. If they let me in the door, I know it's going to be a good day. It's the ones who won't install a pulley over the bed to help me get up that annoy me.

You guys ever try filling a balloon with your oxygen tank and pinching the end so it squeals when you let the air out? Sexy stuff there.
If they wont do the pulley trick, make sure they have satin sheets and bring astroglide. When done you can just slide back on your feet. Just use caution and dont break a hip! Ive also discovered that if I take off my Depends and switch to my boxers just before I see them it gets them over the hump sometimes