Providers & Metaphysics

nbnsennbn1's Avatar
Hello Providers

I recently discovered something I wanted to share with all of you - because I simply love you all and feel you do a great service to mankind! No one else can do what you do with a smile. So with that said let me jump right in.

Obvisouly I have not had much action in a while so when I got an opportunity for a FWB situation I literally jumped on it Anyway it was all good as far as that goes, but this friend of mine is spritually inclined. The next day I get a message from her saying I had corded her. I was like "what are your talking about"???

She went on to explain that as I have not been with anyone in a long time I had subconsciously created a cord between me and her and was drawing the much required feminine energy and depleting her. She asked me to uncord and explained how I should do it (It's a visualization techniques). I asked her instanly about providers in general (in a subtle way of course). She explained why providers get depressed and low on energy fast and they resort to medication due to high energy draw (her assumption, not mine). Also said that they can protect themselves by creating a protection shield (also visualization).

Anyway I really wanted to share this with you providers. Since then I have read a lot about this online and now believe this is true. I trust my friend too who has come through for me with her abilities (not that kinda of abilities!), but here psychic abilities. She is not bull shitting since she has nothing to gain and FWB to loose, lol. Cording does not have to come with just an encounter of this nature - it comes usually during realtionships which create strong cording. Simple encounters also create cording but they are weaker and go away soon - but not before drawing something out of you. Anyway there are ways to protect other than physical. Your souls may be providing too and you may only be charging for your physical! So either charge for providing from the soul or protect yourself. It take seconds to create the visualization before you meet with a hobbyist. Or I would suggest you do that regularly everyday or a few times a day.

I know that NOT everyone is a believer. But this won't hurt you or anyone, so there is no harm. If you girls do see results then please post back - I love feedback. Google cording/decording to learn more. I will be happy to answer questions as well and check with my intutive friend if required. You girls see a lot, and that affects you at a layer much deeper than physical - so you be aware. You might already have cords (is what a guess of mine would be!). So visualize a decord and add protection to get yourself situated well going forward.

For hobbyists - yes you should protect too, because the providers energy is affecting you much the same was as yours is affecting her. So it helps to keep this at a physical level and fun for all involved without any lingering ties. Talk about ultimate protection for all!

Best of Luck and thanks again providers for being so very wonderful.

ps: I sincerely request non-belivers to move on ... you are probably the majority even, I will give that to you all right away. So there is really nothing more to say. Appreciate it folks.
Ben There's Avatar
Have have no idea what cording is all about, but you've stoked my curiosity to the point that I will google it.

That being said, I firmly believe the energy/passion I receive from a session is a direct result of the energy/passion I bring to a session. It is a reciprocal arrangement, bidirectional highway, get what you give, instant karma, or whatever you want to label it.
In my early 20s I came to the conclusion that there are three types of people in the world, defined by personal interactions -- those who energize me, those who drain me, and the neutrals. I've had to remind myself time and time again to keep the drainers out of my life and seek out more opportunities to interact with the energizers. I may sound like a loony toon each time I start talking about energy, but the exchanges and reserves are just far too tangible to me.

That being said, I found my time as a provider to be extremely emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining. I often felt that the more I fed my provider-ego, the more I starved my real-life ego. Since I was in a foreign town, the real-life touchstones were few and far between, making it far too easy to lose my footing. Another aspect which drained me was the constant feeling that I should be "on-call." If I wasn't in a session, I was screening potentials, emailing for future dates or compulsively checking my IMs, emails, PMs and voicemails. Ironically enough, being emotionally overwhelmed from the lifestyle led to a disappearing act from time to time which hurt my TCB shit far more than keeping regular business-type hours would have.

So...yeah. Providing requires a shit-ton of giving and far too many people in this community are fond of taking without giving back. Far too many people in life are fond of taking without giving back. It's a delicate balance to keep, and looking back I feel as though I did a shitty job at it.
nbnsennbn1's Avatar
I read your blog JL and you are so right at many levels. I would encourage everyone to read JL's blog as well. It is important to realize that we are all spritual and providers (I would believe) are so much more, whether they realize it or not. JL says in her blog that providers are healers. The few healers I know acknowledge how draining their work is as well. So there is a parallel at least. Folks reading this may begin to wonder if this is sounding loony toon (using your words JL). Which is why I would guess, is one of the reasons why this is not discussed to the detail it should be. Hopefully this is a start for this website - I did not find any other similiar posts here. Yes, I searched before I posted to be sure this (or any other similiar spritual topic) is not already discussed. I am glad I started this thread. Thanks for the feedback JL. There are many books on sprituality which I can recommend if someone wants a suggestion. What would you suggest JL?
Well I said that I will never post here again, but this is my kind of thread. I also noticed some other nice threads, so sorry co-eds for being extra-sensative. I got my mind right again!

