The Games we Play

OleJetJock's Avatar
Had to throw in the towel tonight...

This Hobby can get frustrating for those of us with small windows of opportunity. I'm pretty new to Eccie, and have been pretty lucky. (I guess)

The Old NC/NS reared it's ugly head on me tonight. I hear lotsa guys talk about having a plan"B". Is this pretty normal? I'm not a big fan of booking with multiple providers, as I wouldn't want them to double book my appointment time.(Hoping that one might not show.) I like to plan most of my visits a day or 2 in advance. As I found tonight, last minute planning can get tough... (had a couple of almosts and one couldn't get me screened in time)

I'm not going to name the provider, as I've seen her on many occasions with no issues in the past. She may have just gotten tied up in RW situation.

So, my question to the masses... Is this a pretty normal part of the Hobby? Do any of y'all always have a plan "B"? I'm not sure if I'll exercise that type of planning, but I'm curious what Y'all think.

I'm not really mad about it.... just a bit frustrated.
It is what it is, and I guess it's just another day in the life a Hobbiest with no one to take his money tonight...LOL!

Thanks for letting me ramble...
...Carry On....
yohimbebrother's Avatar
I feel ya on the NC/NS situation. it can get frustrating. Several different situations occurred on my last visit to play in Dallas over a weekend period of time. not sure how most guys and girls handle things but its not a bad idea to have a possible plan B in the back pocket, especially if you have a limited window of opportunity. here is what happened to me over one weekend of playing in dallas.

1) Friday: for my first session I was running late and then my phone gps failed me with directions. but we stayed in touch with each other. I was well over an hour late, but my date hung in there, guided me in and we had a good time.

2) Friday night: had another session planned for later on that night\day as above. my play date informed me she was having RW issues..stayed in touch all afternoon and then finally she informed me make the session happen. So I started looking for a plan B around 8:30pm and then hooked up with someone around 10pm after I was screened.

3) Saturday: the next day, I had a session planned out. we had communicated off and on for 2 weeks. she sent me additional pictures on your private email account and cell phone. we texted to keep in touch with each other up until the day of. all of a sudden she dropped off the grid. no communication none what so ever. then finally she informs me she can't make it. thank the gods I had a plan B already in my back pocket. the young lady who canceled out on me the previous night was able to see me that night.

4) Sunday afternoon: had another date albeit was tenitively set for sunday afternoon or Monday morning setup with a young lady who stopped responding and then I had to resort to plan B again.

5) Monday morning. still no contact from the tintively setup date so once again I had to resort to a plan B in that situation. but at the last minute I her from her asking if we were still on. had to tell her that I couldn't make it due to other commitments.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Welcome to the hobby.

Yep, it happens often enough that you shouldn't be surprised when it does.

When I was "playing the field," so to speak, I would occasionally wind up in the same situation as you, because I, too, have narrow windows of opportunity, like to plan, enjoy the anticipation. I get my heart, mind and dick set on seeing someone in particular, and, when it falls through, I feel like anyone else would be at best unable to meet my expectation and at worst a poor substitute.

Nowadays, I'm very, very happy with a two-girl rotation and have no strong desire to venture outside that comfort zone. I know a little about their RW lives, and if one were to cal me and say she couldn't make the appointment, or even NCNS, I'd assume that something understandable had come up and just pull up her Showcase, take care of things myself , and reschedule.

If your heart, mind and dick are set on someone in particular, I'd recommend not having a plan B, for the reasons I mentioned above. If you just want to nut, I'd keep a few phone numbers handy. In my neck of the woods, that would be Emmy, Energy Works and Lily.

Time to hit the ads for providers with number listed and text plan B. Also helps to have someone you've seen already, so you can possibly get the short notice appt. Sucks when that happens, but you have to decide if a plan B is better option than throwing in the towel.
Chung Tran's Avatar
remember, too, you are not booking double appointments.. plan B is a second choice that you are poised to contact for a quick appt., should plan A fall through.. it's usually a good idea to have a plan B in place..the best plan B is a good and reliable short term set-up, a high likelihood of success..

you could do like I've done a few times, I think it is fun.. leave your home and start driving.. have a list of contacts whose incall is the direction your going, and start contacting them.. you've left, you're ready, but who will you see? of course, prioritize the list, so your "favorites" are at the top..
Unexpected situations that cannot be avoided happen all the time, but if you have to spend your money, never ever go see a provider without a plan B and even C, no matter how far in advance your planning is. The trick is to let your plan B provider know that she is going to be your plan A provider next time, and then so on down the line. Sometimes, and more times than you a provider would like you to think, she either gets another client who ups the donation offer or a regular who called last minute and cancels on you, and maybe tries to reschedule for a later time or day.
Find several ladies you would like to see in the near future. Ask them to pre screen you. P411 is great for this by the way. Let them know you don't have a schedule yet to see them. That way you at least have the screening out of the way and make it far easier to get a last minute appointment
OleJetJock's Avatar
Thanks for the tips guys... I guess it's just "The Way of the Hobby" (coming to a theater near you)

I am no Hobby Jedi yet, but I'm getting my Lightsaber polished.
  • EZ.
  • 11-02-2014, 08:37 PM
I have seen several girls that have told me to call their cells with last minute requests. I saw a girl last night that told me that.
yohimbebrother's Avatar
think I will do just that.
Find several ladies you would like to see in the near future. Ask them to pre screen you. P411 is great for this by the way. Let them know you don't have a schedule yet to see them. That way you at least have the screening out of the way and make it far easier to get a last minute appointment Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I think a lot of guys use the amps as a plan B. Other options would be either studios or agencies you have been to before. Relax 2013 as an example. If you aren't a studio or agency guy then you will have to rely on good relationships with past providers for short notice appointments.
AMP is my plan B for now on...and actually should be a plan A every now and then.