I've been thinking...

Texas_Seeker's Avatar
I've been reading back on various posts throughout the site, and I routinely see posts where the women have claimed to have been threatened with violence. They talk about how afraid they were, how powerless they felt, and how traumatic the incident was. And it just got me to wondering...

Why the hell don't more providers carry some form of weaponry or have some form of self-defense training?

A recent post stated, and I quote,
im only 100lbs and i was in fear of my life this guy was going to seriously hurt me...
The validity and truthfulness of the original post doesn't matter for this. I've seen posts like this across the site, across the web, for years. And it's always bothered me.

I used to volunteer at a community center that somehow managed to attract a large amount of battered women. We instituted several self-defense classes, including a few that dealt with the use of firearms for those that were interested, and we seemed to have great results. Heck, I watched one of our girls, a tiny little girl, take down her (soon to be ex) husband -and- his brother when he tried to hit her.

I just don't understand why anyone who puts themselves into risky situations on a regular basis don't do something to protect themselves.
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
And somehow I managed to put this into Alerts rather than Coed Discussions. Any chance of someone moving it for me, if it wouldn't be too much of a problem?
try to put yourself in their shoes
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
I have. While I'm not a 100 pound girl I do have medical problems that somewhat blunt my self-defense capabilities. I'm severely overweight, have a bum knee, have a bad wrist, and will probably have to have the middle finger on my right hand amputated at some point in the next year.

To compensate I carry a 9mm semi-automatic with me virtually everywhere I go. I've carried one for the better part of a decade. Currently it's a Beretta PX-4 carried in the general position of my wallet.

If I'm seeing a well reviewed provider it stays in the car. If it's a newbie, or a Backpage date, it's on me. Even if I don't have that on me I keep a knife, that I can open quickly with one hand, clipped to my right pocket. And I normally have some CS spray in my left pocket, depending on which pair of pants I'm wearing.

The laws in Texas are very liberal regarding the ownership and transportation of a firearm. A girl could easily keep a holstered hammerless revolver under a pillow and, even if they are busted for violation of various solicitation ordinances. completely skate on any firearms charges.

I was just wondering, really. I'm big into self-defense, and routinely see the "I was afraid he'd hurt me" argument.
Texas Seeker you need to understand the laws of Texas a bit more. If you are arrested in Texas and have a gun in your posession you will probably face a felony charge as well.


Not trying to bypass the constitution and I respect those that wish to have a weapon. But think what a better place this would be without guns.
Duke of G's Avatar
Moved to co-ed.
With regards to guns, there have been a couple of threads on that topic.
There are other ways to keep yourself safe

1. SCREEN!! Thus why i am not newbie friendly. Yea you can screen to prove its not LE.. but can u screen to prove he isnt another Craigs List killer? No...
2. Have a friend. My GF knows where my incall is and what time my appts are. I text her prior to appt and immediately after. She knows that i do tend to not watch clock and many times have gone over. But if she doesnt hear back within 30 minutes of end time... shes in protective mode.
3. My cell is always nearby and the other is on opposite side.
4. Ive taken self defense courses.
and if all else fails.. i have a beautiful container of spray in my toybox. Or perhaps he wants more of a PSE experience with my stun gun? A stun gun to the balls not only keeps your balls high n tight... it gives me time to get away. LOL

And ANY crime where a gun is involved, even if not used.. turns into an auto felony... at least in Okla.

These fake alerts about danger and violence.. is not just "Crying Wolf" for the idiot girl... but its making those of us who rarely if ever post alerts.. have to work harder to make others believe if or when we do post them.. Not to mention, its making us that actually do screen.. have to wonder if its a real one. And the poor guy who simply wanted to fuck but had a horrible experience! his rep is ruined! And the other guys.... who depend on honest reviews to assist in their "Shopping" have to wonder if the guy truly had a good time, or is just too scared to post an honest review because of some girl going bat shit crazy on his reputation.
Girls should realize... a bad review doesnt necessarily mean your business is ruined! Sometimes it actually helps! Besides. its HIS experience. Now.. if you have a reputation of several bad ones...well... you should probably go work at Burger King.
I agree with screening as the number one answer, and that's why I'm newbie friendly. You screen for safety AND compatibility and you'll be okay. I've been in this life for 7 years, and have never been assaulted, robbed, or had any reason to put out an alert.

Not taking short notice appointments from newbies help me separate the good ones from the bad ones. Undesirables count on us being desperate.
Boltfan's Avatar
Self defense classes are a great idea. Make sure if you do attend one it includes more than just instruction and observation. Get a course where the instructor will let you perform the moves in them so you can get a feel for it as well.
Of topic but condolences to all Bolt Fans and football fans in general. A very big presence is gone.
blue3122's Avatar
Texas Seeker you need to understand the laws of Texas a bit more. If you are arrested in Texas and have a gun in your posession you will probably face a felony charge as well.


Not trying to bypass the constitution and I respect those that wish to have a weapon. But think what a better place this would be without guns. Originally Posted by durango95

If he has a current CHL, he is probably okay with the firearm. I don't know the laws on knives because I carry a firearm also. But only when I am going out on pipelines at night. As for "NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY NEEDS A GUN PERIOD." Well that's a great sentiment but when you are in the middle of nowhere and are approached by someone you don't know who may view you as a target of opportunity, it is really helpful. Even if they are only armed with a tire iron or some other blunt instrument.

If you can get all the criminals and law enforcement to turn theirs in, then I will consider it.

And, NO, I am not a gun nut. I have a CHL, take gun safety courses regularly, and have my firearms registered. I do not believe everyone has a right to own a firearm. Only those who can demonstrate responsibility. It is a privilege to me.
alphaturtle's Avatar
I was with you up until the privilege part. (Well, actually up to the bit about having your firearms registered. Why the hell would you want to register firearms? We don't register firearms in Texas unless you have some guns covered under the National Firearms Act, like fully automatics, short-barrelled rifles or shotguns, or suppressors ("silencers"), but maybe I'm missing something.)

If you limit the "privilege" of gun ownership just to those who can "demonstrate responsibility," to whom would they demonstrate it? To the government? The right to self defense is a natural right, fundamental to all living creatures, even guys paying for sex. And the constitutional protection of gun ownership is explicitly intended to protect people from a corrupt government or other threats to their safety. I would say the right to own a firearm should only be DENIED to those who demonstrate Irresponsibility.

And no, I am not a gun nut. I'm a radical freedom nut.
Guest032213's Avatar
all i can say is i dont have anything on my record , and i stay with my protecter all the time... he sits on my night stand .. i love u smith and wess.. my mfm buddies lmao..........
  • dfwo
  • 05-04-2012, 10:26 PM
Texas Seeker you need to understand the laws of Texas a bit more. If you are arrested in Texas and have a gun in your posession you will probably face a felony charge as well.


Not trying to bypass the constitution and I respect those that wish to have a weapon. But think what a better place this would be without guns. Originally Posted by durango95
Pretty much everything you wrote is nonsense. You can certainly have a firearm in your home/residence, and a CHL is not difficult to obtain. And not necessary to keep a firearm in your vehicle when travelling. (assuming the provider isn't already a felon. and if she is, still better to have it if you're in fear for your life)

And as soon as the police line up to get rid of their guns, I'll *consider* doing the same.