
  • drc
  • 11-05-2014, 12:47 PM
A while ago, almost six months I responded to an AD in which the provider was asking for help with bills and emergency things that come up in life. I responded and payed for a session in the future. Thru both hers and my fault, time, distance,work, schedules, etc I never got to see the young lady. Mt question is is it now to late to bring the subject up again and see if I can book an appointment or should I just go about happy that I helped someone in need. I would be most appreciative to hear from some of the lady's on the sight to get their opinion. Thank you.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
That was really nice of you. I dont think it would ever be too late to call in the favor. She should be happy to.
Be happy you were able to help. And just ask her.about it. Worst she can say is no. Doing the right thing for the right reasons is all you can do. The rest is up to her.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 11-05-2014, 03:45 PM
You can try, my guess is she will not either return your calls or schedule and cancel several times hoping to wear you down and you will just give up. Sorry, sometimes it happens. But not all the ladies are like that. It just takes one or two to fuck it up for all.
Phrasing's Avatar
I agree with the above. All she can say is no. If she wants to play games then chalk it
Up to being a good person.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've had people wait as long as 2 years to cash in a favor