What is teh Democrat party?

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2021, 10:33 AM

an illustration - Woke cancel culture totalitarian communists dedicated to marxist revolution.

The heart adn soul of todays' DPST party!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
an illustration - Woke cancel culture totalitarian communists dedicated to marxist revolution.

The heart adn soul of todays' DPST party! Originally Posted by oeb11
The ignorance, in this post, is truly stunning...:
texassapper's Avatar
A criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party.
adav8s28's Avatar
The democratic party goes from the center or left of center (Kennedy/Clinton/Obama) democrats to the far left (Bernie & AOC). For the republican party you have RHINOs at the center and the tea party on the far right (with the extremist and seperatists) mixed in.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The ignorance, in this post, is truly stunning...: Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Really? So there was no story about removing the word master bedroom in the real estate industry because that's what you just implied and you are wrong once again.


The Biggest Bedroom Is No Longer a ‘Master’

The term’s racist and sexist undertones lead New York’s real estate community and others to rethink outdated industry jargon.
Following the lead of other real estate brokerage communities around the country, several industry groups in New York are planning to eliminate the term “master bedroom” from floor plan descriptions and conversations between real estate agents and clients.
The Real Estate Board of New York plans to vote soon on removing the phrase from its residential listings service, the online platform that organizes listings data from brokerages around the city. While most people searching for a new place to live don’t use the site directly, the update is influential since brokerages rely on the service.

What is truly stunning is your willingness, your exuberance at displaying how utterly disconnected from reality you are.

Just because you don't want this to be true because you know how insane it is, you try to cover it up in hopes I guess that other people won't notice how stunningly insane the party you support has gone and continues to go with no stop sign in sight.

Why do you continue to embarrass yourself like this? I honestly, at this point, feel bad for you. It's seems to be an obsession, a pathology on your part. Why do you do this?

HedonistForever's Avatar
The democratic party goes from the center or left of center (Kennedy/Clinton/Obama) democrats to the far left (Bernie & AOC). For the republican party you have RHINOs at the center and the tea party on the far right (with the extremist and seperatists) mixed in. Originally Posted by adav8s28

All true. So why can't we all agree and point out each and every time without so much re-recrimination, at what is happening, when it happens? Right now, the Democrat party is the star of this show. Maybe the Tea Party was at one time but the Tea Party never came anywhere near changing words and behaviors in our culture. What Democrats, moderate to far left are embracing right now, are killing them with relatively sane people but people like AOC and the squad don't care. They want to get as much destruction done before they are buried on the ash heap of history as they will surely be.

Last summer showed us the extremist in the Democrat Party and the politicians that supported those extremist that wanted and said they wanted to "burn it all down" which we have now come to see meant "White establishment".

On Jan. 6th, we saw the extremist on the right who did not want to "burn it all down" as mis-guided as they were and they were, they actually thought they were trying to preserve democracy that had been stolen. They didn't want o change what we had, they wanted to preserve what we had and until people on the left come to grips with this idea that the right does not want to destroy anything, well, other than their perceived enemies, while the extremist on the left actually do want to burn down cities, open our borders, dismantle police and close jails.

How fucking insane is that?

You really are naive. Or just so partisan that you don’t think straight. You’re better than this.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You really are naive. Or just so partisan that you don’t think straight. You’re better than this. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Tell me how, explain it to me. What exactly did I say that would make me naive? Anybody can make a remark but can you prove it? Not afraid of a good debate are you?

And you think you aren't partisan?

And yes, I probably could be better which is why I keep trying to better myself but at the risk of complimenting myself, I think I'm pretty damn good at this and listening to a zealot tell me I'm not, doesn't make much of an impression on me.
I’m never disinterested in an honest debate. Nonetheless your premise like that of Oeb and others is at the height of dishonesty.

Claiming the democrats want to burn it all down. But somehow the republinuts that attacked the capital were simply misguided and trying to preserve the union and uphold the constitution. That’s nonsense and immediately made you not worth debating. Nothing you say after or before that holds any validity.
I’ll add, your position would be like me taking Goehmert, Margie Green and Boebert and ascribing their words to all Republicans.

Or maybe Getz and that Republican major donor that’s running a child sex trafficking scheme, maybe they are representative of all republicans.

Grabbing some extremists on one side or one stupid position and ascribing them as representing the whole party is silliness and childish. That’s the kinda argument 11 year olds make and I’d think by 70 you’d have grown from that to do better.

You wanna argue about things like abortion, cool. The right to catch and possibly spread a disease, sure. Racism, ok, sexism, ok and whatever the argument on gay rights is called (I have no clue), let’s go. Spending and taxes, let’s do it. The rest is just noise.

But as I said, you know better, or maybe you don’t.
LexusLover's Avatar
I’ll add, ... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I'm glad you are admitting you are in favor of burying females up to their neck and then stoning them to death. Finally the truth.

Actually, confession is a good start to healing. AA theory supports the process.
LexusLover's Avatar
The democratic party goes from the center or left of center (Kennedy/Clinton/Obama) democrats to the far left (Bernie & AOC). For the republican party you have RHINOs at the center and the tea party on the far right (with the extremist and seperatists) mixed in. Originally Posted by adav8s28
"Kennedy"? Were you even alive when he was President?

And why didn't you mention Johnson?
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 06:58 AM
Interesting how the DPSTs respond to a visual and valid criticism of their Intolerance, Cancel culture, Racism, superiority complex and tyrannical self-entitlement of the 'right to rule'

With cheap shots of 'ignorance, dishonesty, partisanship, 'Stupid', naive,silliness and whataboutism, denial, deflection, and obstruction.

Denial of the reality of the Super-controlling mindset of teh DPST communist radicals - altering history.

Not a constructive word or debate from any of eh DPSTs - just name-calling.

