GOP Candidate: Yoga Opens You to Satanic Possession

JCM800's Avatar
jbravo_123's Avatar
Yoga certainly opens one up in some ways, but I don't think Satanic Possession is on the list of approved positions.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What are you talking about? Would you say the same thing about a white politician? Fucking racist!
Fucking racist! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Pot, I would like to introduce you to Kettle!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I hear that Kroger is running specials on aluminum foil this weekend.
JCM800's Avatar
it does protect you from satanic possession.
jbravo_123's Avatar
And keeps the cats off of the furniture.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-06-2013, 06:54 PM
Why does the republican party keep supporting Wacked Out Thumpers like this for office?

PLEASE, give us some sane conservatives we can consider voting for!

And the Reps wonder why they can't win an election that should have been near impossible to lose (but they did).
Fancyinheels's Avatar
And keeps the cats off of the furniture. Originally Posted by jbravo_123

I knew I liked Yoga for some reason. Will it keep chihuahuas out of my shoes?

Oh, yeah, by the way, there's a pentgram hidden on every Cheerios box; a new "equal religious representation" law was passed requiring Satanic Bibles be put in every hotel room; and any Ozzy Osborne song played backwards opens a portal to Hell.
jbravo_123's Avatar

I knew I liked Yoga for some reason. Will it keep chihuahuas out of my shoes?

Oh, yeah, by the way, there's a pentgram hidden on every Cheerios box; a new "equal religious representation" law was passed requiring Satanic Bibles be put in every hotel room; and any Ozzy Osborne song played backwards opens a portal to Hell.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I always knew Sharon was a bad influence on him.
JCM800's Avatar
Oh, yeah, by the way, there's a pentgram hidden on every Cheerios box; a new "equal religious representation" law was passed requiring Satanic Bibles be put in every hotel room; and any Ozzy Osborne song played backwards opens a portal to Hell. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
all true
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You might read the entire story before making fools of yourselves. I am not religious but I can see what he is saying (even if I don't believe it). He is not saying yoga leads to satanic possession. He said that the purpose of yoga is to empty your mind (most probably do it for exercise) and the devil (a metaphor?) loves a vacuum. Now I guess if you believe that the devil is looking for an empy vessel then you would steer clear of yoga and many other things (drugs, liquor, etc) that leave you open to evil. Maybe we can include voting for democrats and belonging to Occupy.

I wonder what his opponent has said in the past? I'll guess we'll never know. Funny, the same people here attacking this man for what he said are apologizing for Susan Rice for saying something offensive, stupid, and hurtful only six months ago.
flghtr65's Avatar
You might read the entire story before making fools of yourselves. I am not religious but I can see what he is saying (even if I don't believe it). He is not saying yoga leads to satanic possession. He said that the purpose of yoga is to empty your mind (most probably do it for exercise) and the devil (a metaphor?) loves a vacuum. Now I guess if you believe that the devil is looking for an empy vessel then you would steer clear of yoga and many other things (drugs, liquor, etc) that leave you open to evil. Maybe we can include voting for democrats and belonging to Occupy.

I wonder what his opponent has said in the past? I'll guess we'll never know. Funny, the same people here attacking this man for what he said are apologizing for Susan Rice for saying something offensive, stupid, and hurtful only six months ago. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The CIA's original talking points had " the attack on Bengazi evolved from a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt" Do you want to fire the CIA?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
.... He said that the purpose of yoga is to empty your mind (most probably do it for exercise) and the devil (a metaphor?) loves a vacuum. Now I guess if you believe that the devil is looking for an empy vessel then you would steer clear of yoga and many other things (drugs, liquor, etc) that leave you open to evil.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm doomed.

Perhaps that why I like having my vessel filled so much?
jbravo_123's Avatar
I'm doomed.

Perhaps that why I like having my vessel filled so much?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Or why men like filling the vessel? Maybe men are the devil?!?!