Alexandra Foxx FTA

joecholo's Avatar
Sent a text to Alexandra Foxx,, on Thursday afternoon to see if I can set up an appointment with her for Friday, 02/22 at 1230 pm, along with my Eccie information for verification purpose. She text back that everything was good to go for the appointment and she even gave her incall location but not the room number.

So on Friday morning at 930 am, I sent her a confirmation text to see if we were still on for the 1230 pm appointment. At 11 am I decided to hit the shower to get ready for our appointment and also for work and noticed that there was still no reply from her. So by 1130 am I was out the door and started heading out to her incall and before and after getting on the freeway I had sent her couple of text and a phone call to confirm with no reply but decided to go to her incall location anyway. So I there and parked my vehicle and waiter for her reply, since the time was now 1215 pm, decided to wait until 1230 pm, our appointment time. I waited some more until 1245 pm and still no reply so I sent her a text stating that I will be leaving the parking lot and thanked her for the NCNS and for wasting my time. Since Hooters wasn't that far from there, I decided to go and have lunch there to waste some time before going to work. I had a great time there since my regular Hooters girl waitress was working along with other girls that knows me. Left Hooters at 130 pm and headed to work.

Not mad, but very disappointed with her NCNS, no call back with any type of explanation. Never mind the NCNS, I just hope everything is ok with her and that she is safe and doing fine. That is my story on Alexandra Foxx Failure To Appear.
Far-Out's Avatar
She hasn't replied to my messages either after Texting me earlier in the week that she would Be in town .
poppy71's Avatar
either she does not want to take appointments, whoever handles her texts is playing games, or she did not come to town - whatever the reason behind it, not responding to messages is plain unprofessional....thanks for the heads up - no point in wasting time trying to contact her
Monica4u's Avatar
Awww sorry that happened to u guys .... :-(
Yea but if she never responded to the app. Confirmations from 9:30-12:15 you kinda of wasted your own time. Their was no response to confirm the app. Was still on that should have been an indication. I don't necessarily see how this is a nc/ns when proper confirmation was never received. I think it's bad etiquette on her part if anything for not notifying you in advance that the app. Was canceled. Quite rude but not necessarily a nc/ns. Maybe something happened like a family tragedy or busy dealing with a personal issue,and that's why she's not responded to and TXTS or pms.
Maybe something happened like a family tragedy or busy dealing with a personal issue,and that's why she's not responded to and TXTS or pms. Originally Posted by jazz1j

1. She's young...
2. She's Pimped...

That's what happened....just my .02
internet_inventor2's Avatar
1. She's young...
2. She's Pimped...

That's what happened....just my .02 Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Now folks that's what I call cutting to the point and skipping the chase lol. No need for my comment.
oh ok I don't know anything about the provider in question. I was just saying why go somewhere if the app was never confirmed
Far-Out's Avatar
1. She's young...
2. She's Pimped...

That's what happened....just my .02 Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Sums it up.

[/end thread]
joecholo's Avatar
Yea but if she never responded to the app. Confirmations from 9:30-12:15 you kinda of wasted your own time. Their was no response to confirm the app. Was still on that should have been an indication. I don't necessarily see how this is a nc/ns when proper confirmation was never received. I think it's bad etiquette on her part if anything for not notifying you in advance that the app. Was canceled. Quite rude but not necessarily a nc/ns. Maybe something happened like a family tragedy or busy dealing with a personal issue,and that's why she's not responded to and TXTS or pms. Originally Posted by jazz1j
It wasn't really a waste of my time because my contingency plan was to have lunch at Hooters anyway should she decide to NCNS me. Like I stated in my first posting, Hooters was not far from there, in fact, it was only less than 5 minutes away. Loss for her and gain for me, 'cause I got to keep my 250 and will be using that for a confirmed appointment with a provider that I have seen before next week.

I disagree with you as far as confirmation. To me, if a provider text me that we are good to go for the agreed appointment (a consensus) date and time, that's confirmation to me, a verbal confirmation. I really didn't have to "re-confirm" with her but I have learned my lesson in the past and that's why I do it all the time now before I even leave my house. Trust me, if I didn't feel like going to Hooters that day, I would have just stayed home knowing that I would just be wasting my time and fuel.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-23-2013, 08:49 PM
I can't say I would've gone with her not responding for two hours. While in theory you're right, she had confirmed the previous day. Reality is if they don't reply right before the meet it probably ain't gonna happen. After you've seen a chick her confermations mean a bit more to her, a new chick hell its iffy till you hit the door.
Yea that all sounds well and good that you shouldn't have to "re-confirm" but we've all booked app. Before. It's pretty standard to have a series of confirmations. 1.) the initial app. Confirmation,2.) usually a few hours before said app. 3.) the I'm on my way confirmation 4.) the I've arrived confirmation. You would have never texted her the morning of if you weren't trying to get affirmation the app. Was still a green light. I'm not trying to be confrontational I was just stating that it was pretty clear she was flaking. Im glad you already had plans to be in her area so it wasn't a total waste. It worked out for you either way so that is great.
Ramman's Avatar
Not sure what happen with her I met her last week without issue.
Mr Willy's Avatar
If you get a confirmation one day that you are on for the appointment but cannot get a reconfirm the day of the appointment then there is no way in hell I am going to waste my time driving and not knowing whether the appointment will take place. I know it still wastes your time trying to contact her to see if you are still on but after a while just give up.
joecholo's Avatar
She contacted me yesterday, told me what the scoop was and I will keep it private since it's personal and gave her the benefit of the doubt. She did say she will make it up to me and made a deal with her the next time she's back in town. Couldn't pass up that compromising deal so now it's just a waiting game until she's back. Everything should be back to normal with her the next time she's in town. That's all folks.