
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 08:33 AM

Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci


For four years, Democrats and much of the media demanded former President Donald Trump resign or the 25th Amendment be deployed to remove him from office. The complaints largely stemmed from grievance over the 2016 election but magnified as Trump's behavior got more combative and mean while in office. Now, having defeated Trump, President Joe Biden has reached a point where those who demanded Trump's resignation should be calling for Biden's, unless it was all just partisan bellyaching.
Months ago, Biden said he intended to withdraw Americans from Afghanistan. It is one of the only issues on which he chose not to reverse Trump. He just dragged out the timeline. According to press reports and now leaks from inside the Biden administration, Biden was so insistent on having the symbolism of 9/11 coincide with the departure he ignored everyone's advice.
Afghanistan has a fighting season. In late autumn, the Taliban go to the fields and oversee harvesting poppies for the opium drug trade. In winter, they retreat through mountain passes into northern Pakistan. The winters in Afghanistan are rough and frigid. In the early spring, after the snow melts, the Taliban return to Afghanistan and plant poppies. Then they fight. This is a well-known and well-documented cycle.
When Trump announced a withdrawal, he insisted on withdrawing while the Taliban were in the fields planting poppies. They would be preoccupied and unable to sweep down into the cities. For 18 months, with only 2,500 troops, Trump's military held the nation of Afghanistan together with zero American casualties.

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Biden, so insistent on having 9/11 as a symbol, overrode his military commanders and diplomats and insisted on a withdrawal in the middle of the fighting season. Six weeks ago, Biden assured the American public and international community that there would be no fall of Afghanistan, the Taliban would not sweep in and there would be no rooftop embassy evacuations like what happened in Vietnam.
Just six weeks later, the withdrawal is a disastrous evacuation. The world was shocked to see men falling from the sky, having lost the strength to hang on to the exterior of airplanes. Women and children scrambled to flee the Taliban only to be caught and beaten. Americans are stranded and the American military is under orders not to even try to rescue them. Instead, the military is held to the whim of the Taliban.
Biden went into hiding as the Taliban swept back into power. Only international and press outrage forced him out of hiding and to a microphone. There, he made matters worse by claiming to accept responsibility but then blaming everyone else from Trump to the Afghans. But Biden, in ordering America out of Afghanistan, took from the Afghan army their intelligence and air support and even the mechanics to fix their helicopters. An army designed to fight alongside us was, by design, incapable of continuing a fight without us. Biden ensured their collapse.

Instead of admitting his mistakes, he doubled down pridefully, blamed others, then retreated back to Camp David. A few days later, he returned to the White House, attacked Republicans for COVID-19, and again refused questions except from George Stephanopoulos. His interview was a disaster.

Another DeSantis 'Scandal' Implodes Guy Benson

When asked about the men falling from the sky trying to escape the Taliban, Biden claimed it was four days earlier, when it was more recent than that. He had no answers and no empathy. The man the press assured us was full of empathy showed no concern at all for the dead falling from the sky and barely any concern for Americans stranded due to his botched plans.
Our military publicly is defending their commander in chief, but in the background tells the world he ignored them and that this was all avoidable and foreseeable. Thousands of Americans are stuck in Afghanistan, the Taliban has captured our armaments and our air base and Biden has gone on an extended vacation in Delaware for rest.
The president should resign. If Trump were president, the Democrats and press would demand no less. They should not lower their standards for the man who surrendered America to the Taliban on the eve of 9/11

Amen - the questioin is - will harris be worse - Very Likely so

we face a 'frying pan or fire' dilemma.!
bambino's Avatar
Strap him on AF1. Let him fall off.

AUGUST 20, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Leaving Americans behind for death is an unforgivable dereliction of duty, which will go down in infamy.

LexusLover's Avatar
Strap him on AF1. Let him fall off.

AUGUST 20, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Leaving Americans behind for death is an unforgivable dereliction of duty, which will go down in infamy.

