A real life "pina colada" song

frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 08-22-2017, 05:14 PM
Wonder if they are members.Possibly bp

Saw this story a week or more ago - but same wording as what supposedly happened in east Texas. Not sure this is real.
Hell I wish it was real for me! I could afford the divorce then! Lol
LOL, would kinda even it out, wouldn't it.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 08-22-2017, 09:48 PM
This stupid story has been circulating for years. booked his wife...booked his daughter...booked his son....booked his mom...booked his dad.... The internet has some good but I am sure those that invented it bemoan the bandwidth wasted on fake BS, Trolls, and stupid people.
Dj1981's Avatar
Well, at least somebody knows where to find em in paducah.. 😂😂😂