How often do you hobby?

pickupkid's Avatar
How often do you hobby?

a once or twice a month

b3 or 4 times a month

c5 or 6 times a month

d 7 or 8 times a month

e more than 8

Poll added. CC
Pasty Gangsta's Avatar
You couldn't put up an actual poll, bro?
Yeah this would be a good poll
simpleton's Avatar
For me rarely 3 or 4 times a year. There needs to be a reason to motivate me more than a warm wet place to stick my penis. I can always bang my ugly neighbor and go buy some shoes.
At Least once a week.
pickupkid's Avatar
I hobby once or twice a month
Still Looking's Avatar
More often than I want to admit! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Not very much anymore
shorty's Avatar
I try for at least once or twice a month. It's just my To Do list is shorter than my DNS list. It doesn't help that most of my To Do list ladies are touring ladies that doesn't make it to BumFuck AR very often or even at all!
Bowden's Avatar
Its income dependent. When I'm flush with cash because my income is up, I will see 2 a week. I probably average 1 a week though. If I was a rich mofo I probably would see 2 to 3 a week.

Variety its the spice of life!!
Once or twice a week. I would prefer more but my income now doesnt support it. Lately ive come across some attractive providers for $60-80 for a decent quicky & ive been pleased with the service. As early as last year and before would pay up to $200 for a good provider & now with the noticeable decrease in providers rates i kinda feel like ive overpaid in many cases.
Too many variables to answer this question generally.
London Rayne's Avatar
Once or twice a week. I would prefer more but my income now doesnt support it. Lately ive come across some attractive providers for $60-80 for a decent quicky & ive been pleased with the service. As early as last year and before would pay up to $200 for a good provider & now with the noticeable decrease in providers rates i kinda feel like ive overpaid in many cases. Originally Posted by gurlchaser
WOW! When a mere 200 is considered overpaying, I am glad I can tour...ijs.I can't even get a hotel room for that in most places.

On topic, I work/hobby about 8-10 days a month and never exceed 2 a day on the days I tour. At home, more like one a week if that.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I have been on a hiatus since about September, but I average about once a week when I am active, and I am preparing to become active again.

London, by the way, I have no idea what the Coven is, but that is one sexxxy Avatar.
ICU 812's Avatar
It all depends on a confluence of oppertunity (to schdule "time-away") and resources. Generally , once every 6-18 months.