First, I want to thank the OP for your kind words and bringing this subject to light. What you and JL said is so true (I will be reading JL's blog now b/c I have always adored her presence and thoughts on the board). In my mind it seems the lady friend that asked you to decord set the intent (with her mind power) that gave you power over her energy. It makes sense to me that she is the only one who can do the decording.

I agree with the OP on visualization and setting an intent for your energy when interacting with others. I believe that an individual can produce any outcome they conjure up in there mind. In your case nbnsennbn1, if you did "create a cord subconsciously", she has the power to consciously not accept and break that tie with her own visualization and meditation. I think it's great that she introduced this new-to-you concept into your mind, but I think she was the one that created that cord (by setting that intent). Since she is the one that brought it to your attention, it is obvious that she created that cord and the affect associated with it.

Whatever you researched and believed to be true is what will manifest before you. This new concept in your mind might be tweaked a bit, because your thoughts are what matter (pun intended) for you. If one believes there is a cord and people can suck their energy, that is what they will get. If one believes there is a shield that they create, and that can filter out negativity and others can't permeate it, then that is what they will get. And if for some reason ones filtering shield still isn't working; that is probably their life force telling them there is something better out there and to get away from whatever is negatively affecting them.

Also, I want to add, like attracts like. The law attraction does not decipher specifics. For example: I recently put up on my showcase and a few other ads out there "I don't accept appointment requests from those under the influence or drink excessively." I rarely get requests from these type of people, but to be clear, I posted it anyway. I swear as soon as I put that up I started getting nothing but drunk weirdo callers. In other words I attracted that. So I actually came online today to post an ad and change that post to: "I would love to spend time with ........(the type of gents I want to see)" I am sure things will change just as instantaneously. Other examples would be anti-war rallies. Most turn into a war between the police and the protesters. Why? because the protesters are angry about.....well, war. I bet a pro peace rally would be more effective or at least not so violent.

I hope this tread helps folks understand that we are the only ones really in control of our lives. Our mind power is so strong. Our will is so effective in our day to day activities. We as individuals have the power to live a wonderful life and have anything we want if we listen carefully to ourselves and not let others unwanted thoughts influence us. You might get slack for thinking for yourself, but you can and will always be happy if that is your intent.

Create your fate!

Hope everyone is having a nice day! xoxox!
This is going to be very simplified, because I'm using my phone. I wanted to respond anyway. I agree 100% with Jennslolli about the drainers and energizers. All my life I have been very sensitive to people's energy. I did some research, and apparently I am what "they" consider an empath. I have to be very careful of the people around me, because of that. Call me looney if you want, but its true. Maybe its a gift of discernment. At any rate, this topic about energy is why it infuriates me when people talk about us and our profession as being easy. And all the disrespect that is doled out on a daily basis. That in itself is draining. When to people are intimate they take on each others energy. When that energy is bad I can't tell you how draining it is. Obviously, some have wonderful energy! That complicates things even more. Its a hard concept for many to wrap their heads around. Men and women are just built differently. It seems men can have an hour of fun, and leave it at that (most men).Women tend to give more of themselves whether they realize it or not. Even more so in the hobby.
nbnsennbn1's Avatar
I agree with most of what you said Jasmine. Before I say my comments let me also quickly say that by no means I want to indicate that I know better than you. While it's very true that intentions make things happen, I don't fully agree that I could NOT have corded subconsciouly, simply because I did not even know about cording. You don't have to know about things for it to work. Your subconscience knows a great deal more and it is you. Oh well, the entire universe is also you. Collective conscious also affects what happens in this world and to you. Even before I decided to have fun with my friend (when she had no clue at that time) I had set intent that caused her lower abdomen pain (yes she is too sensitive). She even joked about it and said it was probably something she ate. Later on she told me that it was me cording her already. Anyway, specifics apart, I guess we all get the idea and I am happy to hear feedback from the world's greatest women - the provider women. What a fitting word, yet a very demanding one if you will. No wonder you all get drained so much. Did you think about that Jasmine? Oh well too late to change terms just have to set different intent on the word to nullify it's draining effect.

