provider posting in reviews

  • sabin
  • 05-14-2012, 06:25 AM
Bro, what are you on? Please....get a life. It is getting old and based on my experience, you are more than likely a provider posing as a fake hobbyiest. You just joined this site May 6th and it says your in webster. Bam, conveniently this pops up. You know I could care less about competition. Not everone is going to like me and not everyone is gonna like you.
What you say absolutely makes no sense. First of all, most of the time noone gets my room number to walk up to my room. I go down and get you. Occassionally, I will let someone come up to my room however most of the time, I have you park on a specific side of the building and then I come down to greet you, let you in, and then walk you to my room. Considering the experience I have had both as a provider and phone operator for various agencies in New England, I have found that it is better for both parties to not have the hobbiest go by the front desk. Furthermore, you said that you just walked up to my room? Uh, wrong answer...again I use the two call system. I like to give the hobbyist the option of walking away if I am not in fact what they had in mind. So, what did this undercover cop supposedly look like...LMFAO! Oh, wait...did you say it was an officer in uniform?
I would like to thank "out of bounds" for his delightful review and I will remember this always. I also appreciate all of your compliments. I am probably giving away some of my secrets but if every provider would take the time to consider the fact that some of these gentlemen have to save little bits at a time for sometimes up to months at a time just for our company. Ladies, I love what I do because everyday I get up knowing i am about to put a smile on someone's face and make their day. Oh, and jsazorro, in case you didnt know this, people from all over the country come to Houston on business. Did you ever think that maybe this gentleman who was a total sweetheart might have lived in Boston like myself and recognized the area code. Maybe that intrigued him. Oh, and just so you know jsazorro, I am not from Boston originally...I am from Pasadena, Tx. I know one of two things is going on here...either you are a provider who cannot stand any type of competition and does not understand that variety is the spice of life or you are a hobbyiest who does not like the fact that I do not do half hours. Honestly, I feel sorry for you. You sound like a very miserable individual..just saying.
  • sabin
  • 05-14-2012, 06:27 AM
I just want to add one more thing. Ladies, we have it made here. If any of you have ever worked in New England you would know exactly what I am talking about. The thing I like the most are the post-appointment thank you texts. They always bring a smile to my face even when I am having the worst of days.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Uhh...Post in the proper section. I am moving this to COED!
Sarunga's Avatar
Very nicely done. Another example of smart moderation based on common sense.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes, whoever said moderators were lazy and shiftless should be tied up and used by Olivia Howard.
dearhunter's Avatar
That must have been WTF.......ijs.
pyramider's Avatar
It sure wasn't me this time.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 05-16-2012, 11:17 AM
I learned quite a bit from the various Sabin threads. Among other things I am kind of amazed at all the skulduggery and sabotage that seems to fly around.

Sabine - sorry to see you being unfairly dragged through the mud but I guess this is that kind of environment. As someone who moved to Houston from Boston myself I would love to have the chance to see you but alas, the commute is a bit too much for me.
Boston??? Get a rope!!! Oh shit, my bad...that's a chili commercial

I learned quite a bit from the various Sabin threads. Among other things I am kind of amazed at all the skulduggery and sabotage that seems to fly around.

Sabine - sorry to see you being unfairly dragged through the mud but I guess this is that kind of environment. As someone who moved to Houston from Boston myself I would love to have the chance to see you but alas, the commute is a bit too much for me. Originally Posted by zme