The Price Of Indiscretion

VIPRaniLane's Avatar
Suzy Favor Hamilton's prostitution admission has her name stripped from Big Ten female athlete of the year award. This is so wrong on so many levels. Erasing her previous accomplishments because of a private choice she made as a consenting adult? Disgusting. The only people who get away with dabbling in this world & being outed are male politicians/executives. They emerge from their hooker scandals virtually unscathed. Misogyny & the double standard are alive and kicking. SMDH

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Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its still amazing the pubic perception of our little hobby.
And you are so right that get caught up in a "scandal" like this often go on with very little scarring. While the ladies involved are somewhat vilified forever. Several names come to mind right off the top of my head....the whole Heidi Fleiss mess, the Spitzer saga, the Vitter deal...just to name a few.

Interesting Vegas twist with the SFH matter, and basically bringing a fair and reputable person and agency down in the process.
Indiscretion? To be fair, she never showed her face or suggested her olympian status when advertising... she was outed by someone who had seen her is the way I've understood things from the blogs on other forums and communicating with the agency in question.

It's totally wrong for her previous accomplishments to be voided and it saddens me that people don't understand this business is helpful to people. Sending her positive energy...