Other than the gentlemen it appears the other ladies have decided to boycott the daily photo thread here on eccie.

Other than the gentlemen it appears the other ladies have decided to boycott the daily photo thread here on eccie. That is really too bad as I have many gentlemen and lady friends from another site that I was trying to convince to begin frequenting this board. One posted a photo reply in the Friday thread last week to support my effort to make this board more interesting for the gentlemen, add more lady / gentlemen members, and more profitable for ladies who frequent this board. It is really too bad as Cpalmson and I worked hard to obtain permission from ECCIE to allow these threads. I know that he also had to obtain the support of the other moderators.

I have received some words of appreciation from a few of the ladies here, but for the photo threads to have the positive impact I envisioned, the ladies actually have to participate. I have talked to my friends who have checked out what happened on this board last week and they related to me that because of the closed-mindedness and the clickish resistance that I encountered that they would continue to do their hobbying and advertising on other sites. They were especially disappointed with the lack of participation in yesterdays Veterans Day photo thread.

So was I.

I have decide not to initiate anymore photo threads until someone else steps forward to initiate. I really hope someone does because I really do believe it will result in more business for us ladies and fun for the gentlemen who frequent this site. I actually believe that posting photo threads on boards such as these to be a very established practice nationally and internationally. I expect the wave of the future will be video threads and I will begin producing those in the near future on my website on a monthly basis. I will be sure to let the gentlemen here know in one of my weekly ad's when they are available.

Sorry guys . . . I really did try my best. I welcome your public comments and suggestions regarding the photo threads here. I know that many of you gentlemen tend to be lurkers but if you want to see the photo threads continue you need to help me convince the ladies . . . I can't continue going it alone anymore.


Amy Tai
Doodle23's Avatar
Sweetheart, don't you think maybe that some of the other girls may have been busy with other things in their life on Veterans Day? Even you yourself seem to only have picked up posting regularly within the last week or so. Unfortunately life comes in the way of hobbying from time to time. ( I hate it when that heppens! ) Just relax a little hun, give girls time to find the thread, time to take pics etc.

The photo thread is cool, but it'd probably be better to just keep every girls photo in that one thread and only make that ONE thread and leave it alone. It gives new girls a better chance to find it instead of making them wade through a bunch of other threads. When you make thread after thread referring to that one thread then it not only makes the original one harder to find, but it makes everything seem like a chore.

You seem like a real nice girl. Just relax a little bit. It's all good babe.
Cpalmson's Avatar
What Doodle said. This is the dead season around here. Only people really playing are the locals (both guys and girls). Give it time. I'm sure others will step forward.
bamacoach's Avatar
As a wise ole coach once told me, there is no dead time except for the dead!