Kayla Smith NCNS

Scheduled a 4pm. Confirmed by voice and text. Now 4:15 and she won't respond to voice or text. Better luck to someone else, because she sure looks nice in the pics.
Kit Walker's Avatar
She has always been on time with me. This is surprising. Ask for a price reduction if you see her as she has always been fun for me. She has usually been available on short notice also. Love to hear why she stood you up. That is not the way to get new business. Let us know her reasons.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to correct forum
Dorian Gray's Avatar
While a NCNS is bad business I thought it was also policy to wait more than 15min to post the NCNS. You know at least two hours in the case of double booking &/or she text/call you to apologize/offer reparations.... yada yada yada.

Pretty confident it's NOT gonna happen though, & not surprising it happened to you.
I am shocked!!!!!!
I know Kayla pretty well and I know she is working hard to repair her NCNS reputation. Hopefully she had a good excuse and will reschedule for you. I know it is hard to believe, but she is worth the trouble!!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
[text messages are not to be posted here - GM]

I didn't respond to that text message.

Like sorry...:/. Slipt my mind took weekend off then was sooo busy.
Are we good to go? Looking to confirm before I drive over

I didn't respond to that text message.

Like sorry...:/. Slipt my mind took weekend off then was sooo busy. Originally Posted by Kayla Smith
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Originally Posted by proudoftexas

kerwil62's Avatar
Scheduled a 4pm. Confirmed by voice and text. Now 4:15 and she won't respond to voice or text. Better luck to someone else, because she sure looks nice in the pics. Originally Posted by cadmium
Are we good to go? Looking to confirm before I drive over

I didn't respond to that text message.

Like sorry...:/. Slipt my mind took weekend off then was sooo busy. Originally Posted by Kayla Smith
After EA's post and hers, I'd move on. Her mind will slip again.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Slipt?....Slipped. What are they teaching on those standardized test these days?

Kayla, I thought the phone call where I spoke with you after that text message was confirmation enough. You did, after all, direct me to general location and ask I call when I arrived. Perhaps that slipped your mind as well.

For those questioning why I didn't allow more than 15 minutes before giving up. I had just spoken with her and indicated I was about 15 minutes away. I certainly wasn't going to wait two hours to be let down.

Lastly Kayla, I would like to thank you for the nasty text messages you sent this AM. My advice would be to move on. There's plenty of other suckers like me who are willing to ignore this and your running NCNS record. Best of luck.
Sorry that happened to you. I know I really enjoyed driving for an hour after work to see her, only to be NCNS'd. I wonder how one can "repair" that rep.