Preffered 411 Upgrade

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The escapebutton was there before. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Never had seen that arrow before. Was it in the same location on the bottom right side? Never saw it until the redesign.
First of all, thank goodness it is back !!
They have some bugs to work out...They gave me more okays than I actually have and I can't view messages that I have sent to companions !!...It will definitely take some time to get used to. Originally Posted by williamrkent

You still can view all your messages, you just have to click on the message icon at the top of the screen.

Same here on the Okays. They really botched things up. I have ten more than I should, with the extras being duplicate Okays, and most of my Okays are out of order with the Okay list starting out in ascending order with the oldest Okays at the top of the screen.
Thanks !!...How can I find PM's that I have sent to companions ?
Thanks !!...How can I find PM's that I have sent to companions ? Originally Posted by williamrkent

The Sent category is visible once you click on the icon.
  • Jilge
  • 11-26-2023, 05:14 PM
Been on P4 for 17 years...everything said above is TRUE! Whole site in now just a JUNK PILE of confusions and errors..what a shame. I'm sure the intentions were good but missed the boat completely.
Sadly they probably paid some not so good IT guys a lot of money for the fiscal that has ruined a once
thriving and user friendly site. HOPEFULLY they will recognize this tragedy and make the necessary
Just got time to sit and down and check it out for a bit. I only ever view on my mobile device and it is much improved IMHO. The old site was cumbersome on a mobile device. Same thing with my OKs but nothing concerning, I'm sure they will sort that out.
I think part of the issue was old information in the data set they had that wasn't visable but was still there. I know I have two Okays from same provider, but one is from an older inactive P411 acct and the other is the current active account for her.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
It takes to long for the messages to come up to read them .. Hate it
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 11-26-2023, 07:00 PM
Personally, from what I've seen, I think it's crap. Where to begin? It's slower to load pages. I don't care for the purple colors. The featured listings that ladies pay for are way too big and blurry. The available now feature which I used to check regularly is now shitty. With the old format, when I logged on and went to my home page, the available now tab was front and center and told me immediately whether someone was available in my city. I tapped the tab and it took me directly to the listings of who was advertising available now.

Now, I have to tap the available now then takes me to a drop down menu of assorted places that I don't give a shit about. I'm in Kansas City, what do I care who's available in California? The menu has assorted places listed but not Kansas City. They have Troy Michigan listed but not KC? If I want to check who's available in KC, I have to manually type out Kansas City in search bar and tap it then wait and wait...

So, I'm not a happy camper. Doubt I will bother to renew when sub comes due.
SO MUCH BETTER for mobile actually uses responsive web. This was a much needed upgrade, to bring the app into the 2020's. I do see that my okay's got bumped up by a few. I'm guessing there may have been a DB migration of sorts that needs to be ironed out, but so far, I'm liking it.
They still have some cleaning up to do some profile that have not been active for years are showing up.. and preferences are missing on user profiles for looking at local areas not the entire state or North America if you look at available now section.

It's ok but less user friendly at the moment.
OliviaAllenDSM's Avatar
Overall it looks much nicer. I'm sad as a provider I can't see the statistics for my ad though. That's the main thing I used when I logged into the site. Sounds like there's several bugs in regards to Okay's though. I didn't expect much and while it appears nicer, I'm not thinking it's going to be much different once the kinks are worked out.
luvsHotties's Avatar
I like the mobile site compatibility update. I dislike that some info requires more digging. I liked being able to see roses without clicking into the profiles first.
rico7's Avatar
  • rico7
  • 11-27-2023, 12:56 PM
My homepage used to open to all the current providers in my area. Now it opens and I have to use the search function Country>State>City to get to my location. Am I alone in this? Is there a way to set the default to my city? Thanks...