Favorite sex music

Xm radio chill out station is awesome...

ladies please no rap music, immediate turn off when entering your incall...As well as country ( sorry Tara)

Sade, David Gray, Coldplay, Nina Simone, soul music in general,
Duthgar1976's Avatar
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Ravels' Bolero
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I've been on a Whiskey Myers kick lately. You can do some serious fucking with Whiskey. And the best thing is they are local Texas boys, Tyler I believe.


Early mornin shakes
Jake B's Avatar
Nicholas, I listen to that station at work--after you introduced me to it!

I prefer classical or simply no music. The only sounds I want to hear are me and my lovers moaning and breathing
Enigma,the best for a nice evening.
  • EZ.
  • 10-25-2014, 05:28 PM
Like a lot of Vietnam vets, I came back with a nice stereo system. I used to turn up the stereo because between me and my roommate, there was always people over. I didn't want to be the group's entertainment. I was screwing to some rock when Lynyrd Skynyrd's Free Bird came on. If you can keep rhythm to that you definitely beat it up.
TUESDAYS GONE AND THAT SMELL!!! I may have been young during Nam but I remember a HELL of alot!!! IM GONNA GET OUTTA THIS PLACE!! IF ITS THE LAST THING I EEEEVER DO!!! Cant recall the name of the song off hand but it was GROOVY!!! �� I rememember the sit ins and aholes walking around with American flags sown to the ass of thier Levis!!! And sit ins .....and the The Nixon...McGovern campaigns!!! Holy crap!!! Im getting old!!! Lol!!!
  • jwood
  • 10-25-2014, 06:31 PM
billw1032's Avatar
TUESDAYS GONE AND THAT SMELL!!! I may have been young during Nam but I remember a HELL of alot!!! IM GONNA GET OUTTA THIS PLACE!! IF ITS THE LAST THING I EEEEVER DO!!! Cant recall the name of the song off hand but it was GROOVY!!! �� I rememember the sit ins and aholes walking around with American flags sown to the ass of thier Levis!!! And sit ins .....and the The Nixon...McGovern campaigns!!! Holy crap!!! Im getting old!!! Lol!!! Originally Posted by autummagick
This one maybe? "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" by the Animals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCPjnuwdKkw
billw1032's Avatar
Ravels' Bolero Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Well, that's a way-back reference. I remember Bo Derek in "10". She was younger then. A lot of us were younger then.
  • EZ.
  • 10-25-2014, 06:52 PM
TUESDAYS GONE AND THAT SMELL!!! I may have been young during Nam but I remember a HELL of alot!!! IM GONNA GET OUTTA THIS PLACE!! IF ITS THE LAST THING I EEEEVER DO!!! Cant recall the name of the song off hand but it was GROOVY!!! �� I rememember the sit ins and aholes walking around with American flags sown to the ass of thier Levis!!! And sit ins .....and the The Nixon...McGovern campaigns!!! Holy crap!!! Im getting old!!! Lol!!! Originally Posted by autummagick
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place by The Animals

That made me flash back. It might have something to do with being in New Orleans, this week, with two guys from my unit. I remember we were at the NCO club at Camp Eagle. There was a band from the Philippines playing. My team got up and sang Going Up The Country by Canned Heat.

Going up the country don't you wanna go? ...I'm going up the country buddy do you wanna go? ...I'm going to some place where I've never been before...

Everyone knew we were going into the A Shau Valley the next day.