Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves

I am trying to figure this out, but being an avid hobbyist and Asian fever victim, I cannot look at this subject objectively.
I watched all of the MSNBC documentaries in the "Sex Slaves" series, and found them to feature some of our beloved entertainment establishments in a bit of a dim light.
As I listen to the LE representatives talk about this "problem" (this menace to society) I rolled my eyes and choked on my own tongue !!
Does anyone here among us believe in this Human Trafficking, poor under age foreign women being forced to have sex with hundreds of strange men against their will and under the threat of injury to themselves or their family theory !!!???
MAYBE, just MAYBE, here, now, in 2012, 5-15% of providers, nationwide in this country, I may buy that, or MAYBE to repay gambling debts ???

HELLO !!! These are primarily, full grown, educated women, aged 30+, WORKING, on their own FREE r............................. ...............

and lots of it. Tax evasion would be easier to get a conviction on than prostitution

Tell me if anyone here believes in the "Human Trafficking" angle. I must know.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
...Tax evasion would be easier to get a conviction on than prostitution... Originally Posted by 3602houston
Which is why I pay taxes on my Fancy income.

I'm pretty much in agreement. I'm sure there's some human trafficking, but prostitution is far from the sensationalized and exaggerated portrayal perpetuated by "investigative reporters."

I have a journalism degree and used to work in newspapers and radio over 20 years ago, but even then, I could see the writing on the wall was going yellow. Frankly, the way the media is today, I'm less of a whore in THIS profession.
Sarunga's Avatar
Agree with both.
I too have watched my share of those shows... I do not feel the "majority" of them are doing any thing they do not agree to do, want to do, or know they are going to be doing... I do believe that a lot of them come here illegally ... but on their own terms, and I have seen on 20/20 where they agree to be brought here, and agree to work off what it cost them to get here.

I have actually had this conversation with the man who owns the nail shop I use, and yep, he knows what I do... and he is an older man, Here legally, but told me, his brother, sister and a few other family members could not afford at the time to get here legally, and they had all been here for 8 years.. those family members, (the sister working as a "provider") is still paying off what they owed to get here.. So, in some cases, maybe in many, this is going on. But I would think, the majority of these ladies, are doing what they can, willingly.
Sarunga's Avatar
Yes, then there are others who come here legally....but once their immigration status expire...stay on illegally. I've encountered a few of those....but they are not working against their will.
pyramider's Avatar
Human trafficking is bad. I get it. But the media is sensationalizing the trafficking thing. Its almost like the media is just recirculating the same story that came out six years ago.
cumalot's Avatar
In the media it always comes down to sex sells.....
Human trafficking is bad. Originally Posted by pyramider
I totally agree..people forcing people to work for them..illegals made to sickens me..I love what I do and look forward to doing it for many years to come...but no one will ever force me to do it... unless you are forcing my head down...Im off to do !!!

And yes sex sells..but selling another person for profit is lower than scum
Human trafficking is bad. I get it. But the media is sensationalizing the trafficking thing. Its almost like the media is just recirculating the same story that came out six years ago. Originally Posted by pyramider

Village Voice and some other news media already called out these folks on the exaggerated numbers and out right lying about the whole human trafficking issue. Remember the whole 100,000's of prostitute show up for the Superbowl headline? This is all by design. They get more government funding to fight this so called "human sex trafficking" and they get more help from the FBI where there was none previously. Its just like the whole scare about terrorism and the TSA agents coming to Houston and stopping the metro buses (in the name of a terrorist threat of which they admitted there was none) to check peoples ID's and grab some folks on outstanding tickets or possible prostitution or finding a little pot on somebody riding the bus.
I'm sure it's out there but I have never seen it in any of the places I go...and I go to a few
Remember,, that the media just loves this type of stuff.......on a regular basis..they
run these types of stories...........stand playbook. The media has written any
real news on anything in years.
I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this reporting is skewed. I always wondered how "off" these numbers are.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm sure it's out there but I have never seen it in any of the places I go...and I go to a few Originally Posted by tbone2u
I also feel this way. Frankly, I think stuff of this nature is deep underground that requires several vouches to get into the scene.

However, this being stated, when the news, police, and FBI all mention places near McCartey and Clinton, I feel there is a story behind it. Just remember that LE probably knows more than we do, with their snitches, etc.
I hear it cost an Asian girl $30k to get here and she has to pay it off. A girl from a country like Hondurous is $7k to come here. And they have to work it off. But I'm sure when they leave their countries they know what they got to do cause its so common. And think about it, if they raid a Cantina those young 19 yr old girls are gonna play the victim. They play innocent and act like they don't get paid when in fact they do, maybe only half but they do get paid. Then the Government gives the owner 10 years and they girl her green card. Any illegal here and being abused can register for citizenship. So why not say "he forced and raped me and didn't give me a dime". I know plenty of latina ladies who will lie through their teeth to "get out of something". I'm not sure how the asian women work, but half my family is latin lol. I don't buy all of what they say in a minute! I'm sure it happens, just not as much as they wold like you to think!
You have to realize May is sweeps month so they will put anything on which will grab attention and spark controversy. I think it does happen(and it's wrong) but not at the numbers they are saying.