What's a provider's "brand" worth?

I love this quote from Kasper Ulf Nielsen, an executive partner at the Reputation Institute, on this topic: “People’s willingness to buy, and recommend a company is driven 60% by their perceptions of the company, and only 40% by their perceptions of their products.”

If you extend that thought to the hobby, 60% of the man's decision making on who to see is driven off a girl's image on the board (the sum total of her profile, pic quality, ads, coed discussion posts, and attitude & personality comments in reviews) and only 40% driven by physical attributes and quality of acts BCD.

Interested in your thoughts.
Bobster36's Avatar
I agree for the simple reason that I avoid the whack job nutcase providers regardless of price or performance. In fact, even at a zero price point, I won't partake! I'd be surprised if others don't agree but don't want to go public. Think about some of the extreme.whackjobs, guys, even for free, I'll bet you pass. I know I would.
Chung Tran's Avatar
hmm... let's see:

assets - liabilities, = owner's equity... factor in the present value of the long-term return of capital.. and...

WTF! yeah, that 60% thing, yeah...that's about right!
Oh lord, I know I shouldn't but...I really think you should ask Bad Kitty about this one.

I whack job nutcase providers Originally Posted by Bobster36
Okay. Nutcase is obvious. Well, obvious to some.

I wonder how many girls are considered 'questionable' by many hobbyists based upon their coed posts, even if they have a legit beef (e.g. they have damaged their brand) and have no idea. Keep in mind, I'm not defending how things are...but alas, for the most part, we are not friends but rather customers and service providers.

The meaningful conversation, in my head, is really in the middle. I don't think I am going to offend anyone by saying Berkleigh's spunky personality is BIG part of her brand...a turn on for many but a show stopper for others. There are plenty of other good examples of polarizing brands in Dallas. Some brands are courtesans, some are trashy, some are girls next door, some are party girls...but I really wonder how many providers actually cultivate their brand and how many develop one by accident.

Would love some provider input.
Honestly, a woman's reputation is priceless. At the end of the day no matter what transpired its all she has left. It's far easier to damage than repair too. Any relationship is: business or personal.
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I understand the purpose of a "brand" and I spent a lot of time thinking about it.
I had a hard time seeing myself as "the girl next door" or "the school slut"
My brand is just "me", as far as how much that is worth I don't know.
All I know is something is working and I had assumed it had something to do with DD!
doug_dfw's Avatar
I suspect studies. Most are agenda driven by well heeled advocates. That said, I agree with bbtony - reputation is priceless. I agree with Raquel- "just me" ergo her personal reputation. In my selection process, I do rely on all info I can find with my focus on- character, an indicator of reputation. After first visit, the truth be known.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I have to agree with Raquel ... your brand name is who you are and what makes you unique and differentiates you from the rest ... You are not trying to be a copy of someone you admire but to develop the best qualities and gifts you have ...
It may take years to build an image and a reputation, but you can bring it down in a second and to recover it may take as twice as long or never be recoverable ...
Once the trust on the brand is lost, oh my ... you're in serious trouble
DarthDVader's Avatar
Thats why we see so many handles die and a new one is born ... The brand name was burnt to death
Just be yourself and your brand will develop on its own regardless of what you are selling. Good people who do good business sustain themselves better than cut and run businesses in the real world. In the hobby, errrrrr, not so much.

If you read the stuff on here from just the past month, its easy to see that behavior patterns and history don't mean squat. One of the top threads in coed right now is about a provider with an already sketchy history taking off with a dood's truck. One guy is on there saying the chick is hott and he's gonna risk a session with her anyway. Its LHVBHS: LITTLE HEAD VS BIG HEAD SYNDROME, a terrible epidemic silently lurking in all the dark corners of Hobbyville. Lol

That chicks "brand" sucks, but id bet my savings she's still raking it in. Another provider was recently caught red handed breaking into and trashing an incall that wasn't hers. Guess what?! One of the super famous reviewers on here gave the trespassing trick a review within a few days of the alert and was praised repeatedly by his followers for how awesome and off the charts his kudos were for her. None of them cared that the provider broke into and trashed someone's place nor do they care who might be victimized next by the recommendation to see her.

A third recent example is the wave of unbelievable drama from a seasoned provider who has been on here a long time and has a long history of shit I won't even begin to start rehashing. Do you think that has stopped her from getting business??? Lmao!

Brands don't matter to guys who just wanna stick their dipper somewhere. Maybe some guys are truly looking for a companion experience but this place is starting to remind me of an online street corner instead of this supposedly legitimate source of reliable information.
I like my brand, pretty self-explanatory!
I was trying to be optimistic. Leave to nurse to be a bit cynical about this topic though. BSB you're brand is pretty cute as far as I can tell.

As for the B&E, theft and drama stuff, I'm gonna just say no.
I'm optimistic about brand development in the real world. But in the hobby, I don't think brands mean much at all. Like Raquel said and I touched on too, just be yourself and your brand will develop itself. Will most gents care about your "brand"? Not likely.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I love your BRAND THN ...

I'm optimistic about brand development in the real world. But in the hobby, I don't think brands mean much at all. Like Raquel said and I touched on too, just be yourself and your brand will develop itself. Will most gents care about your "brand"? Not likely. Originally Posted by thathottnurse