Pregnancy Notification

shorty's Avatar
How would you feel if a provider didn't notify you or put on her showcase that she was pregnant and obviously showing before your date? I can see a provider not wanting to say anything until she's showing in case something happens.
burkalini's Avatar
Just my opinion but if she is pregnant I am not going to see her PERIOD! If she doesn't tell me and I see that she is then I'm leaving with my money. If she tries to fool me then I'm going to ask for my money back.
That happened to me a few years ago. I walked in, obvious she was pregnant, and walked right back out. Pretty girl but no.
This happened to me once. She said she already had a kid, but I'm pretty sure she was still pregnant. I wasn't sure at the time though because she was so fat.
whitechocolate's Avatar
If the gal is not showing at all, it is her business. If she is showing, she needs to definitely let guys know. I personally dont mind if she is pregnant but would like to know if she is showing before I arrive. Some gals are exceeding horny during pregnancy.
pyramider's Avatar
If they are preggo you know they definitely fuck and that you do not have to worry about it being yours.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Gals in their last trimester will always make it known as many guys seek third trimester women who usually have engorged breasts and swollen clits in addition to being very very horny.
ICU 812's Avatar
Well . . . .there is a bunch of hobbyistas who really go for the lady-in-waiting and the more prego the better, for them. Amanother bunch like them while nursing.

It really takes all kinds.

I would think that if the provider is comfortable with the prego/lactating specialist nitch, that she would advertise it loudly.Some guys will drive a long way for that kind of action.
pyramider's Avatar
Besides no one around the icky will give the fetus brain damage.