
Anybody know what happened to her? She hasn't logged in here since the end of August. Logged into P411 today. Hasn't answered my texts. Would love to see her again.
  • Roboz
  • 10-19-2020, 08:12 PM
Anybody know what happened to her? She hasn't logged in here since the end of August. Logged into P411 today. Hasn't answered my texts. Would love to see her again. Originally Posted by pokeslow
Was mia on 911 for a while too-raised her rates from 240-360 per hr--her prerogative--but wow!!
cmore197474's Avatar
Maybe she isn't seeing people until c19 has a vaccine
Doubtful. Saw her a couple of months ago when covid was in full swing. She didn't seem overly concerned about it then....
Boredinop's Avatar
I agree don’t think COVID is a concern. She goes out of town A LOT sometimes for a couple of weeks.
Well if your still trying to reach her she logged on P411 just a few minutes ago 4pm.......