Getting Fucked

spacejanitor's Avatar
We are all getting fucked...and not the good kind...Just what in the FUCK is wrong with these politicians?.....These meely mouthed mother fucking cock suckers are really pissing me off.

I don't know about you, but atleast if I am gonna take it up the ass, give me some astroglide...and to top it off...these fuckers gave themselves a RAISE!!!...Holy Christ!!!! it just me...or is anyone else just a PISSED OFF!!!
jjchmiel78's Avatar
Sure, but what can we expect in this polarized political environment? It doesn't matter which political party you follow, the extreme of either is bad. In our most prosperous times there has always been a fairly even split of political power with the parties involved making compromises. Recent history is Bush senior breaking his word on taxes because we had a Gulf war incident to pay for. Under Clinton he signed economic proposals the Republicans brought to him that helped the economic boom. Right now the attitude is "my way or no way". Do we as a nation need to cut back spending? Oh god yes! Some simple cut backs that make a big impact would be reducing the military spending so we're only spend more than the next 16 countries combined instead of 17 countries. Not only cut farm and wind subsidies but the oil as well. Get rid of tax credits that get taken advantage off and allow companies to get tax credit moving jobs overseas. At the same time when I made financial mistakes and had to cut cable, internet, etc to make more funds available for debt, I also got another job to generate more income. So there is certainly a need to allow the Bush tax cuts that were set to expire to expire. If all these additional funds from the tax breaks were meant to get reinvested there by creating jobs, where are they? There is no need that the rich get special privileges just because they are rich and could possibly create jobs. Mortgage tax credit is a prime example. I bought my house at a price I was comfortable with but I can't itemize since the interest paid is not enough. So it really only benefits those making more than me. I live a very comfortable lifestyle that more than 50% of Americans would like. I know it is not all hard work, some of it comes down to luck. Government assistance helped in my life since my single mom couldn't do it on her own. At the same time one of my friends was in the Navy for 6 years specializing in network communication. His GI bill paid for his computer engineering degree. His dad had a trust fund for his college that he gave him since his college was paid for. His now ex-wife screwed him when he lost his job so he now lives with his parents again working a $10 hour job since he can not find better at the moment. Not all of us that have required government assistance at one point in life or another are lazy slackers. I do know the difference on both Mitt Romney's and Barrack Obama's released tax forms from what they paid to 20% is more that what I have received in my lifetime. Either one they got that type of discount. They benefit greatly from the workers making the product or providing the service that allows them to make that kind of money. Since the private sector isn't keeping up with job demand, they can help pay the government debt so the public sector can employ more.
Osolomio's Avatar
Just to be clear, Obama raised the politician salaries by executive order. I didn't think he could raise the salaries of Congress, or the VP.

I think all you have to do is look at a state like Iowa to see the problem. The state has 2 Senators in Grassley and Harkin that are the opposite on almost everything but Ag policy. How can you get agreement when the people of one state don't even have two Senators that agree on over 50% of the issues.
Bigh1955's Avatar
When framed The Constitution limited the right to vote to those who owned property. It was, I understand, the framers way of ensuring that those without a dog in the fight did not have the opportunity to force those who did to give up their wealth. There will always be poor...and they will always gladly take from those with more.

I don't know if a solution can be forged within the legitimate bounds of government as it exists today. It will certainly require lies, deceit, and subterfuge...but then that's what brought us to where we are today...
Once again.....Claire Wolfe:

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but it's too soon to shoot the bastards."