And yes Britney, men and women are built so different. Men thrive on sexual energy while women are really the creators as well as the providers in the true sense of this energy. I have since learned that one can access this energy from the universe. Probably what the buddhist monks do and the reasons why they can be healthy without sex. Research has shown that men cannot thrive without sex. It affects their ability to function. Anyway, not to go on forever, I will just end here. Thank you providers. May be we can have a spritual night out!
Guest092815's Avatar
I do beelive in sex magick, tantra, and pure intimacy in the hobby. It is unquantifiable, but IMO still one of the most important aspects of erotic giving and empathy.

peace and love
budman33's Avatar
metaphysics ... is real physics in a way. I studied this in college and at the advanced level physics experimenters have fits about it. They cant separate themselves from the experiment. They are minutely detailed in doing experimentation and unless it is reproducible 99.99% of the time it cant be made into a new law ie proven.

What they discovered is that if one experimenter believed in the success, or the failure.. it was enough to skew the results in that way. The world is all a probability of reality, nothing is real until it collapses into and observed event. and that is just a probability, that can be skewed by the observer.

Weird, odd, but absolute science. Think real hard and the odds of a new lexus appearing in your driveway are pretty fucking slim to none, but you do effect everything you Observe. physics is aweseomesauce.
greymouse's Avatar
metaphysics ... is real physics in a way. Originally Posted by budman33
I recall a question put to my physics professor many years ago: "When do you stop doing physics and start doing metaphysics?" He said that was a good question, in the sense of one not yet answerable.

It certainly seems to make sense to talk about "energy" in terms of sexual encounters. Even more years ago psychologist Wilhelm Reich asserted that sex involved an energy flow from the male anode penis to the female cathode vagina that took place during orgasm. He called the energy "orgone" and claimed it could be captured and stored. Unfortunately he was officially deemed to be a criminal fraud and locked up. I always thought the idea of sexual energy exchanges Sure Sounded Nice but there doesn't seem to be any factual evidence to support the idea.

There is some evidence that there might be biochemical signaling going on in sex. When Reich was theorizing (or losing his mind) it had just been noticed that the brain generated electromagnetic waves that could be detected and measured and for a while people thought the brain might be something like an organic electronic computer. Now, much later, it appears that whatever is going on between our ears involves rapid exchanges of chemical molecules involving very complex "cascades" of chemical generation and receptor activation that eventually lead to joy or despair or thought or orgasms.

A very preliminary study of young women who are in sexual relationships and do not use condoms indicate they score as less depressed on a paper test for depression than comparable women who do used condoms. That's led to speculation that the known-to-be-psychoactive compounds in semen might be influencing the mood of the recipients, intra-vaginally. So far as I know no one has looked for effects from CIM/swallow behaviors. That is all a good deal less metaphysical than psychic energy fields but magic is still magic emotionally even if some physical process is behind the curtain throwing switches and pulling levers.
Bdsm is pure magic, but that's for another realm! I have had an entire mind/body orgasm without having any sexual contact. Amazing what can happen when you have an open mind!
Weird, odd, but absolute science. Think real hard and the odds of a new lexus appearing in your driveway are pretty fucking slim to none, but you do effect everything you Observe. physics is aweseomesauce. Originally Posted by budman33
I totally agree about the science part for real. With Tantra and allot of spiritual aspects being focused on especially the massage part alot of both sides have forgotten the science to it all. It is very important not to go far left and focus on just the physical or far right and focus on just the spirit relm or far to the top and focus on the mental aspects or focus on the bottom at the science of how and why it works all four sides should come to play and used equally and that makes a perfectly rounded time together and when you have a well rounded time together NO ONE DRAINES anyone knowingly or not knowingly there is balance and that is just with me and my personal experience. I am Cajun and very much believe in ORA and KARMA and vibes. But also believe in the power of a smile and the power of knowledge and the lack o knowledge is just as important. Not to discount what has actually happened to others because I know it actually does happen kkind of like the Green Mile where when ever the big guy..oooh what was his name,well you know what I mean when he would heal someone it zapped his energy. And when you are in serious prayer for a severe need or you truly weep it draines your energies you are week. However for me in all those examples all the energy is on one aspect and that is how come it is draining if I don't allow it to be all one sided and I eveningly expose myself and except others it all balances out..But thats how for eleven years i personaly have not had anyone cord me or me cord anyone for that matter. It is about balance in all that is done. balance the real massage balance the errotic part balance what you give balance what you take.
simpleton's Avatar
A good place to go is Sedona. I hear you can really get good energy there.
wow I thought I was the only provider who felt drained.

I guess we have to agree to disagree.

The only ones that drain me are the non-clients.
For the last few months I am have been completely celibate when it comes to civi guys.
I don't even so much as flirt back. I don't know how long this will last but it really helps me be better to my clients when I'm not dating someone in real life.
I swear, I'm ready to go when I have an appointment these days!