What happens now

australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I’ve been off the board for two weeks and “BAM” new changes. I reached out to a few blokes and they told me about the new laws.

So, where the providers advertising. I went to STG and nothing there.
Kiss goodbye to girls traveling to LA now. Sad state of affairs.
Facebook is good. I've been using it for years.

What are they gonna do, shut down Facebook lol

I'm not going to pretend to understand their algorithm but it works. 99% of my people you may know are hookers, tricks or pimps... oh and a few cops

Obviously no ads or reviews (which were only entertainment anyway imo) but a great place to find some good pay for play

Oh yeah I forgot for you special dudes, dont use your real info. Id hope the girls know better.
Please explain how you search FB for providers. Thanks
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Half the country has already made the switch.

Ourhome2. Net

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Please explain how you search FB for providers. Thanks Originally Posted by marignyguy

That's how most of my regulars get in contact with me.
My new friends normally use Instagram and/or twitter.

My question is, how do they find you on FB for the first time? How do they know that you exist?
Payton Cartier's Avatar
I don’t think eccie changes will stop
Girls from coming .. at least not me you’ll just have to resort to different sites and do a lot more research.. I know for me if you google my phone number a lot of my reviews on other sites show up
And there’s plenty of other reviews boards out there
I know I have received a few messages from people who found my info.on erotic monkey, which I've never used, I just think it pulls from other websites.
Definitely big changes and I know it has a lot of us ladies wondering what is to come. I'll be creating a switter or whatever else I have to. I also have facebook and several.have reached out to me there.
Yeah I’d also like to know how one would go about finding providers on Facebook.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Half the country has already made the switch.

Ourhome2. Net

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A gent can however recieve recieve verified status if desired(With 2 vouches) Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
I can't post or anything on ourhome2
DallasRain's Avatar
I have a list of repeat friends so that will help me out!
If all this is as I understand it, I find it hard to believe that Texas would have the manpower or budget to enforce these laws in any meaningful way. Not to mention that Texas has no jurisdiction beyond it's own borders. And since servers are offshore,, they're untouchable by Texas as well. I could see these measures being applied to the Texas forums, but in my humble opinion, to deploy it site wide is a knee jerk way overkill reaction. Please, someone enlighten me if I'm not understanding it correctly.
Ridiculous as it is, activities between consenting adults that involve money exchange are pretty much illegal in every state. So while there's nothing a law officer in Texas could directly do to anyone from outside of Texas posting on a server located outside of Texas, talking to another consenting adult located outside of Texas, that doesn't mean they can't start passing on tips to other states. Plus I was under the impression that the ECCIE servers are hosted in Texas, not offshore.
The whole thing is just stupid, it will do absolutely nothing to reduce the very real crime of human trafficking, but it sure will impact the safe conduct of activities that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. One again harming the people who are doing no harm, while the real evil people will continue to get away with what they do.
Also doesn't help that in the original draft of what became this law, ECCIE was targets SPECIFICALLY by a thankfully no longer sitting Texas legislator who apparently has nothing better to do than get all up in everyone else's business. I won;t get political, but I'm willing to bet MOST people here have this law as originating with the wrong party. Much like a friend of mine who went on a Facebook rant about wanting to crack down on vaping - the loudest voice to outright ban it is coming from the governor of his state, who is a member of the party he supports, not the one he was railing against.
Something will shake out, either things will return to normalcy (if you can call this place normal - after what's been going on in the main general discussion section, I'm not so sure, but I also may need a translator, I don't speak Brain Damage) or everything, including the horrible acts they want to shine the light on, will just go dark underground. Without this ridiculous law being repealed or amended, I doubt things will ever be the same. But of course that will never happen - anyone suggesting it goes too far will instantly be labeled as not caring about the women and especially children who are victims of trafficking. So expect it to stay put for a good long while.
From my understanding the server's was never moved off shore when they had the site shut down