This is the 2nd grade level of debate of DPSTs - from Teachers Unions educations - likely
The only poster who came anywhere near any debate - I give 1b1 a tiny modicum of credit for post #10 - but the post is mostly 3rd grade nonsense and false accusations.

Quote - 11b1 -
I’ll add, your position would be like me taking Goehmert, Margie Green and Boebert and ascribing their words to all Republicans.

Or maybe Getz and that Republican major donor that’s running a child sex trafficking scheme, maybe they are representative of all republicans.

Grabbing some extremists on one side or one stupid position and ascribing them as representing the whole party is silliness and childish. That’s the kinda argument 11 year olds make and I’d think by 70 you’d have grown from that to do better.

You wanna argue about things like abortion, cool. The right to catch and possibly spread a disease, sure. Racism, ok, sexism, ok and whatever the argument on gay rights is called (I have no clue), let’s go. Spending and taxes, let’s do it. The rest is just noise.

But as I said, you know better, or maybe you don’t.

What 'words " do you ascribe to all Republicans - ???? - as the words of Cori Bush -"Defun-Disarm- Destroy the Police" - while she pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for private security her own fat butt to be secure??? Rules for Thee - but not for me?? and - who Knew cori bush is really a 'republican' - the voice of the Republican party effort to Defund teh Police"????
1b1 - be very careful about 'Forbidden topics' - and false allusions regarding such Topics in teh second sentence of your post!!!
Ascribing 'Stupid and silliness' with no factual, reasonable reference to any political issue - is in itself - as you described - and just name-calling with no substance

'argue about 'disease, racism gay rights' - Ok - post something cogent, constructive, substantive. All Poples have the right to Equality Under teh Rule of Law and Constitution - DPSTs have a problem with that - yes - U Do - it is not the favored marxist Communist manifesto!

1 - People are sick of DPST lockdowns, mandates, and forced behavior modification - and are ready to Vote DPSTs out for their stalinist control freak rules
2Abortion - what is the DPST position - formaldehyde brain injections at crowning is fine?
3 - forced segregation, CRT, and judging peoples on teh color of their skin with quotas are the mainstay of the DPST party - and MLK Jr. would cry at his pulpit to see the Racism of the DPST party
4 - DPST hyperspending is a plan to socially engineer Peoples and destroy the economy of America - for your own marxist revolution -1b1 - in teh name of 'Equity - not Equality for all under the Rule of teh Constitution adn Law. and the spending will bankrupt the American economy - The spending is willfull destruction of teh economy for marxism - which will only impoverish america as a whole.

The rest of teh DPST posts on this thread -; is just noise'
'No cogent or constructive points from any of eh Teachers Unions education DPSTs

so just Who is silly, and 'st...d'?????
So - ? DPSTs and 1b1?????

BTW - Please consider elucidating on your accusations - 1b1 - against ''that republican major donor" -

and remember - Jeffrey Epstein was a major Democrat Donor to keep himself out of prison.

'But as I said, you know better, or maybe you don’t.'

I have taken care to accurately quote 1b1 - unlike DPST marixt poster who choose to alter and change my writings to assert their Lies.

show me I quoted inaccurately - I will correct it- communist DPSTs!

BTW - 1b1 - You brought up the 'racism' topic and opened the door
You want to find out what 'Racism' really is - go to China - and try to be treated equally in that communist , Racist society under your beloved Comrade Xi!
HedonistForever's Avatar
I’m never disinterested in an honest debate. Nonetheless your premise like that of Oeb and others is at the height of dishonesty.

Claiming the democrats want to burn it all down. But somehow the republinuts that attacked the capital were simply misguided and trying to preserve the union and uphold the constitution. That’s nonsense and immediately made you not worth debating. Nothing you say after or before that holds any validity. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

OK, clean up on aisle 3. Not all Democrats want to burn it all down but it was only those people who support the Democrat party or more likely merely oppose the Republican party, that were shouting "burn it all down" and actually burning it down all summer long or did you not see the fires?


Democrats Are 'Defending Democracy' With Threats to Burn Down the System

Even before that, the rhetoric from the left about Trump replacing Ginsburg had been over the top. Daily Beast and CNN contributor Reza Aslan tweeted, "If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f***ing thing down."

CNN host Don Lemon said in a segment with Chris Cuomo that another Trump SCOTUS confirmation meant "We're going to have to blow up the entire system."

To deny that the Left, Democrat supporters, Republican opponents were burning down buildings it the height of ignorance on your part because we all watched it every night on TV for months or didn't you see the burning buildings?

Did you see any burning buildings on Jan. 6th?

What were the BLM and Anifa members protesting while they were burning down buildings? Were they upset that an election might have been stolen denying them the democratic process or did they want to destroy the current democratic process in favor of something new, a country with fewer police, fewer prisons and fewer White people?

It must be nice to have that card always available that you can play that says, "by saying that, you aren't worth debating". That's what cowards do.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:51 AM
HF - DPSTs terminology - "Our Democracy" - mean their One party socialist /communist/totalitarian rule by force of Arms.

do not give the communist DPST seditionsts cred for any respect for the Constitution/Bill of Rights/or Equality for all under the Rule of law

They are Communist operatives - dedicated to maduro style rule under Comrade Xi =- every single last One.

thye idolize marx, Lenin, Stalin , mao, and their absolute Right to rule in perpetuity.

They despise the Republican Conservative ideals of representative democracy

They despise History and teh groundings of true Democracy
They despise facts and Truth
They despise any and all proponents of an education in Equality for all - preferring CRT racism and indoctrination in hate, wokeism, racism, Marxism, and Violence towards all who disagree with their HATE!

Just Ask them - the DPSTs write their hatred of representative democracy Daily!