Downtown Austin and the Hobby

Some questions, requests and inquiries about downtown Austin and the hobby in Austin. I’m coming down from DFW for business in San Antonio on Thursday and will be spending the night in Austin on Thursday night for fun.

I periodically have made posts on this board in the past when visiting Austin so I’m prepared for the body shots and the kick to the nuts that might be coming my way in this thread! It is a blood sport here. Okay, here we go:

1. I usually stay at the Radisson when staying overnight in downtown Austin but I’m staying this time at that fairly new hotel (KHVZ) within blocks of Rainey Street. I can’t wait. I have heard a lot good things about it. Anyone stayed there or gone for their complimentary Happy Hour? If so, what are your thoughts?

2. I love Rainey Street. I also love craft beer. As a result, most of my time is spent at Bangers and Craft Pride. However, I have never had dinner at any place on Rainey. Any restaurants on Rainey you would recommend? If not, no problem about walking multiple blocks north, west and/or northwest for food.

3. Although I love the vibe of Rainey Street, I do realize it is mainly dominated by the UT college kids and hipsters. I’m a guy in his early 50’s and although I consider myself decent looking and in good shape, I’m not blind to the bad optics of someone my age hitting or attempting to hit on a cute young thing in her 20’s. As a result, any bars in downtown where there might be ladies in their 30’s or 40’s who “might be” in the mood for fun? My guess is that on a Thursday night a hotel bar is probably the best bet. In the alternative, any bars that the lovely working girls on this site (and not on this site) might be working at? PLEASE SEND PMs ONLY TO THIS REQUEST. I’m sure the fine establishments do not want to be identified or affiliated with this site and the working girls don’t want locations identified publically on this board for obvious reasons.

4. If No. 3 is a no-go, any “hook-up” apps that people have had success with in Austin?

5. If No. 3 nd No. 4 are busts, any late minute agencies people would recommend? From looking at the Agency board, it appears that LOL and TAE are about it. There was another one I used when visiting Austin several years ago but they appear to have disappeared. I love Asian girls but LOL is incall-only and also located up in North Austin. I want to stay downtown. TAE does outcall but I’m thinking they are pretty high volume and the girls might be completely worn out come 10, 11 or 12 o’clock. Any other ones? If they are under the radar outfits and they want to stay that way, of course, send the information to me via PM.

6. Any finally No. 6. If there is any provider that wants to rest her body and take it easy on Thursday night with the pay-off being a free dinner, unlimited drinks and to serve as a “wing girl” in my attempt to obtain a one night stand, let me know via PM. If “we” are successful in getting me a girl, there will be a reasonable finder’s fee. Any one game? Look at it as a challenge. However, knowing my luck, the girl will probably go home with the provider! Ha.

7. Or…..I go out to eat, have beer on Rainey Street, girl watch, go back to my hotel, jack off, go to bed, wake up and drive home. I don’t want to settle for No. 7!

Thanks in advance to anyone answering my questions, requests and inquiries. I’m really interested if I get any positive responses to No. 6!!!

Zhuǎnshì's Avatar
this is gona b goods
winn dixie's Avatar
little tree/zhuanshi recommends our fabulous amp's in the greater Austin metro area
Miss Valentina's Avatar
RIP dalan7. We hardly knew ye...
I know Miss Valentina. My head is always on a swivel when I post on the Austin board. With that said, I know a few of the inquiries would raise some dander. But, if you don't ask...
Britttany_love's Avatar
Why not just reach out to a provider after you have enjoyed your happy hour, dinner and stroll down rainey street? Seems like the other stuff is to much work and a waste of time that will still leave you playing with rosey at the end of the night.
AustinRose's Avatar
I don't know much about good hotels to pick up 30 year old ladies but I do know a lot about beer and nice restaurants!
Emmer & Rye is a great spot, as is Van Zandt's in house spot- Geraldine's. There's a doughnut truck outside of Half Step bar that is absolutely fantastic as well.
Zhuǎnshì's Avatar
I know a few of the inquiries would raise some dander. Originally Posted by dalan7
many of the dogs on ecie shed pet dand-ruff
Rainey street was is great and has a mixed crowd.
EagleEye's Avatar
I don't know much about good hotels to pick up 30 year old ladies but I do know a lot about beer and nice restaurants!
Emmer & Rye is a great spot, as is Van Zandt's in house spot- Geraldine's. There's a doughnut truck outside of Half Step bar that is absolutely fantastic as well. Originally Posted by AustinRose
Those two are solid choices for eats as is El Naranjo and for more casual, Via 313 (Detroit style pizza) trailer in Craft Pride's beer garden.

I am in your same age range and I find Rainey street to be pretty mixed age-wise during the week. The weekend it is totally 20s-ish bro time.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Your best bet is to just go ahead and start your screening process with a provider.

If I was in town, #6 would sound intriguing just for the fun of it, I have always had fun playing wing girl. But most providers are gonna be too busy handling their own appointments than to worry about getting you laid with someone else.
  • BF66
  • 09-06-2017, 10:15 AM
I've never gotten the impression TAE girls work 12 hours straight though I'm sure some might of rents due. I feel like you could easily be someone's only or second appointment of a day even during the evening.
Parsifal's Avatar
Way too much going on in your request for me to even get started - no flame, just reality.

Look, get screened with a provider you want to see and set up an outcall to your hotel. Have your session and then broach the subject of going out for dinner/drinks and go from there. If you have chemistry and she's open to it, it could work out really well.

Besides, you'll have already gotten your world rocked by the provider, so if the rest of the evening is a bust, you're already way ahead.

Just my .02...good luck.
Thanks for all the good information and advice. I appreciate it.
RamTheJam's Avatar
Sorry, but this post was a waste of space.