Premium Access equivalent for providers

Any chance of maybe implementing something like this? The hobbyists have a need for it (obviously cuz they utilize it) and I think that providers do to. Plus it would give us a chance to contribute a little more financially to the site as well aside from for purchasing banners.
has there been any movement on ths topic?
Guest062716's Avatar
The gents, under Premium Access, have access to the Men's Lounge and to private parts of the reviews (some of details of the reviews are not visible to the general public).

The Verified Providers have access to the InfoShare - the equivelant of the Men's Lounge.

Providers are not allowed to purchase (or earn) Premium Access. I really don't see that changing.

Hope this helps to clear it up.


Guest051010-3's Avatar
what if it was an access to just be able to read our reviews i havent had any problems here yet but on aspd i doubted a few of mine were even someone i had met since i couldnt see the details and i would of course pm and they would just tell me the basics that most of the legit ones had but no details