New guy for the ladies to enjoy

ahuncherick's Avatar
Hi there ladies. I registered a couple weeks ago, but I am just now getting to enjoy my play time and I am looking forward to spending time with some of you. I just moved here so I am hoping to see for myself if everything really is bigger and better in Texas! I truly enjoy all sexual activities, and even though I love the pleasure that I'm sure you are all great at giving, my biggest pleasure comes with pleasing you. So, I am looking for a couple women who are confident that they are the best at what they do, and who wouldn't mind it if I enjoy my favorite dining facility as well. Who's hungry?!?!?! If it's you, send me a private message and we will set up our reservations.
Hi hon. I see you're introducing yourself to our little community. Hope you enjoy all that we have to offer. I am definitely hoping to show you the skills that I excel at. I'm sure you'll be happy with the menu and I guarantee you won't walk away hungry! Further details will be sent with PM. See you soon!
ahuncherick's Avatar
Hi Summer, and thank you for the welcome. I have read your messages and I am also looking forward to meeting with you. I get the feeling that this can be a very interesting, and enjoyable experience for both of us!