'TITS the Season to be Jolly...

berkleigh's Avatar
My 2018 Christmas Card ... Happy Holidays Y'all

Pictures involving sexual acts are in violation of ECCIE image standards - Staff

TristanThick's Avatar
Merry Christmas, indeed, Berkleigh! <3
berkleigh's Avatar
Merry Christmas, indeed, Berkleigh! <3 Originally Posted by TristanThick
Merry Christmas to you as well!!!
Made me giggle thanks Berk
This is way better than a tin of stale popcorn
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Showing class with sass smiling while flipping us off in that pic.
Sad I wasn’t invited to the photo shoot
wow.. action shots are allowed on this site now?

damn i could go crazy with posting shit like that..
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
wow.. action shots are allowed on this site now?

damn i could go crazy with posting shit like that.. Originally Posted by honest_abe
Just great. Now I have to rtm the post so Staff can decide if it violates image standards as an action pic.

Berk can come after you if she receives an infraction.

Thank you Mr Honest Abe Scrooge.
we gotta play fair after all..
mrredcat43's Avatar
This is why we can't have nice things. Thanks
On a Happy Note - Berk - very beautiful !! Who's that Lucky guy ?
txexetoo's Avatar
This new meaning to the phrase “ ho ho ho”
  • dgc92
  • 12-05-2018, 11:09 AM
we gotta play fair after all.. Originally Posted by honest_abe
We do not. Nowhere in the guidelines are we promised fairness. How do you think the staff get away with being snarky and condescending to everyone, all the time, for barely any reason? Fair has cotton candy and lots of animals, it has nothing to do with how people treat each other.
Tastefully done, Merry Christmas Berk.