### Originally Posted by bambino
"Commander in Chief"? He's neither a "Commander" or a "Chief"!

General Patton was sidelined ... for what?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Biden is doing a great job.
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2021, 09:02 AM
SM is correct - in fiden's service to Comrade Xi - Xi is quite pleased, as are Putin, Maduro, and the mullahs of Iran.
ICU 812's Avatar
If Biden resigns or is removed (both equally likely in my view), look at what dominos are lined up next: Vice President Harris of course and then Nancy Pelosi.

Does anybody think that a Harris presidency would be any more effective with any of the crisis issues facing the US today? I don't think it really matters. The advisors and handlers actually holding the levers of government won't be any better at it then, than they are right now with president Biden as MANIQUINE -IN-CHIEF.
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2021, 09:17 AM
Agree with your analysis , Good Sir!
bambino's Avatar
If Biden resigns or is removed (both equally likely in my view), look at what dominos are lined up next: Vice President Harris of course and then Nancy Pelosi.

Does anybody think that a Harris presidency would be any more effective with any of the crisis issues facing the US today? I don't think it really matters. The advisors and handlers actually holding the levers of government won't be any better at it then, than they are right now with president Biden as MANIQUINE -IN-CHIEF. Originally Posted by ICU 812
What it might do is wake up more people who have their heads buried up their asses. It will expose the Fraud that inserted these miscreants in office. The cackling, commie whore couldn’t get to the first primary before dropping out. Even the Dems don’t want her.
ICU 812's Avatar
It is my belief that in2008 a large number of people voted for Obama because McCain seemed to be an Ass-Clown by comparison, and Obama seemed to be a man that wanted to pull the country together. Of course that didn't happen.

In 2016, an unexpected number of people voted for Trump over Clinton for about the same reasons; Not exactly parallel, but a similar dynamic. While the "evidence" has not been authenticated, I do think that the 2020 election was a lot closer than the official reckoning. I am deeply disappointed that judicial bodies have chosen to avoid looking closely at the voting process in 2020 to assure everyone that the outcome is truly valid.

It is my opinion that folks still want what they thought they were voting for in 2008 and 2016.

With the every-day examples of ineffectiveness by President Biden and Vice President Harris becoming more and more unavoidably obvious to everyone, I anticipate a mid-term swing away from the liberal agenda and its supporters and return to Republican control of both the House and Senate. In the longer view, it looks to me that a Republican will become president in 2024.

By then we will all face a different world. Let's hope humankind can muddle through till then.
bambino's Avatar
It is my belief that in2008 a large number of people voted for Obama because McCain seemed to be an Ass-Clown by comparison, and Obama seemed to be a man that wanted to pull the country together. Of course that didn't happen.

In 2016, an unexpected number of people voted for Trump over Clinton for about the same reasons; Not exactly parallel, but a similar dynamic. While the "evidence" has not been authenticated, I do think that the 2020 election was a lot closer than the official reckoning. I am deeply disappointed that judicial bodies have chosen to avoid looking closely at the voting process in 2020 to assure everyone that the outcome is truly valid.

It is my opinion that folks still want what they thought they were voting for in 2008 and 2016.

With the every-day examples of ineffectiveness by President Biden and Vice President Harris becoming more and more unavoidably obvious to everyone, I anticipate a mid-term swing away from the liberal agenda and its supporters and return to Republican control of both the House and Senate. In the longer view, it looks to me that a Republican will become president in 2024.

By then we will all face a different world. Let's hope humankind can muddle through till then. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah, you better fix election fraud first or we’ll get more of the same. Period
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Yeah, you better fix election fraud first or we’ll get more of the same. Period Originally Posted by bambino
No matter how many times you repeat it, there was no significant election fraud.
If Biden resigns or is removed (both equally likely in my view), look at what dominos are lined up next: Vice President Harris of course and then Nancy Pelosi.

Does anybody think that a Harris presidency would be any more effective with any of the crisis issues facing the US today? I don't think it really matters. The advisors and handlers actually holding the levers of government won't be any better at it then, than they are right now with president Biden as MANIQUINE -IN-CHIEF. Originally Posted by ICU 812
This country is fucked no matter what. What you see unraveling before you is all done by design. Liberals will do whatever their masters tell them to do. It was drilled into their heads by the Media to hate Trump and they did. It will always be something.