Popre Francis - islam is not terrorism

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

this left wing pope francis is an idiot to think islam isn't terrorism.

gays thrown off the building.
christians persecuted & murdered
women stoned to death for adultry
honor killings a routine occurence.
limbs severed for stealing/theiving.
prolly more on this list.
Stupid, naive old fool.

Wear one of your stupid hats or those flowing robes in downtown Kabul and see.
The pope is correct Islam main problem is they have shit heads who hijacked their religion and has probably forever smeared its reputation just like there's right wing extremist tearing the GOP apart. I think all religions have their nutjobs which is why I was raised Catholic married a Lutheran and now I am a proud agnostic.

Islam has been on earth some 1400 years and really hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s. Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 or Vietnam war.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The pope is correct Islam main problem is they have shit heads who hijacked their religion and has probably forever smeared its reputation just like there's right wing extremist tearing the GOP apart. I think all religions have their nutjobs which is why I was raised Catholic married a Lutheran and now I am a proud agnostic.

Islam has been on earth some 1400 years and really hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s. Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 or Vietnam war.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You're an ignorant SOB, Lubed Wide-ass. The Barbary Wars were the first wars fought against foreign powers after the U.S. gained it's independence, Lubed Wide-ass, and the Islamic Ottoman Empire was a major player aligned with the Central Powers during WWI. And Nazi Antisemitism played a role in persuading Iraq to make an attempt at aligning with the Nazis during WWII, you dumb fuck.

“[Minister John] Adams asked how the Barbary states could justify “[making] war upon nations that had done them no harm.’

“The response was nothing less than chilling.

According to his holy book, the Qur’an, [Sidi Haji] Abdrahaman explained, ‘all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave’” (p. 14, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History, by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger).
The pope is correct Islam main problem is they have shit heads who hijacked their religion and has probably forever smeared its reputation just like there's right wing extremist tearing the GOP apart. I think all religions have their nutjobs which is why I was raised Catholic married a Lutheran and now I am a proud agnostic.

Islam has been on earth some 1400 years and really hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s. Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 or Vietnam war. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You left out the left wing extremist that have destroyed the Democrat Party......The Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter, the entire Green Movement, and the Dindunuffins and gimme, gimme, gimme crowd.
You're an ignorant SOB, Lubed Wide-ass. The Barbary Wars were the first wars fought against foreign powers after the U.S. gained it's independence, Lubed Wide-ass, and the Islamic Ottoman Empire was a major player aligned with the Central Powers during WWI. And Nazi Antisemitism played a role in persuading Iraq to make an attempt at aligning with the Nazis during WWII, you dumb fuck. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Someone obviously failed their history course- please document dates and specific events of terrorism by Muslims during world war 2 you imbecile. Give specific examples of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam during any of the major world wars.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Someone obviously failed their history course- please document dates and specific events of terrorism by Muslims during world war 2 you imbecile. Give specific examples of terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam during any of the major world wars. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You are deflecting from your original statement wherein you stupidly claimed that "Islam ... hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s [&] Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 ..." and you were soundly repudiated for your stupidity, Lubed Wide-ass. So, Lubed Wide-ass, you'd be the clown sucking dick in history. Recall the Marine Corps hymn refrain "... to the shores of Tripoli," Lubed Wide-ass. And, as anyone can plainly see, Lubed Wide-ass, the Ottoman Empire, aligned with Germany and Austria, was a dominant power in the Muslim world in 1914.

WWII Muslim Nazis.
You are deflecting from your original statement wherein you stupidly claimed that "Islam ... hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s [&] Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 ..." and you were soundly repudiated for your stupidity, Lubed Wide-ass. So, Lubed Wide-ass, you'd be the clown sucking dick in history. Recall the Marine Corps hymn refrain "... to the shores of Tripoli," Lubed Wide-ass. And, as anyone can plainly see, Lubed Wide-ass, the Ottoman Empire, aligned with Germany and Austria, was a dominant power in the Muslim world in 1914.

