Has this guy EVER gotten foreign policy decisions - initiatives correct?

CNN – Yemen’s presidential palace has been completely taken over by Shiite Houthi rebels, the country’s Minister of Information Nadia Sakkaf told CNN on Tuesday amid reports of renewed clashes.

Sakkaf said the Prime Minister’s residence was also under attack from the street.

She called the situation “the completion of a coup,” adding that “the President has no control.”

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/obama-touts...#ixzz3POzsp0nF
wellendowed1911's Avatar
In other news Whirly, how much did it cost you to fuel up your vehicle????

Also, Whirly Obama's approval rating is tending upwards!!!!!!
Like I said in another thread on this topic; Obama should get down on his knees and thank Sara Palin and her "drill baby drill" mantra........the economy is being bailed out by fracking and low gas prices. Obama's approval rating is the beneficiary of low prices, despite his anti carbon/fossil fuel policies. American households have more to spend and are priming the economy because of low pump prices. Obama had NOTHING to do with lowering prices. In fact, he did everything he could to keep prices high - punishing the American consumer in the process.

But you deflect.........how can it be that only 4 months ago, Obama was telling the American public how great of a success his Yemen policy was?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
rioseco's Avatar
In other news Whirly, how much did it cost you to fuel up your vehicle????

Also, Whirly Obama's approval rating is tending upwards!!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If true, a trend upward would prove just how stupid Asspup and 50% of America is.
burkalini's Avatar
It's not really that Obama lies. All politicians lie. Its he fucking lies about everything. He gets caught lying about everything. He said we could keep our insurance and doctor( he said this at least two hundred times) and our rates would go down if anything.He said because of the rate reduction it would save the country 4 trillion dollars in the next decade. He said it was already paid for.( he didn't say 750 billion would come out of medicare and Medicaid. He didn't say those who take his Obama care would be subject to higher taxes. Of course that would be people who are actually working. The unemployed would get it pretty to close to free. Of the unemployed 67 percent are able bodied people who don't work because the government dole pays them more. He has taken our military capabilities and shrunk them down to minimums. He has worsened our international status and our international credit rating. He has hurt race relations more than any president in history. He has worsened improvement of the poor middle class and the wealthy. That's is our economy in a nutshell. He is in my mind the worst president in the history of the United States. He's not qualified to be president nor are his appointees. We have to live with it for almost two more years. I doubt though we will EVER recover from what he has done .
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Refuse to vote for known liars, regardless of party.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In other news Whirly, how much did it cost you to fuel up your vehicle????

Also, Whirly Obama's approval rating is tending upwards!!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Cause there is a sucker born every minute....and they vote democrat.

Refuse to vote for known liars, regardless of party. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
US preparing to evacuate embassy in Yemen !

LexusLover's Avatar
In other news Whirly, how much did it cost you to fuel up your vehicle????

Also, Whirly Obama's approval rating is tending upwards!!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What do those have to do with the Fall of Yemen?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't worry (be happy). Fox News has announced that the insurgents and the president of Yemen have cut a deal that will allow the president to stay in charge. So the danger has passed. Of course, we still have two warships off the coast with marines....just in case and our embassy is sandbagged....just in case and we have a larger than normal number of marines on the ground....just in case. What's to worry?
rioseco's Avatar
In other news Whirly, how much did it cost you to fuel up your vehicle????

Also, Whirly Obama's approval rating is tending upwards!!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
How does the price of fuel have anything to do with B.H.Obama or his policies ?
Obama the anti-coal, anti- big oil, anti- everything not green messiah !
That is just too far a stretch even by Husseins standards of lying.
Obama has done nothing, zero, ZILCH to do with any increase in the oil supplies or drilling in the USA. Not with standing the price of fuels.
He is the absolute obstructionist of all energy which is not derived from wind or solar.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Well endowed, Come on, Man! Obama touts Yemen as big foreign policy success and we stand prepared to evacuate our embassy. He declares victory in Iraq, pulls out the troops and ISIS takes over half the country. Why would you defend him? Especially by saying that gas prices are low. Obama has nothing to do with the price of gas. If he did he would have lowered them before the 2012 election. He acts like he hates rich people, but they have become more rich during his presidency. I think he is a good father and that is the only nice thing I can think of to say about him.