Credit Card Payments ?

Question for the more knowledgeable mongers here - I have tried to use other sites like Secret Benefits or SA which require credit card payments. From discussion here - it looks like there might be an occasional FWB relationship with some effort.

I have tried making payments with a pre paid credit card - which rejects because it is not a registered card - with name and billing address. Are they crazy - I would never use a card with my real name and address - obviously they don't remember Ashley Madison disaster.

Any thoughts or comments on how members get around this payment problem ?

Thanks !

Deeznutz00's Avatar
I'm a cash only kind of guy if they're asking for CC info. I keep it moving. I don't need anyone using my info against me, might use cashapp though depending on the provider.
Guitar's Avatar
Cash is King with me. I don't use any kind of app to send cash or secure a meeting.
Yes, Cash only.....
no deposits, no payments, no gift cards
CASH ONLY at time of service.

When I go to walmart, I get my stuff, then pay, no deposits required