In the midst of drama threads..I have good news to share

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
All of you that know me know that about 6 months ago I was given some pretty bad news and under went surgery to fight it.I was told at my 6 week check up there was a small chance some cells were left behind and wouldnt know for sure till my 4 month check up when they did another biopsy. On Monday I went to have it done I got my results yesterday and I am cancer free 100% ...they didnt miss any..everything came back completely CLEAR.

THANKYOU so much to all who helped me through all this.All your love support and words of encouragement and best wishes really helped...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming ..........
Congrats Vicki , that's good news !
MARTlAN's Avatar
that is awesome sweetie, congrats!!!
atxwrx's Avatar
Excellent news!!!!! Know that is a lot off of your mind....
ThrillBill88's Avatar
:-) Awesome!
Great news Vicky
knotty man's Avatar
that is wonderful news . glad your gonna be with us a while longer
Great news! nice to hear some good stuff for a change
Fantastic News!

YEA!!!!!!!! Vikki!!!!!!!!!!


Tatonka's Avatar
Fantastic news!!
Congratulations Vicki!
This is so much better then another drama thread, Thanks for sharing!
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I am so happy for you and was following along to the best of my ability waiting for the outcome. I am very happy for you and yours!

Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Vicki, from one cancer survivor to another...GOOD FOR YOU !!! YOU GO GIRL !!!
El Cid's Avatar
All of you that know me know that about 6 months ago I was given some pretty bad news and under went surgery to fight it.I was told at my 6 week check up there was a small chance some cells were left behind and wouldnt know for sure till my 4 month check up when they did another biopsy. On Monday I went to have it done I got my results yesterday and I am cancer free 100% ...they didnt miss any..everything came back completely CLEAR.

THANKYOU so much to all who helped me through all this.All your love support and words of encouragement and best wishes really helped...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming .......... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
I am glad for you. You fought like a girl and won again! Congratulations!

DallasRain's Avatar