Response to my NCNS

I just wanted to let everyone know that yes I did NCNS Wheretonow, but it was my birthday weekend and everyone knows that me and tiffany like to party!! I wanted to post the ENTIRE email that was sent to him and not just the part that makes me look like a horrible person!!

Is it really that important that I NCNS for you go write a review about it? I am sorry that but I do not take this as seriously as most do because it is not a "job" for me as some might think of it. Your NCNS review is not going to "hurt" my business as you might hope it will and I do have SEVERAL of my first reviews from Dallas. I just do not work in Dallas as much anymore because I usually take my break when I get to my, what did you call it, "home". I am really offended that you think I am not from Dallas. Actually that is what made me the most mad about the review. I am only a human and I need vacations too. Probably much more than people of other "professions". I was exhausted and I did not feel like doing any appointments the day after I got home to my family. So shoot me. Yes I should have told you but I didnt. thanks for the NCNS review. I will add it to my collection. BTW I AM FROM DALLAS. I never got a message from you after the set appointment date asking anything about missing the appointment. Also, as it was posted, this was my birthday weekend and I did not see anyone this weekend anyways. I was dancing at some of the clubs out here instead. I do not see people that write NCNS reviews about me. Just an FYI.

I just thought everyone should see the whole email that I wrote and be able to make their decisions based off of all of the information!! Thanks and have a great day!!
I would rather have a provider call or text me and cancel the appointment when she feels she needs that "vacation" you are talking about, than to do the appointment and it be a lousy session because she is "over-worked", or just realized it was her birthday, but please do not NCNS.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Another reason to see more mature providers.
Boltfan's Avatar
This is classic.

Sweetheart, I think you might have been better off not posting a response at all. Regardless of how serious you take these things you just showed everyone that you don't give a shit about their time.

It would have taken you 30 seconds to cancel. I would say I hope you learned from this but by your own words I don't think you even care.

Good luck.
OldGrump's Avatar
From the responses so far, it appears that no one denies you the right to vacation when you choose, but when you make a commitment to someone, you either keep it or let them know in advance. Of course, most of us consider that common sense. Something you will develop as you mature.

Leslie, you have a beautiful smile and I'm sure anyone scheduling with you would really be looking forward to the meeting. It would be a great disappointment for you to cancel, but an even greater one for you to just "disappear". Thus the review.

Good luck.
I went out for me and Tiffany's birthday weekend. I cant help that I worked the night before until 4 in the morning. I was asleep and did not charge my phone the night before. It is not that I do not care about people's time. I was just tired and it was my birthday.
To the people that are trying to get me suspended because I "have access" to the mens locker room... are you kidding? How do I have access to the mens locker room? I did not even know there was a "forbidden" area. I do not even have access to the ladies forum on here much less the men's locker room.
sixxbach's Avatar
Honey, I hate to break this to you but.... for now at least... this is your job. You are being paid good money to do what you do. Good luck NC/NS your boss in the civilian world. Sure, it's your birthday. You also said everyone knows you like to party. Since its no secret to everyone and YOURSELF that you like to party, why book anyone during that time? Seriously? I understand trying to do what you can but why set yourself up for "failure" when you know what is more priority to you (especially on your birthday)?

Truthfully I thought I could make it the next day, but I did not wake up until way late and then decided to take the rest of the weekend off.
OldGrump's Avatar
1. Probably not a good idea to schedule that close to a late night celebration.

2. Notifying the client, even after the fact, with an apology should have taken place. Shouldn't he have been notified of your new decision?

3. Oh, is all about you. (Sorry, you sound too much like my granddaughter so you get the same response).
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I just wanted to let everyone know that yes I did NCNS Wheretonow, but it was my birthday weekend and everyone knows that me and tiffany like to party!! I wanted to post the ENTIRE email that was sent to him and not just the part that makes me look like a horrible person!! Originally Posted by Leslie Ann
I'm sorry, but what's the part that doesn't make you look like a horrible person? Maybe you can highlight it for me because all I see is that you no called, no showed him (for the second time according to him), never bothered to apologize, and then told him you don't really give a shit. Was there more to it that I missed?

I do not see people that write NCNS reviews about me. Just an FYI. Originally Posted by Leslie Ann
I'm kinda guessing that you don't see people who don't write NCNS reviews about you either because YOU DON'T SHOW! Just an FYI.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
talk about a train wreck...

If you are gonna be out partying dont schedule an appt the next day. This is a business! How would you feel if your doctor canceled your appointment because they chose to go party the next day? How would you feel if your kids daycare provider didnt answer the door because they were out partying the night before and you had to be at work or an important appointment? You would fire them right?

Do you ever think about what your client has to go through to set aside that time, get a hall pass, and get to your incall? Most of these men are married professionals and they come to this site because they are looking for a professional companion.

If you are not going to be serious about this maybe this isn't the place or right business for you. All it takes is a quick phone call or email to cancel an appointment!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-13-2011, 03:05 PM
Seems to me she is more interested in rep'ng her hood than common courtesy.

There is NO excuse for a NCNS.. *caveat* A true emergency is an exception.

Partying all night - dancing - being a self centered birthday girl - <---not TRUE emergencies.

The man went through all your hoops to get the appointment to see you and you don't give him the respect back.
Yeah... great gal we got here folks.
daddyo67's Avatar
Leslie Ann! everyone makes mistakes! I have even made a few! As the years go by you will probably make fewer and fewer!

I see you are coming here to etex later this month! you will be very wecome here!
I wonder what her response would have been if someone set a time with her and then went out an partied the night before and then NCNS'd her?

You think she would think it was a big deal?

Anyway - it doesn't matter how much you explain it to someone... if they don't get why a NCNS is a big deal the first time, they usually never get it.