On the fence about Latin agancies

Hey Folks, I've been in the hobby for many years and being that I'm in Houston thought I'd try out some of the Latino Agencies(tried 2 so far). I have to be honest, my experience so far has been very indifferent. Ive had 5 encounters, 2 were good, 1 was mixed and 2 were poor.

The biggest thing I noticed is that the oral skills of these ladies is ALL over the place.

I'm really wondering if I should continue down this road.

I love the Latin agencies. They will always be on my list to visit. I have never had a bad experience with them and have found if your a regular they take care of you with an open menu.
I have to say that when guys use Latin agency's for their references that are always polite and quickly verify for the gents.

I think that agency's, spa's ect all have their benefits and down falls! Just like Indy chicks. Good luck & Happy Hobbying!
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Agencies are great. Just do your homework on who you want to see and you will have all good experiences.
To me the Latin agencies are just ok. A few of the girls are nice but most I have no desire to see.
They are mostly just inexpensive and that keeps their doors open.
citizen44's Avatar
I'm really wondering if I should continue down this road.

Thoughts? Originally Posted by smokibacon
To be honest, the current crop at the agencies is a little lack luster. The quality and quantity of the hooker pool moves inversely to the economy and only gets more stagnant the longer the economy does well.

Now that said, the agencies have some monster advantages:

1). Multiple selections with little to no notice professional scheduling. As I work in the Galleria, I can’t even begin to count the number of 10 minute notice appointments I’ve done (mainly due to indys NCNS or having a meeting cancelation which opened up an opportunity). I love the access to indys that p411 gives me, but at the end of the day, one reason most (not all) hookers are in this business is they aren't that great at timely communication and keeping to a schedule.

2). While I would never want to give up the time I’ve spent with Danica Stone, Max Madison, Cossette and the others that I saw mainly based upon looks, none of those experiences have been more fun than a good agency lady. You have to sort the wheat from the chaff just like you do with the indies.

3). I’d bet 15-20% of todays crop of the HDH GPS crowd all got started at an agency. If you develop a good relationship, that will carry forward. I saw Ruby DiMarco religiously for 4 years and never paid over 200, even after she was charging all the new guys 500.

Here’s hoping for a good long recession.........
azteclust's Avatar
Hey Folks, I've been in the hobby for many years and being that I'm in Houston thought I'd try out some of the Latino Agencies(tried 2 so far). I have to be honest, my experience so far has been very indifferent. Ive had 5 encounters, 2 were good, 1 was mixed and 2 were poor.

The biggest thing I noticed is that the oral skills of these ladies is ALL over the place.

I'm really wondering if I should continue down this road.

Thoughts? Originally Posted by smokibacon
So tactically 2 good and 3 Naah. Sounds like agencies are not good, ever since the raid the agencies hasn't really recover well. Before they have plenty of fine ladies but I see their current lineup and none catch my attention. I hear they have older ladies(late 30s) I know some don't matter with it come with age but I do. If I going to drive a hour, pay extra 20 more I expect a 20 year old no mommy damaged.
tbone77494's Avatar
Love the agencies. I also often can only hobby on short notice, and regularly go from text to playtime in about an hour. Can’t beat the donation too. The ladies are hit and miss, but in my experience no more so than indies. There is a bit of a lull in talent right now but that goes in cycles too. Just saw Camila today, one of the best bodies in the biz for my taste.
Yeah I am finding agencies have dropped in service the last couple of years. It was alarmist always guaranteed you could get GFE level of appointment a few years ago. Recently though that can be a roll of the dice.
The main reason I go is needing a fix last minute. Big bonus to having someone available at short notice. Almost always a sure thing with either Latin Agency or strip club for that matter.
I love the thought of going to independent provider. But with work, there are times I would have to bail an hour or 2 before appointment. Some girls are understanding, but others do get pissed, and understandably so. Now I am hesitant on booking with independents for that reason.
Latin Dreams. I have had a lot of gents who I have seen mention that they have used them and that they were pretty good.
Latin agencies are pimp houses PERIOD
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Stick to INDY!!!