This has reached a new level...but that's the media!!!
The economy is doing great...but he's the devil!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Next time anyone has a chance, ask a dummycrat how that crow tastes?babahhahahahaaahhaha
Next time anyone has a chance, ask a dummycrat how that crow tastes?babahhahahahaaahhaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
Liberals would luv to win midterms so they can turn the rest of Trump"s term upside down (lame duck) along with the economy and say "see we told you Trump would be destructive to the economy/country". Moronic Liberals want to turn this country upside down and they don't care who they destroy or how they do it just as long as they get their own way. They're used to dealing with the wimpy Republicans not with someone who doesn't back down, Trump is what we needed to save this country and even if they do win back the house don't expect Trump to sit back and be a lame duck, this duck will be one hell of a drake.
TRUMP 2020
I don't know if you old enough to know that President Reagan won the 1984 reelection by the largest electoral college vote ever and won 49 of 50 state because he turned around the Carter disaster.
It had been many years since the people had been this enthusiastic about a Presidents' ability to lead there country.
Reagan was know as the "great communicator" and there probability will never be another President like him.
I don't know if you old enough to know that President Reagan won the 1984 reelection by the largest electoral vote ever and won 49 of 50 state because he turned around the Carter disaster.
It had been many years since the people had been this enthusiastic about a Presidents' ability to lead there country.
Reagan was know as the "great communicator" and there probability will never be another President like him. Originally Posted by bb1961
And OH ! How the LYING LIBERALS hate him to this day ! Just ANOTHER reason for me to really like Reagan. There are some Youtube interviews/ commentaries of his from long ago, in black and white, that are still relevant today when it comes to LYING LIBERALS-especially BOOrock Insane Odummer. You might check them out.
And OH ! How the LYING LIBERALS hate him to this day ! Just ANOTHER reason for me to really like Reagan. There are some Youtube interviews/ commentaries of his from long ago, in black and white, that are still relevant today when it comes to LYING LIBERALS-especially BOOrock Insane Odummer. You might check them out. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yeah watch "A Time for Choosing" never gets old as you say...54 yrs ago and it is so prophetic!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Ronald Reagan is one of my heroes. HE was so good he could get the other side to pretty much give him what ever he wanted. Reagan had that blow hard Tip O'Neal eating out of his hand.. I wish America could have another 12 year stretch like we had in the 80's to 92! That's when America stood tall!
I love the way you trump huggers amuse yourselfs.
I love the way you trump huggers amuse yourselfs. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
We amuse ourselves by the way the fake news stumbles all over themselves to turn anything positive Trump does into a negative...even if there narrative is completely laughable and nonsensical as always.
I apologize if it leaves you butt hurt
winn dixie's Avatar
We amuse ourselves by the way the fake news stumbles all over themselves to turn anything positive Trump does into a negative...even if there narrative is completely laughable and nonsensical as always.
I apologize if it leaves you butt hurt Originally Posted by bb1961
ME TOO hahahahahahha
themystic's Avatar
Liberals would luv to win midterms so they can turn the rest of Trump"s term upside down (lame duck) along with the economy and say "see we told you Trump would be destructive to the economy/country". Moronic Liberals want to turn this country upside down and they don't care who they destroy or how they do it just as long as they get their own way. They're used to dealing with the wimpy Republicans not with someone who doesn't back down, Trump is what we needed to save this country and even if they do win back the house don't expect Trump to sit back and be a lame duck, this duck will be one hell of a drake.
TRUMP 2020 Originally Posted by Cherie
Hi Cherie. Why are all of Trumps closet associates turning on him?
Hi Cherie. Why are all of Trumps closet associates turning on him? Originally Posted by themystic
With any luck they'll have him impeached, indicted, convicted and locked away for life...then ALL the sycophant will celebrate ...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We amuse ourselves by the way the fake news stumbles all over themselves to turn anything positive Trump does into a negative...even if there narrative is completely laughable and nonsensical as always.
I apologize if it leaves you butt hurt Originally Posted by bb1961
Was there anything incorrect in the cited article? The economy is doing very well much of it due to Trump. Yet his approval rating continues to drop. The article tries to figure out why that is happening since usually when the economy is doing well the president's approval rating soars.

Obviously the people who are being asked have more on their minds than just the economy.
Was there anything incorrect in the cited article? The economy is doing very well much of it due to Trump. Yet his approval rating continues to drop. The article tries to figure out why that is happening since usually when the economy is doing well the president's approval rating soars.

Obviously the people who are being asked have more on their minds than just the economy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The last 45yrs that I have followed politics it has always been "were you better off 4 years ago then today" and "it's the economy stupid" I missing something??
Reagan won two landslides...the fist was because of the disastrous economy of Carters' and the second was because of the booming economy Reagan created...LARGEST ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory in history!!!
Only thing I can guess is the media has convinced the "people that are being asked" he is worst than the devil...Who are his approval rating down with...Hummmm
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The last 45yrs that I have followed politics it has always been "were you better off 4 years ago then today" and "it's the economy stupid" I missing something??
Reagan won two landslides...the fist was because of the disastrous economy of Carters' and the second was because of the booming economy Reagan created...LARGEST ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory in history!!!
Only thing I can guess is the media has convinced the "people that are being asked" he is worst than the devil...Who are his approval rating down with...Hummmm Originally Posted by bb1961
Probably the #1 complaint about Trump revolves around his character. Trump supporters love his character but most others do not. That has the probability of costing Republican candidates many votes in 7 weeks.

This election is all about Trump, not the economy;

New evidence indicates that the midterm elections in seven weeks will be the clearest referendum on a president in at least 80 years.

But while it may delight the narcissistic president that the 2018 midterms are entirely about him, this is precisely what his fellow Republicans were hoping to avoid. With Trump’s support at historic lows – 60 percent overall disapprove of his performance, including 59 percent of independents - Republicans scrambling to hold the House and Senate have been struggling in vain to make the election about other issues: tax cuts, Democrats’ personal foibles - anything to avoid the election being about Trump.

This has failed, bigly.

You mention Ronald Reagan. Around midterm elections 1982, Reagan had an approval rating around 42%. Republicans, already at a 243-192 disadvantage in the House, lost at additional 26 seats. Democrats gained 1 Senate seat.

Today Donald Trump's approval rating sits at 40.1% according to FiveThirtyEight which summarizes all polls.