WWII Muslim Nazis.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Please quote in reputable source showing that Islam was radicalized during world war 2!!! Are you saying their were jihadist during world war 2? What was the version of al- queda or ISIS during world war 2? Were those Muslims nazis carrying out suicide attacks in Jewish neighborhoods? You are a liar and the King of mis information .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Please quote in reputable source showing that Islam was radicalized during world war 2!!! Are you saying their were jihadist during world war 2? What was the version of al- queda or ISIS during world war 2? Were those Muslims nazis carrying out suicide attacks in Jewish neighborhoods? You are a liar and the King of mis information . Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Again, Lubed Wide-ass, you are deflecting from your original statement where you stupidly claimed that "Islam ... hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s [&] Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 ..." and, again, your pro-Assad Mint Press News citing-ass was soundly repudiated for your stupidity, Lubed Wide-ass.

Did the U.S. fight against Muslims during the Brabary Wars, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did. "... to the shores of Tripoli ..."

Did the Allies fight against the Muslim Ottoman Empire during WWI, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did.

Did the Allies fight against Muslims aligned with the Nazis during WWII, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did.
Again, Lubed Wide-ass, you are deflecting from your original statement where you stupidly claimed that "Islam ... hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s [&] Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 ..." and, again, your pro-Assad Mint Press News citing-ass was soundly repudiated for your stupidity, Lubed Wide-ass.

Did the U.S. fight against Muslims during the Brabary Wars, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did. "... to the shores of Tripoli ..."

Did the Allies fight against the Muslim Ottoman Empire during WWI, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did.

Did the Allies fight against Muslims aligned with the Nazis during WWII, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did the allies ever use the word radical Islam ? Jihadist or terrorism during world war 2? Yes or no ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice talk, IBOla
The pope is correct Islam main problem is they have shit heads who hijacked their religion and has probably forever smeared its reputation just like there's right wing extremist tearing the GOP apart. I think all religions have their nutjobs which is why I was raised Catholic married a Lutheran and now I am a proud agnostic.

Islam has been on earth some 1400 years and really hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s. Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 or Vietnam war. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So history buff, who hijacked their religion?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Did the allies ever use the word radical Islam ? Jihadist or terrorism during world war 2? Yes or no ? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Did you use those qualifiers in the original, ignorant statement you are now stupidly trying to defend, Lubed Wide-ass? No, you did not. Plus, another U.S. war with Islam your lame ass is ignoring is the Philippine Moro Rebellion, Lubed Wide-ass.

BTW, Lubed Wide-ass, regarding Islamic jihad during WWII:

[T]he Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, formally declared jihad against the Allied Powers on November 25, 1941.


The pope is correct Islam main problem is they have shit heads who hijacked their religion and has probably forever smeared its reputation just like there's right wing extremist tearing the GOP apart. I think all religions have their nutjobs which is why I was raised Catholic married a Lutheran and now I am a proud agnostic.

Islam has been on earth some 1400 years and really hasn't been a problem to the United States until late 70s. Islam played no role in world war 1 or 2 or Vietnam war. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Take a look at Islam for what it really is. Keep in mind this article is written by a Muslim or more accurately a former Muslim.


dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Did the Allies fight against Muslims aligned with the Nazis during WWII, Lubed Wide-ass? Yes, they did.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
not in any large numbers to be a major factor. I think they were more of a "token" army numbering about 10,000 - 20,000 if I recall the numbers I saw.

the islam that was practiced during WWII was a moderate form as many were still subjects of the british empire. so they couldn't really cut loose like they have today. They did have violent clashes with jews in palestine in the 1920's & 1930's and wahabism wasn't that well known then.

this has me wondering.. did any of the muzzies fight the nazis? I'm sure a few did. but my source info on that area during the WWII 1942 N. Africa campaign is silent on this.

terrorism of the style that we are familiar with was unknown in that area.

the closest thing to terrorism in that area is the Armenian genocide committed by the unrepentant Turks of the post-Ottoman empire under Ataturk rule.