seeing Providers in Public

MrClark's Avatar
I have met a lot of nice ladies on here and I would be happy to have them as my relative , neighbor or coworker . ( or whatever you want to put in there )
The providers are honest any decent good people.
I hae recently moved to the Houston area ,I lived elsewhere and worked here up to now.
Now where i live I'm likely to acciently see a provider I've been with several times and I might be with my SO.
How nervous should I be?
Providers and Hobbbiest please help me out here.
Hobby etiquette is just pretend you've never seen each other before.
S.O. present or not.
cumalot's Avatar
You are sooo screwed dude....or MOTOXMAN said thats good advise....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep do not acknowledge, you never know if they are with real life friends or family.

I have been told by a provider, BCD, that she saw me at such and such place and I was with my SO.
I thanked her for her discretion and then fucked her brains out.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Our time is BCD...........That is when and where we know each other.......In the RL Im just another sexy lady walking by.............
pyramider's Avatar
Just do not run and hide behind the potted plants. Or walk around thrusting your hips saying "scchhhwiinnngggg." Your SO might become suspicious.
cumalot's Avatar
Act normal and if you normally check out the ladies and if she notices your not checking out that special one, she will be suspicious as check them out as you do all the rest....and Ms A you are not just another sexy lady walking by, You ARE the sexy lady walking by...ijs
thor66's Avatar
Hobby etiquette is just pretend you've never seen each other before.
S.O. present or not. Originally Posted by MOTOXMAN
+1 This is usually a very important rule for both sides.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
This recently happened....I was in a retail store and this hot girl passes me by. I look again and recognize her...ive been bcd with her. She played it well. Just go on with your business.
Wakeup's Avatar
MrClark's Avatar
Thanks for the input . The provider assured me it would not be a problem, I've just been lied to alot in life.
Cumalot thanks your words were very comforting.
ICU 812's Avatar
Just walk on by. Maybe drop her a PM later.
Wakeup's Avatar
I have met a lot of nice ladies on here and I would be happy to have them as my relative , neighbor or coworker . ( or whatever you want to put in there )
The providers are honest any decent good people. Originally Posted by MrClark
sentinel225's Avatar
This has actually happened to me. A provider I had an ongoing relationship with got an internship with the my employer and eventually ended up in my department. When we started seeing one another her app was already in the system. She didn't know who I was or where I worked. We met at the Shadow Bar one night while I was there celebrating a birthday with friends and relatives. She had just graduated that day and her, her sister, and her friends kinda "joined" our party. I was the DD for the honoree and not drinking, but buying bottles of various wines and Don Julio at a time. By the end of the night her and her sister were literally sitting on my table, wearing tubes btw, and she asks if we were going to get something to eat. I told her I didn't think anyone that was with me was in any condition to eat food except me. So she pulls a Charms Blowpop out of her bag and asked me if I was hungry. I said sure, then she unwraps this sucker sticks in her pussy, pulls it out and began caressing her lips with it. All I can do is smile of course, then she applies a second coat and feeds me..... We wake up about noon Sunday, churn again then have lunch at Niko Niko with her sister. Exchange numbers, kiss, cup and go our ways.

I knew from chatting with her that night she was very intelligent, had just graduated with a degree in business admin and was looking for a paid internship for at least 6 months and a job to get ahead so she could continue on to the grad school of her choice which is located on the west coast. I knew she had interviews setup for the week and that if she could not find anything in 2 weeks she was moving in with her sister in the Bay Area. After one of, if not the the best, nights of sex in my well traveled life we didn't even talk about her situation that sunday. Well, Monday morning after my staff meeting I'm headed out the building to my vehicle and I see this beautiful woman being dropped off at the entrance with shades on, hair up in a bun and a suit on and I'm like, damn, she looks like Michelle. Problem was she wasn't driving her car and the shades covered half of her face. Oh well, off to Wildcat I went. After playing my round I try to call her and the number is not working. Just my luck, right.

Wednesday morning I'm headed out the building for a meeting and there is Michelle sitting in the the lobby talking with our head of recruiting, lol. We make eye contact and I keep walking. Try to call her again, same deal. Thursday morning, department head meeting, Michelle is sitting in a chair on the wall and is introduced as the new HR intern.... After her first 6 months, I picked her up for my division for another 6.

Our relationship lasted a little over a year and she's working on her MBA.
Wakeup's Avatar
Jack Flash get a new handle?