Actually she steals content, but I put that as the title because I think it is actually worse to steal writing.
She stole an entire page of my website and posted it on her P411. While one can easily figure out when a woman is stealing pics, it can be a little harder to ascertain if her writing is plagiarized. She has refused to even acknowledge my requests to remove it and I will happily out her for being really fucking stupid. Word to the wise, if you are going to steal my words, maybe don't contact me for a reference. I also let the guy know as he is a creative person and maybe can have a word with her about intellectual property.
I'm sure most of you won't care, or disagree that plagiarism is as bad as using other people's pics and to that I say.....pretending to be smart is worse than pretending to be pretty.
NOT posted in alerts because even though I think it is appropriate, I have a feeling I'm in the minority on that one.