Question for SA users

In your experience, what percentage of the women are on there using it as a Backpage substitute (one-time or more $ encounters), and what percentage are looking for a longer term SD? At $90 a month, results would make it worthwhile.
75% scams: online-only, cashapp/pay me first, unreal pics
10% escorts: usually can tell in the pics, gives you offers right away, or definitely obvious once you meet
10% quasi-real, but have issues: worse than pictures, crazy, in a bad situation, baggage
4% might look good, but expensive, bad attitude, or not fun
1% the hidden gem
Exactly my experience and very accurate breakdown, serious GPS and ludicrous $$$ requests at least initially. Follow ups = negotiation but just annoying. Had one come by whose photos had to be 15 years old - told her no thanks and next morning she tried to blackmail me or would email what she thought were my family members after doing one of those commercial searches. Made it clear I already had her info - never heard back.
That said, I have had a couple of successes - still see two I met on there so good luck.
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Lots of one-timers and hookers in denial. I've learned to screen them out and go for the chicks who just love getting fucked and money is just a bonus for them. Hard to find though. Definitely gets easier with girls 35-45 age range... less games and they know what they want. Any chick who tells me to give them $ for content i ghost too.

Also, my best successes were from chicks who messaged me first.
Jay420's Avatar
In response to your question: in my experience 1 in every 5.