Diamond Sparkle steals pics...

Actually she steals content, but I put that as the title because I think it is actually worse to steal writing.

She stole an entire page of my website and posted it on her P411. While one can easily figure out when a woman is stealing pics, it can be a little harder to ascertain if her writing is plagiarized. She has refused to even acknowledge my requests to remove it and I will happily out her for being really fucking stupid. Word to the wise, if you are going to steal my words, maybe don't contact me for a reference. I also let the guy know as he is a creative person and maybe can have a word with her about intellectual property.

I'm sure most of you won't care, or disagree that plagiarism is as bad as using other people's pics and to that I say.....pretending to be smart is worse than pretending to be pretty.

NOT posted in alerts because even though I think it is appropriate, I have a feeling I'm in the minority on that one.
malwoody's Avatar
I'll be darned, word for word & in plain sight. I'm surprised to say the least..

Well you know what they say about imitation
growler's Avatar
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".......Charles Caleb Cotton
As Yoda would probably say, "Unfortunate very much this is."

Hopefully she will change the content soon.
For those of us that are Search Function challenged, this is not Forever Diamond in the Welcome forum..Too many Diamonds running around in this industry!
dirty dog's Avatar
Actually she steals content, but I put that as the title because I think it is actually worse to steal writing.

She stole an entire page of my website and posted it on her P411. While one can easily figure out when a woman is stealing pics, it can be a little harder to ascertain if her writing is plagiarized. She has refused to even acknowledge my requests to remove it and I will happily out her for being really fucking stupid. Word to the wise, if you are going to steal my words, maybe don't contact me for a reference. I also let the guy know as he is a creative person and maybe can have a word with her about intellectual property.

I'm sure most of you won't care, or disagree that plagiarism is as bad as using other people's pics and to that I say.....pretending to be smart is worse than pretending to be pretty.

NOT posted in alerts because even though I think it is appropriate, I have a feeling I'm in the minority on that one. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Wow what outrage, I bet you dont mind watching movie or downloading music from the internet.
I don't use those things as part of my business. She committed theft for financial gain. Its a little different but I know you get confused easily.
Muffrider's Avatar
Putting aside whether or not the theft is trivial, it's deceptive, lazy, lacking in character, and unimaginative. Not qualities I look for.
dirty dog's Avatar
I don't use those things as part of my business. She committed theft for financial gain. Its a little different but I know you get confused easily. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
But the people who make the music or movies do use them as part of their business but you have little trouble stealing from them. So really what your saying is you can steal someone else's intellectual property, but dont let someone touch yours, there is a word that describes such a position hmmmm what is that word.... oh yeah HYPOCRITE.
Well you can't force people to think intelligently.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well you can't force people to think intelligently. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Your right, good thing you have a semi nice ass or you would be in real trouble.
In music, they call that sampling. It is actually like 2/3 of a page instead of a whole page. And she changed a few of the parenthetical references to match her personal interests (not everyone is into First Fridays) and some of the rates have changed as well.

But for those of you who aren't in the know, here is the link to Diamond Sparkle's P411 page and the offending content (the items marked "Consideration" and "Etiquette"): https://www.preferred411.com/P24331

And here is the area on Silly Girl's page which was "sampled":

Ahh but this is not the music industry. This is plagiarism. You cannot quote source material (me) without providing footnotes/citations.

You don't "sample" literature unless you would like a big old lawsuit. Writers tend to be kinda picky about that.

I know books aren't super popular on this site, but that is how that works.
In music, they call that sampling. It is actually like 2/3 of a page instead of a whole page. And she changed a few of the parenthetical references to match her personal interests (not everyone is into First Fridays) and some of the rates have changed as well.

But for those of you who aren't in the know, here is the link to Diamond Sparkle's P411 page and the offending content (the items marked "Consideration" and "Etiquette"): https://www.preferred411.com/P24331

And here is the area on Silly Girl's page which was "sampled":

Originally Posted by FireSerpent
So FS it's cool if I take some of the photos that you took, fuck around with them in Photoshop (so they are "sampled" and not stolen) and use them to advertise? Good to know!
dirty dog's Avatar
So FS it's cool if I take some of the photos that you took, fuck around with them in Photoshop (so they are "sampled" and not stolen) and use them to advertise? Good to know! Originally Posted by SillyGirl
It would be just as cool to him as it would be for the people who you have stolen their music or movies. Hence the word Hypocite.