Intoxicated& Under the Influence Appropriate or No?

While banned, I had a session with a P411 client, who I believe is an ECCIE member as well based on previous conversations. If I am not mistaken he may even use the same username. I'm not familiar with the masking guidelines but can provide the information I have on him once someone comments on here telling me how or you guys can message me for the info, whatever.

Anyways, I scheduled an evening appointment with a client at my incall. I screened him well and had no complaints from any providers, so I am not sure if they were acceptable of his behavior or if he was just having a moment, or what. So I booked this guy and left home to meet him at my incall. I sat in traffic to get here which is what really pissed me off.

When I arrived, I went to my room and then texted him my room number. This was a last minute appointment so I am not sure if he bought the beer with him or visited my hotel bar (which I think would have been weird. If were meeting for illegal activity, I'm more into the in and out routine). Anyways, he showed up at my door with a beer in hand and was already clearly intoxicated as he swayed from side to side and loudly greeted me with a "Hey Elizabeth" loud enough to be heard down the whole hall.... This was an immediate red flag. He was drawing attention and drinking which already had me uncomfortable. I am not a drinker. I indulge in a glass of wine or social drinking from time to time, but nothing else so I don't appreciate the smell or taste of alcohol.

I mention this to him immediately once we are inside and he instantly becomes defensive. He then reveals that if I have a problem with that, I'll probably have a problem with the fact that he took a pill before our session "because he was nervous."

OMG! By this point I'm freaking out as I don't engage at all in that kind of activity, nor would I have wanted him to share this information so openly. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I kindly asked him to leave and that I wanted to end our session because I was uncomfortable. He was very upset, cursing and demanded an explanation to which I told him that I don't partake in drinking or drug use and don't wish to associate with someone who does. I found it rude that he showed up to our appointment in this condition in the first place.

After arguing for what seemed about 5 minutes, he kept insisting I was prejudice against people who need medication for anxiety and claimed he was prescribed. This made me feel like shit, but i'm not going to put myself in a situation where someone is under the influence of drugs and also drinking while under the influence of that drug. The two of those together I am aware are not a good mix and I have known people to act differently while on the pill he told me he took. He finally left, but not before threatening to tell the hotel staff that I was escorting in the room.

I ended up running into him again when I left about 10 minutes later and he continued to harass me as I walked to my car. I felt I did the right thing by ending an uncomfortable session. Honestly, I feel like I should have made me compensate me for driving all the way out there and then him showing up like that, but I really just wanted to get as far from this person as possible.

I was thankful overall because I noticed when I saw him in better light again out front of the hotel that he had seriously noticeably sweat stains on the armpits of his dress shirt that were stained yellow. Gross!

I mean, I have never had a hobby where someone showed up plastered, on drugs or belligerent like that? I can't imagine anyone else finding that acceptable. Ladies? Guys?

I've had an occasional client offer wine or have drinks on hand to share, but I have never had someone not make me aware or ask my preference beforehand. I've had people tell me before they needed to have a drink before hobbying, which is fine, but the respect in the matter is key.

Was I wrong?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Not cool at all.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Nope, you weren't wrong....except for worrying about whether or not you were (in the right).

If he chose to get offended or butthurt, that's his choice.

But I don't see any reason to put his handle out...maybe it was a one-off. We all do dumb shit, from time to time.
If you were made to feel uncomfortable because of his intoxicated behavior, you have every right to end the session. But because the choice was yours to end it, I don't think you have the right to demand compensation. He had invested the same time and fought the same traffic to be there as you did after all...
Sorry you had to meet the guy under those conditions, but there's all kinds of fucktards out there. The most are great guys, 10% are turds/trolls/toads. Ya gotta play the odds that toads are few and far between.
People are crazy sometimes! He was a younger guy too, definitely needed to grow up a bit.
SweetDulce's Avatar
. I screened him well and had no complaints from any providers, so I am not sure if they were acceptable of his behavior or if he was just having a moment, or what.

Was I wrong? Originally Posted by Enchanting Elizabeth
The great thing about being a Provider is u can run ur business however u feel fit!

Great example of how not every Provider has the same experience with a hobbyist. If that were the case then Providers would ask for only one reference.
The great thing about being a Provider is u can run ur business however u feel fit!

Great example of how not every Provider has the same experience with a hobbyist. If that were the case then Providers would ask for only one reference. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Exactly! I choose not to offer a multi-hour discount because I don't experience many requests for multi-hour appointments. Maybe I would if I did offer a multi-hour discount, but then again I don't hobby much at all (4-5 sessions a week spread out over 4-5 days.) Therefore, I am very selective about who I see in the first place and I don't care to waste an hour of my life with someone who smells of alcohol and is on drugs and could potentially get violent or something. It's just not worth it!

& I can't believe I left out the best part, he told me he was going to short me $2 on the session anyways because he bought that beer somewhere, either at a gas station or at my hotel bar, wtf!
That^ is TFF!
He wanted you to buy the beer that got him tossed?
Yeah, the guy's a turd.
Sorry you went through that, but like you said, he has a lot of growing up to do.
I never showed up drunk at an incall, but I have ended up drinking with the provider later.
I've shown up early at some of the nicer places, and had a drink at the bar to kill the time. But never enough to get wiped out.

And - none of my dress shirts have the "yellow pit stain". They get tossed before that.

The guy was a dipshit. Sounds like he advertised it to everyone.
Bravo!!! Nicely handled
His behaviour was unacceptable and you did the right thing in ending the session.

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
You did the right thing. He should have never showed up that way. Plus your safety is what matters the most.
  • cr76
  • 12-04-2015, 08:01 PM
Don't hobby drunk - I learned that the hard way
ipfreely's Avatar
Wow. You did the right thing. Glad that nothing worse happened with drunk, pilled-up guy. Geez, if meeting someone gets you so worked up you have to get blitzed, find another hobby...