CNN easily found one of the Benghazi actors; they interviewed him for 2 hours in public (at a coffee house); and CNN reports he is widely known in the capital of Libya........

Obama the phony; what a fuckhead of a President !

Now watch the Carney dodge:

pathetic spokesperson for a despicable regime.
Because he's not a suspect in the attack? Not that I would expect you to know this, since you are a fucking idiot, but this clown has been giving interviews to news outlets almost since the day the event occurred. He admits being present (along with thousands of other people) but there is no evidence (beyond your lunatic ravings) that he had anything to do with planning, initiating or participating in the attack.

The fact that he is meeting with media members repeatedly and professes willingness to be interviewed by anybody over and over would tell any thinking person that he's not someone that is a viable target of the investigation. Do you seriously think that the people who are actually responsible for planning and carrying out the attack are going to sit down for interviews with CNN and the NYT's?

Fucking bozo.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
CNN easily found one of the Benghazi actors; they interviewed him for 2 hours in public (at a coffee house); and CNN reports he is widely known in the capital of Libya........

Obama the phony; what a fuckhead of a President ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Impressive at least that CNN humiliated the Presidente.
Yea the conservative nut cases think Obama is hiding something. I remember a couple of months ago while watching FOX they said stay tuned for tomorrow's live hearing on Bengazze. Possible impeachment, treason claims were going to result from hearings they claimed. I watched the next day for three hours and nothing new! Then the three kidnapped girls in Ohio were freed and FOX broke away from the hearings never to return. How could they not return with all the breaking news they reported the previous day was going to result from those hearings???? The reason is there is no news that Obama is hiding. The republicans are lying once again ( like they lied us into Iraq because of WMD they claimed existed). Their agenda is to destroy Obama and they'll lie to do it!
The entire premise, just like the entire "scandal" is absurd. Anybody with even the faintest glimmer of an understanding as to how a federal law enforcement agency like the FBI functions would know that once they start an investigation like this, they're not going to be receiving secret White House memos telling them not to interview this person or not arrest that person. There may have been a time when shit like that occurred but it was a long time ago, and it is not the way things work now.

It's all the product of the fevered, hyper-partisan lunatic conservative entertainment industry, who rely on whackjobs like Whirlytard to scan there websites like religious zealots every day because they are willing to believe anything that is posted that is unflattering regarding Obama and repeat it ad nauseum without regard for it's truthfulness, accuracy or validity.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 12:51 PM
Yea the conservative nut cases think Obama is hiding something. I remember a couple of months ago while watching FOX they said stay tuned for tomorrow's live hearing on Bengazze. Possible impeachment, treason claims were going to result from hearings they claimed. I watched the next day for three hours and nothing new! Then the three kidnapped girls in Ohio were freed and FOX broke away from the hearings never to return. How could they not return with all the breaking news they reported the previous day was going to result from those hearings???? The reason is there is no news that Obama is hiding. The republicans are lying once again ( like they lied us into Iraq because of WMD they claimed existed). Their agenda is to destroy Obama and they'll lie to do it! Originally Posted by txrancher1
watch Fox for 30 minutes then watch this board become Fox ... Fox is number 1 because the majority of their viewers are simpletons living in echo chambers .... easily led, easily entertained, and unable to think for themselves ..
Yeah; it isn't a scandal; Timmyboy is still stuck thinking it was the video to blame!

Fucking loser.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah; it isn't a scandal; Timmyboy is still stuck thinking it was the video to blame!

Fucking loser. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, and the only person this fucked-up Odumbo administration has brought to 'justice' for an Islamic affiliated Al Qaeda attack is an immigrant, Coptic Christian Egyptian.
If Obama is hiding something, then the question BEGS to be asked why the republicans can't produce evidence. They claimed loud and clear 2 months ago they had the witnesses. Where was the impeachment evidence they claimed they would produce????? Why don't you conservatives on here spend time writing why your republican representatives in the House couldn't produce the evidence they claimed to have with their witnesses instead if character assignations of Obama?
Instead of asking questions about what/when/where/how of the GOP; you should be asking it of Obama, Hillary, et al................
LexusLover's Avatar
Yea the conservative nut cases think Obama is hiding something. Originally Posted by txrancher1
It's kind of hard "hide" that .... !

Even when "that" (the "that" on the right of the pic) is smiling.

“"I take responsibility” for what happened on September 11, Clinton said in an interview with CNN’s Elise Labott"
Instead of asking questions about what/when/where/how of the GOP; you should be asking it of Obama, Hillary, et al................ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hillary was placed under oath and grilled by the subcommittee at length. Result? Nothing. White House emails released. Result? Nothing. Statements by military personnel in the area refuting the whacko contentions that the two Special Forces who apparently consisted of the react team stand down. Nothing. The ridiculous allegation that F16's simply flying over the embassy, even though they were too far away to reach it, would cause the crowds to flee in panic. Nothing.

Nothing. Because there nothing to get. It's a bad situation caused by enemies of the United States in a country 10,000 miles away. It happened over the course of a few hours, things were extremely confused on the ground and correct decisions are hard to come by in those situations.....unless you are an arm-chair Republican Monday morning quarterback with a hyperpartisan agenda to pursue. Like Whirlytard, his dimwit crew of buffoons inhabiting this board and the rest of the republicans who keep this stupid issue alive for one reason and one reason only....they believe it damages Obama, the current president...and, more importantly, they believe it damages Hillary Clinton, who they are scared to death will be the next President. They are not concerned with the truth, they are intent on inflicting political damage without regard for the truth.

It's simple. They will lie, cheat or steal to gain a perceived political advantage and that is exactly what they are doing with Bhengazi. Everybody knows it, it's the way the game gets played.
No she wasn't............not in her Jan. 23 testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee....................a nd in the testimony she misled Congress on a number of key issues.

Fucking moron.

And in later testimony she was placed under oath and lied ! But of course the GOP will do nothing..just like Holder getting away with his lies.

Just because the Obama administration is good at managing their scandals doesn't mean the scandals don't exist.

Fucking tool.

Hillary was placed under oath ........... Originally Posted by timpage
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  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 03:28 PM
No she wasn't............not in her Jan. 23 testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee....................a nd in the testimony she misled Congress on a number of key issues.

Fucking moron.

And in later testimony she was placed under oath and lied ! But of course the GOP will do nothing..just like Holder getting away with his lies.

Just because the Obama administration is good at managing their scandals doesn't mean the scandals don't exist.

Fucking tool. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you calling Hildabeast a liar is funny