nature is not cuddly

VitaMan's Avatar
Nature is not cuddly or kind.

Nature is a battlefield, full of killing and blood. The only thing that matters is food.
The lion and the buffalo. The alligator and the wildebeast. The grizzly bear and the salmon.

Yet at sunset, with an ocean breeze and a drink in our hand, we believe the earth is a paradise among the stars.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Yep, a beer, binoculars and a rifle.
Watching the back 40 for coyotes.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I watch the animal documentaries with wolves and coyotes and wild dogs hunting and rending prey, and then I look down at my spoiled sleeping chihuahuas and think, "Nah, no way could MY guys make it in nature. They'd be dingo dinner." These tiny teddy bears are a far cry from their ancient genetic roots, and yes, they ARE cuddly and cute. They probably wouldn't even nip at the ankles of strangers, but a pair of thick socks would be as effective as armor. Their idea of stalking a meal is begging for my leftover chicken tenders with big, sad eyes, a pathetic whine, and a wee wag of their tails.

My lap is paradise to them.