Biden Voters: Ukraine Blood Is On Your Hands

ICU 812's Avatar
Folks: If you voted for President Biden, you have a deep share in responsibility for the on-going blood bath in Ukraine.

Sure, President Trump was and is an abrasive, loud talking, arrogant and pushy (insert bad word here) New York bully, but those characteristics and a get-it-done management style is what kept Putin out of Ukraine from 2016 through 2820.

President Obama and President Biden have both allowed Putin to expand Russia into first Crimea and now the rest of Ukraine, despite the USA being signatory to an agreement insuring Ukrainian sovereignty and i=independence vs Russia.

If you are an Obama or Biden Voter; you are responsible for the shitstorm that is engulfing Ukraine . . and the fan is still spinning.
That's been the story and it's not going to change. Democrats better ace their delusion that everything is Trump's fault. This Russian Invasion on Ukraine is happening on Biden's watch and he owns it.
adav8s28's Avatar
Folks: If you voted for President Biden, you have a deep share in responsibility for the on-going blood bath in Ukraine.

Sure, President Trump was and is an abrasive, loud talking, arrogant and pushy (insert bad word here) New York bully, but those characteristics and a get-it-done management style is what kept Putin out of Ukraine from 2016 through 2820.

President Obama and President Biden have both allowed Putin to expand Russia into first Crimea and now the rest of Ukraine, despite the USA being signatory to an agreement insuring Ukrainian sovereignty and i=independence vs Russia.

If you are an Obama or Biden Voter; you are responsible for the shitstorm that is engulfing Ukraine . . and the fan is still spinning. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If Ukraine had joined NATO, there would be a no fly zone over the Ukraine and boots on the ground from NATO countries helping them out right now. Article 5 would automatically trigger. They would be getting protection, without any discussion or debate.

Trumps get it done management style did three things.

1. Take the Federal Government Budget deficit from 585 billion back to 1 Trillion after he got his corporate tax cut implemented.

2. Did the SAME 2% GDP growth numbers that Obama was doing. He promised 4,5, even 6% and only sniffed 3% one time. The data is the data.

3. Mismanaged a pandemic so bad that 400,000 American citizens died due to his incompetence. "Like a miracle it (CoVid) would just go away".
If Ukraine had joined NATO, there would be a no fly zone over the Ukraine and boots on the ground from NATO countries helping them out right now. Article 5 would automatically trigger. They would be getting protection, without any discussion or debate.

Trumps get it done management style did three things.

1. Take the Federal Government Budget deficit from 585 billion back to 1 Trillion after he got his corporate tax cut implemented.

2. Did the SAME 2% GDP growth numbers that Obama was doing. He promised 4,5, even 6% and only sniffed 3% one time. The data is the data.

3. Mismanaged a pandemic so bad that 400,000 American citizens died due to his incompetence. "Like a miracle it (CoVid) would just go away". Originally Posted by adav8s28
This isn't Trump's problem no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it is. Ukraine isn't a NATO member and the United States has an idiot for a President, Putin probably figured it's now or never.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2022, 12:20 PM
Folks: If you voted for President Biden, you have a deep share in responsibility for the on-going blood bath in Ukraine.

Sure, President Trump was and is an abrasive, loud talking, arrogant and pushy (insert bad word here) New York bully, but those characteristics and a get-it-done management style is what kept Putin out of Ukraine from 2016 through 2820.

President Obama and President Biden have both allowed Putin to expand Russia into first Crimea and now the rest of Ukraine, despite the USA being signatory to an agreement insuring Ukrainian sovereignty and i=independence vs Russia.

If you are an Obama or Biden Voter; you are responsible for the shitstorm that is engulfing Ukraine . . and the fan is still spinning. Originally Posted by ICU 812
That is like saying Bush was responsible for 9/11

Just ignorant af.
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey bud. What are YOU doing about this besides insulting and attacking your fellow Americans? Is your home open to Ukrainian refugees, or ANY refugees for that matter?

Trump continues to jerk off Putin.

You continue to work your wrist over Trump.

Like I said in the LAST thread like this you posted, you’ve got shit on your hands.

Wash up bud.
bambino's Avatar
Hey bud. What are YOU doing about this besides insulting and attacking your fellow Americans? Is your home open to Ukrainian refugees, or ANY refugees for that matter?

Trump continues to jerk off Putin.

You continue to work your wrist over Trump.

Like I said in the LAST thread like this you posted, you’ve got shit on your hands.

Wash up bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is your “home” open to refugees?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey bud. What are YOU doing about this besides insulting and attacking your fellow Americans? Is your home open to Ukrainian refugees, or ANY refugees for that matter?

Trump continues to jerk off Putin.

You continue to work your wrist over Trump.

Like I said in the LAST thread like this you posted, you’ve got shit on your hands.

Wash up bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

ICU 812's Avatar
That is like saying Bush was responsible for 9/11
Originally Posted by WTF
And on 9/12 and for years after, there were liberal-lefties that did say it was Bush's fault . . .and that he actually caused it to happen! There are folks out there who still think so.

BTW: While my home is not open to housing refugees, I am ative in my church where wee are involved with an Interntional faith-based effort to support refugees. Resettlement is on the table .
ICU 812's Avatar

Besides all that: I still don't hear any Biden/Obama voters tsking ownership of this unfolding tragedy.

Back in the 1970s, President Carter's weakness in responding to the Iranian takeover of our embassy in Teran encouraged the Russians/Soviets to take over Afghanistan. While that didn't work out for them, it was Carter's passivity that let them think we would do nothing in response. Representative Charly Wilson alone carried alone pushed our side to give any help for the Afghans. Turned out, Stinger misses did the trick in large part.

Russian fears that President Trump would react strongly kept them out of Ukraine during the years between Obama and Biden.

Russian fears of President Reagan kept the Soviets at bay in the 1980s and set up the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union under President Ford.

Every president gets something wrong during their time as chief executive. The communist takeover of China in 1949 was one and the Korean war in the early 1950s is another example. President Eisenhower didn't support the resistance to Castro. Then, JFK had the failed invasion of Cuba, which lead to the Cuban Missile Crises in the 1960s. And we are still dealing with those failures today. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon failed to adequately deal with the Viet Nam War.

Obama failed to support the independence of Ukraine and let the Russians take over Georgia. Biden has failed us in Afghanistan and now again in Ukraine.

What follows from the current shit-storm in Ukraine will be with us for most of the rest of the 2st Century.

And if you voted for Obama and/or Biden . . .its your bag of shit to carry around.
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden had plenty of help ....

... and he was VP with lots of years in D.C.

And then ....

In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. This event took place in the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity and is part of the wider Russo-Ukrainian War.
Someone forgot to rewrite World history while woking the U.S.

And what did Obaminable/Bitten do about it?

Oh, BTW, does anyone happen to know who is actually brokering the deal with Iran on behalf of the United States of America?

Russian representatives! So...

Dependent on them for oil ... and a nuke free Iran!

Thank you, President Bitten and all of those who voted for you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Any doubt who stands for independence and who doesn’t?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2022, 08:05 AM
And on 9/12 and for years after, there were liberal-lefties that did say it was Bush's fault . . .and that he actually caused it to happen! There are folks out there who still think so.

. Originally Posted by ICU 812
They were idiots just like it is idiotic to blame Biden and his supporters for Ukraine